A collection of hymns, by J. Bradford1792 |
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bleffing bleſs bleſſed bliſs boaft bread Chriſt Chriſtian confcience croſs curſe dear death defire diſtreſs divine eternal ev'ry fafe faints faith falvation fame Father fave fear feek feel fent fervant fing finners firſt flain fleſh fong forrow foul fountain fuch fure give glory God's goſpel grace guilt hath hear heart heav'n heav'nly hell Holy hope HYMN Jefu's Jefus Jeſu's blood Jeſus John John iii John iv juſt King Lamb live loft Lord Luke Matt mercy moſt muſt peace Phil pow'r praife praiſe pray'r precious raiſe redeeming reft rejoice reſt righteouſneſs ſave Saviour ſay ſee ſeek ſet ſhall ſheep ſhew ſhould ſov'reign ſpeak ſpirit ſpread ſtand ſtill ſtreams ſtrength ſtrong ſuch ſweet taſte thee theſe thine things thoſe thou art throne thy love thy prefence thy word truft truſt truth unto Whoſe wounds
Fréquemment cités
Page 224 - Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above, Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, strong as death. 5 " Thou shalt see My glory soon, When the work of grace is done ; Partner of My throne shalt be ; Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou Me?
Page 225 - Thou shalt see my glory soon, When the work of grace is done ; Partner of my throne shalt be, Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me ?" 6 Lord, it is my chief complaint, That my love is weak and faint ; Yet I love thee and adore, Oh for grace to love thee more ! + CXIX.
Page 291 - While I am a pilgrim here, Let thy love my spirit cheer ; As my guide, my guard, my friend, Lead me to my journey's end.
Page 40 - God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings us nigh, Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream; All the fitness He requireth, Is to feel your need of Him; This He gives you ; 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam.
Page 72 - Oh, for grace our hearts to soften! Teach us, Lord, at length to love; We, alas! forget too often What a Friend we have above: But when home our souls are brought, We will love Thee as we ought.
Page 207 - O how benevolent and kind ! How mild, how ready to forgive ! Be this the temper of our mind, And these the rules by which we live. 4 To do his heav'nly Father's will, W~as his employment and delight ; Humility and holy zeal Shone through his life divinely bright.
Page 11 - Here may we prove the power of prayer, To strengthen faith and sweeten care ; To teach our faint desires to rise, And bring all heaven before our eyes.
Page 78 - See, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4. Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all.
Page 24 - Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove ; And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love.
Page 78 - His blood. 3 See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or...