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" In these foresaid places, the apostle toucheth specially three things, which must go together in our justification. Upon God's part, his great mercy and grace; upon Christ's part, justice, that is, the satisfaction of God's justice, or the price of our... "
Theron and Aspasio: Or, A Series of Dialogues and Letters, Upon the Most ... - Page 354
de James Hervey - 1767
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The Works of Augustus M. Toplady, Volume 5

Augustus Toplady - 1794 - 526 pages
...Upon God's part, his great mercy and grace. Upon Chrift's part, juftice ; that is, the fatisfaction of God's juftice, or the price of our redemption, by the offering of his body, and the fhedding of his blood ; together with fulfilling of the law perfectly and thoroughly. And, upon...
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The Christian observer [afterw.] The Christian observer and advocate

1804 - 824 pages
...justification], upon God's part his great mercy and grace; upon Christ's part the satisfaction of God's justice .or the price of our redemption, by the offering of his body and shedding of his blood ; and upon our part true and lively fajth ¡n the merits of Jesus Christ; [which yet is not ours, but...
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Sermons or homilies, appointed to be read in churches, with notes [by C ...

Church of England homilies - 1811 - 716 pages
...his great mercy and grace : upon Christ's part, justice; that is, the satisfaction of God's justice, .or the price of our redemption, by the offering of...of his blood, with fulfilling of the law, perfectly and thoroughly; aud upon our part, true and lively faith in the merits of Jfsus Christ, On Salvation....
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Remarks on The Refutation of Calvinism: By George Tomline ...

Thomas Scott - 1811 - 408 pages
...great ' mercy and grace ; upon Christ's part^ justice ; that ' is, the satisfaction of God's justice, or the price of ' our redemption, by the offering...body, and * shedding of his blood, with fulfilling the law per* fectly and thoroughly : and upon our part, trufe * and lively faith, in the merits of...
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The Fathers, the Reformers, and the Public Formularies of the Church of ...

John Allen - 1812 - 172 pages
...his great mercy and grace. Upon Christ's part, justice ; that is, the satisfaction of God's justice, or the price of our redemption, by the offering of his body, and the shedding of his blood ; together with fulfilling of the law perfectly and thoroughly. And upon...
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Sermons: Or, Homilies, Parties 1 à 2

Church of England - 1815 - 542 pages
...upon Christ's part, jus- ufi— i*t' tiee, that is, the satisfaetion of God's justiee, or the priee of our redemption, by the offering of his body, and...shedding of his blood, with fulfilling of the Law perfeetly and thoroughly ; and upon our part, true and lively faith in the merits of Jesus Christ,...
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The Marrow of the Church: The Doctrines of Christ's Righteousness Inputed ...

William Hammond - 1816 - 322 pages
...Liturgies of the Church of England. The Homily of the Salvation of Mankind avers, that Christ paid " the price of our redemption by the " offering of his body and shedding of his blood, " itith fulfilling of the law perfectly and thoroughly." Not only the oblation of Christ's body and...
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Sermons or homilies, appointed to be read in churches. To which are added ...

Church of England homilies - 1816 - 624 pages
...his great mercy and grace; upon Chrift's part, juftice, that is, the fatisfactton of God's iuftice, or the price of our redemption, by the offering of his body, and fhedding of his blood, with fulfilling of the Law perfe&ly and throughly ; and upon our part, true...
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Remarks on The Refutation of Calvinism, by George Tomline, D. D ..., Volume 1

Thomas Scott - 1817 - 528 pages
...' great mercy and grace; upon Christ's part, justice; that ' is, the satisfaction of God'S justice, or the price of our 'redemption, by the offering of...body, and shedding ' of his blood, with fulfilling the law perfectly and tho' roughly: and upon our part, true and lively faith, in ' the merits of Christ.'...
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Original Sin, Free-will, Grace, Regeneration, Justification, Faith, Good ...

Henry John Todd - 1818 - 324 pages
...his great mercy and grace; upon Christ's part, justice, that is, the satisfaction of God's justice, or the price of our redemption; by the offering of...of his blood, with fulfilling of the Law perfectly and thoroughly ; and upon our part, true and lively Faith in the merits of Jesus Christ, which yet...
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