| Augustus Toplady - 1794 - 526 pages
...Chrift, for to have only by him remifiion of our fins, or juftification. So that our faith in Chrift. (as it were; faith unto us thus : It is not I that take away your fins, but it is Chrift only, and to him only I fend you for that purpofe ; forfaking therein all your... | |
| 1802 - 628 pages
...Chrirt, for to have only by him remiffion of our fins, or ¡unification. So that our faith in Chrift (as it were) faith unto us thus : It is not I that take away your fins, but it is Chrift only ; and to him only I fend you for that purpofe, forfaking therein all your... | |
| 1803 - 558 pages
...ofChri/l's death unto us, fo that it may wo-rfc the falvation of our fouls." " Our faith in Chrift (as it were) faith unto us thus : It is not I that take away your fins, but it is Chrift only; and to him only I fend you for that purpofe, forfaking therein all your... | |
| Thomas Tregenna Biddulph - 1810 - 490 pages
...only by Him remission of our sins or justification. So that our faith in Christ (as it were) saith unto us thus, It is not I that take away your sins, but it is Christ only, and to Him only I send you for that purpose, forsaking therein all your good virtues, words, thoughts, and works, and... | |
| Thomas Scott - 1811 - 408 pages
...great, Sec.'1 After this quotation, it follows ' So that our faith in Christ, (as it ' were) saitli unto us thus : It is not I that take ' away your sins, but it is Christ only ; and to him ' only I send you for that purpose, forsaking therein ' all your good virtues, words, thoughts, works, and 1... | |
| Isaac Taylor - 1812 - 774 pages
...truly repent and turn unfeignedly to him again. ... So that our faith in Christ, as it were, saith unto us thus, It is not I that take away your sins, but it is Christ only ; and to him only 1 send you for that purpose, forsaking therein all your good virtues, words, thoughts and works, and... | |
| John Allen - 1812 - 172 pages
...excluder, all boasting, the righteousness of works . x. 3. tI.bid.iii.-2T. CHURCH Of ENGLAND. unto us thu?, It is not I that take away your sins, but it is Christ only, and to him only I send you for that purpose ; forsaking therein all your good virtues, words, thoughts, and works, and... | |
| Church of England - 1815 - 542 pages
...Only by him remission of our sins» or justifieation. So that our faith in Christ (as it were) saith unto us thus : It is not I that take away your sins, but it is Christ only ; and to him only I send yon for that purpose, forsaking therein all your £ood virtues, words, thoughts, and works, and... | |
| Thomas Scott - 1817 - 528 pages
...great, 8cc.'* After this quotation, it follows ' So that our faith in Christ, (as it were) ' saitfl unto us thus: It is not I that take away your ' sins, but it is Christ only; and to him only I send you ' for that purpose, forsaking therein all your good vir' tues, words, thoughts, works, and... | |
| John Allen - 1817 - 218 pages
...our sins, or justification, so that our faith in Christ (as it were) saith unto us thus, It is not 1 that take away your sins, but it is Christ only, and to him only I send you for that purpose ; forsaking therein all your good virtues, words, thoughts, and works, and... | |
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