The Wisdom of the TorahDagobert D. Runes Citadel Press, 2001 - 300 pages Citadel Press is proud to announce the newest titles in the Wisdom Library, a collection of books showcasing the thoughts and writings of diverse literary, philosophical, political, and scientific immortals. These books deserve a place on every home bookshelf and in every student's basic library. |
Table des matières
The Men Behind the Book | 5 |
Poems of King David | 91 |
Parables of King Solomon | 106 |
Solomons Elegy on Vanity | 161 |
The Vision of Isaiah | 179 |
Ethics of King Solomon | 196 |
Aphorisms of Jeshu ben Sirah | 211 |
The Love Songs of King Solomon | 292 |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
abomination affliction Almighty anger answer Barachel Behold beloved better blessed bringeth children of Israel children of men cometh commandments counsel curse darkness daughter death destruction Deuteronomy doeth doth earth Eliphaz enemy evil father feareth flesh fool foolish frankincense fruit give giveth glory goeth gold Hast thou hateth hear heaven Hebrew Bible honour iniquity Jerusalem judgment keepeth king King Solomon knoweth knowledge labour land Lebanon lest thou lips Lord hath Lord thy loveth maketh mercy merry heart mighty mocketh myrrh perish poor Psalms rejoice rich righteous saith servant shalt thou shew sinner sins sorrow spirit stranger strength sword tabernacle Temanite thereof thine eyes things thou art thou hast thou shalt thy hand thy heart thy neighbour thyself tongue Torah understanding ungodly unto thee upright vanity Whoso wicked wickedness wine wisdom wise woman words wrath