the authority of the church presumes to lay on his reasoning powers; and to this laudable pride of man it must be imputed that of those who are unhappily tempted to submit to this unchristian usurpation, so many appear solicitous to re-assert their liberty and independence, and to make by this means some atonement for the treason of which they have been guilty against the sacred rights of conscience. Hence it is, that often in their conversation and their sermons, and not seldom in their publications, they resume those unalienable privileges, which they once pretended to renounce; and shew, that they will think and reason for themselves, notwithstanding their former solemn declarations of assenting and consenting to the determinations of the church. While things continue in this state, the dissenters are well warranted in asserting, that their cause is countenanced, and that their distinguishing principles are virtually espoused, by a very respectable number of the clergy of the established church; for, all those who print, preach, speak, or even think, on religious subjects, in any degree contrary to the articles which they have subscribed, are so far dissenters that they renounce the authority of the church in matters of faith. Over men of this description the non-subscribing dissenters have the greatest advantage in respect to that consistency of character, which is of so much importance to the true dignity and happiness of man. It is hoped, that every person who reads the following defence of the principles of the dissenters, will remember, that the only point in dispute between them, and the defenders of the established church is this : D WHETHER MEN ARE TO REASON AND JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES CONCERNING THE ARTICLES OF FAITH, AND THE RITES AND CEREMONIES OF RELIGION, AS APPOINTED BY JESUS CHRIST, THE ONLY LAWGIVER OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH? OR, WHETHER THE CHURCH, AS BY LAW ESTABLISHED, HAS POWER TO DECREE RITES AND CEREMONIES AND AUTHORITY IN CONTROVERSIES OF FAITH. May the God of truth judge between the contending parties! He will judge in righteousness: and to him alone be the glory of dominion over conscience, and all authority in religion throughout all churches, in all ages. Amen. I SHOULD not have chosen a debate of this kind in the present situation of our public affairs :* but, as you have done me the honour of publicly addressing to me three long letters for my conviction and edification, gratitude and good manners constrain me to answer. As worldly considerations are very strong on your side, I assure you I have an ear always open to any thing that may shew conformity to be my duty. Dissenters are not men of so peculiar a turn of mind as to love suffering and reproach, or to despise the dignities, preferments, and lucrative posts, to the amount of millions a year, which are shared among their fellow-subjects, could they with a good conscience partake of them, as they have a natural right to do. * These letters were first published in 1746, the year in which, notwithstanding this kingdom was so happily delivered from some of its distresses, by the defeat of the rebel army at Culloden, yet it was still engaged in a war with France and Spain. B But notwithstanding this prejudice in favour of your argument, and all the ingenuity with which you set it off, I cannot say it has wrought in me the conviction you seemed to hope. So far Sir from this, that the more carefully I examine the grounds of my separation, the more thoroughly I am convinced of its lawfulness and expediency, of its being a debt I owe to GOD, to Liberty, to Truth, and an act of homage and allegiance due to CHRIST, the only Lawgiver and King in his church. I shall not enter upon the enquiry on which you largely expatiate, which are the best livers, Churchmen or Dissenters, and amongst which the best means for holy living are to be found. Let the world judge between us. Would to GOD that both of us had greater reason to boast! The controversy between us, Sir, I apprehend, may easily be brought to a plain and short issue, if you will heartily join in it. It turns upon the single point of the XXth article of your church, viz. That the CHURCH hath power to decree rites and ceremonies, and authority in matters of faith. For, if the CHURCH hath really this authority and power, then all objections of the Dissenters, about sponsors, the cross in baptism, kneeling at the Lord's supper, and every other thing, are impertinent and vain: the church, having this authority, ought reverently to be obeyed. And if, instead of two or three ceremonies, it had enjoined two or three score; and if to the thirty-nine articles it had added a hundred besides, we ought meekly to have bowed down to her spiritual jurisdiction, and to have believed and practised as the Church had taught and enjoined. But if, on the contrary, the Church hath really and in truth no power at all, nor authority of this kind; yea, if CHRIST the great Lawgiver and King of his Church, hath expressly commanded that no such power shall ever be claimed, or ever be yielded by any of his followers, then your church is reprehensible and highly criminal before God for usurping this power; and consequently, the Dissenters are justified, and will have honour before Gon, for entering their protest against such usurpation; for asserting the rights and privileges of the Christian Church, and for standing fast in the liberty wherewith CHRIST has made them free. You are pleased to represent our separation from the establishment in very black and terrifying colours, as a sin of nearly the first magnitude. ---" Our ministers," you say, " have guilt lying "heavily upon them on account of their schisma"tical and uncatholic proceedings.---They are "notoriously peccant, (i. e. are great sinners,) in "throwing off the authority of those whom they "ought to obey and submit themselves to.-"Their conduct is such as you challenge all the " wit and ingenuity of the nation ever to recon"cile with holy living.---You represent them as "carnal, evil, and deceitful workers, disorderly "walkers, whom GOD will undoubtedly, for these "things, bring into judgment;* and the faith"ful, far from being permitted to enter into any " pastoral relation to them, are not permitted to " have any Christian communion with them; no "not so much as any intimate unnecessary ac"quaintance and familiarity with them in com"mon life;"† with much more to the same purpose. You speak also "of the Lay-dissenter as hav"ing stained his soul with guilt; and of the doc"trine on which our separation is built, as being " false and dangerous. This you wish me to lay " to heart, and seriously to consider." * Letter I. page 82, 83. + Letter II. page 8. |