The Gospel According to John: Authorized King James VersionCanongate U.S., 1999 - 61 pages The publication of the King James version of the Bible, translated between 1603 and 1611, coincided with an extraordinary flowering of English literature and is universally acknowledged as the greatest influence on English-language literature in history. Now, world-class literary writers introduce the book of the King James Bible in a series of beautifully designed, small-format volumes. The introducers' passionate, provocative, and personal engagements with the spirituality and the language of the text make the Bible come alive as a stunning work of literature and remind us of its overwhelming contemporary relevance. |
Table des matières
I | 1 |
II | 4 |
III | 6 |
IV | 8 |
V | 12 |
VI | 15 |
VII | 19 |
VIII | 23 |
XII | 35 |
XIII | 37 |
XIV | 39 |
XV | 42 |
XVI | 43 |
XVII | 46 |
XVIII | 48 |
XIX | 49 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
26 Jesus answered Art thou baptized bear witness Behold believeth blind body of Jesus born bread Caiaphas Capernaum Che Guevara chief priests Christ cometh crucified darcey steinke dead devil disciples doeth eyes Father hath feast feed five thousand feet flesh Galilee glorified glory Gospel hateth hath sent heard heaven high priest hour Jerusalem Jesus knew Jesus loved Jesus saith unto Jesus unto Jews John John's Judæa Judas Iscariot King Kleinburg knoweth Lazarus Lord Martha Mary miracles Moses mother mother of Jesus Nathanael passover Peter saith unto Pharisees Philip Pilate Pocket Canon prophet received receiveth sabbath day sayest thou scripture seeth sepulchre servant sheep shew Simon Peter speak speaketh Spirit spoken unto stood temple thine things thou art thou gavest thou hast given thou shalt told truth Verily voice walk wash whence Whither I go whosoever woman words X-Files ye believe ye know ye shall ask