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me, and I should be a father to the three poor little children. As you have been a father to us three, I thought I should be a father to your three." And so strong was this impression, that he would seem quite hurt if his friends did not think he would get better. He would at times be so flattered, that, while bystanders evidently saw him getting worse, he would say, "I think very differently from you all; for I believe I shall live to be an old man!"

At one time his father, feeling the great importance of eternal realities, and fearing lest he should not clear his conscience by setting the real truth before him, endeavoured to make a statement of the fallen condition we were all in, through the sin of our first parents; consequently, we were all in a state of enmity against God, and could neither be subject to the Law, nor in love with the Gospel. His father at the same time asked him several questions, especially if his mind were enlightened to see that God had revealed Himself under two characters. Through His holy Law being broken, He, the Great Jehovah, was to fallen man a consuming Fire-the Almighty Thunderer coming to us directly as transgressors through His fiery Law, He could minister to man nothing but condemnation and death. "Now, Jason, have you really been brought in spirit to feel these truths to be solemn realities?" He answered very satis factorily, that this was what he did feel, and this was why the poisonous self-righteous doctrines, so much preached, would not suit him.


"And, on the other hand, you say you try to say a few words to Him, and, sometimes, hope He takes notice of you, and you feel a little encouraged; but do you think He will or can bless you, or any other sinner apart from Christ? Do you really feel hhe need of His mediation, so that you dare not

approach God in any other way but in God's highway of holiness? Do you feel Christ and His cross to be the only way of escape for a guilty sinner? And do you, in your humble way, put in your plea for mercy in His name alone?"

The dear boy seemed perfectly to understand and to enter into these things, and said, "Ah, father, I did not understand this before." Then there was stated to him something of the nature of the love of God; that it was an everlasting love; that God, the Great and Incomprehensible, had condescended to reveal Himself through His Word, and therein revealed His ancient purposes of love, and left on record how He entered into covenant and decreed to save sinners, even before man was formed or sin had entered, &c.

Several Scriptures and Hymns were quoted, such


"Then in the glass of His decrees,

Christ and His Bride appeared as one :
Her sin by imputation His,

While she in spotless splendour shone."

Then a little was said to him about the doctrine of election, how full of sweet encouragement it was to poor convinced, law-condemned sinners who felt no fitness in themselves, and stripped of their fancied meetness to approach the Great I AM; and from necessity cried for mercy, and were glad of the blessed news of an Intercessor, who ever lives to make intercession for all that come to God by Him, &c. And then it was stated to him that this coming to Jesus manifested the electing love of God the Father, who chose a people in Christ. The 17th Chapter of John was also referred to, showing how blessedly the dear Saviour preached election; and how His own people were given to Him before time began, as Bunyan somewhere says, "They

were given to Him in the lump in Eternity, but called to come to Him in time by the Holy Spirit ; and their coming proved they were elected."

The youth enjoyed these conversations, in which many things were conversed over which are here omitted, especially the nature of God's teaching in the hearts of His elect, "showing it was something more than convictions however deep, or joys however high.".

John vi. was also referred to, to prove man cannot and will not come to Jesus, excepting God the Father draw Him. So here is the Father's love in drawing by the Almighty agency of the Holy Spirit, and Christ with open arms and loving heart, ready to receive every. comer with the blessed-" Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out."

These and many similar passages were conversed over, and he seemed highly delighted with the idea that election gets everything ready for needy sinners, and said he would not change states with those who have so much religion as to want to bring God in a debtor, and spoke as if He would be unjust if He did not save them. He expressed himself as being very thankful to God for so graciously opening his eyes to see differently.

One evening after prayer, as he staggered across the room to go to bed, he spoke out, and said, “I could say Amen to that!" referring to what was asked in prayer might be done for him ere he changed worlds-that he might be blessed with an increase of true faith in the mediation of Christ, and that his mind might be enlightened to have clearer apprehensions of the work of Christ, in His life and death; also of His present work as Intercessor, &c., so that he might ray more, and put in his petitions in the name of

Jesus, feeling He was the only way of escape for perishing sinners.

Another time he said, on leaving for bed, in a low whisper, "Let me hide myself in Thee !

His father asked him if he were thinking of Gethsemane. He answered, "No ;" and at this time he was so weak that it was very difficult for him to speak, even in a whisper. But at last he got it out: "I was thinking of the Rock of Ages cleft for me," &c., and then repeated the following words in a very fervent manner, "Here I fix my hope!" (To be continued.)


A NAME of Him who died for men.
A stone erected near to Shen.
A man who did a saint befriend.
A name of Him whom God did send.
A badge of service to the Lord.
A thing called witness in the Word.
A young believer, loved by Paul.
A woman who on God did call.
A thing, before which who can stand?
A mountain north in Israel's land.
One who kissed and went away.
Those who will stand in God's great day.
A man who before a king did play.
Reader, the Initials form a phrase,
Which all obey who have true grace.
If you are one who this thing do,
As certain as the Word is true,
You'll find the favours which you crave
From Him who died the Church to save.




173. Aug. 4.

174. Aug. 11.

175. Aug. 18.

176. Aug. 25.

Texts to show the true nature of man's righteousness.

Texts to show God's righteousness
in His law.

Texts to show the righteousness of

Texts to show the righteousness of
Jesus is imparted to believers.


Nahum Nahum i. I.

O badiah-2 Chron. xvii. 7.
Timothy-1 Tim. i. 1. and 2 Tim. i. I.

O bed-Edom-2 Sam. vi. 11.
Felix-Acts xxiv. 25.

T ahpenes—1 Kings xi. 19.
H ophni-1 Sam. iv. 17.
E lijah-1 Kings xix. 17.
Water-Genesis xlix. 4.
Othniel-Judges iii. 9.
Rhoda-Acts xii. 13, 14.
Leah-Genesis xxix. 32.
Daniel-Daniel vi. 10.


(The poetry on the Enigma next month.)

CHRIST does not give us a stock of grace, and expect us to improve it by being faithful to grace given; no, that is not His way. Our souls must

depend upon Him, as our bodies do upon the elements of this world.-Romaine.

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