The Psalms, Applied to the Christian State and Worship

S. Bagster, 1827 - 169 pages

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Page 127 - COME, holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers ; Kindle a flame of sacred love , In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look, how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys ; Our souls can neither fly nor go To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies.
Page 10 - BEHOLD, the morning sun Begins his glorious way ; His beams through all the nations run, And life and light convey. 2 But where the gospel comes, It spreads diviner light ; It calls dead sinners from their tombs, And gives the blind their sight.
Page 91 - HOW beauteous are their feet, Who stand on Zion's hill, Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! 2 How charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are ! ' Zion, behold thy Saviour, King ; He reigns and triumphs here.
Page 46 - SWEET is the work, my God, my King, To praise thy name, give thanks and sing ; To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night.
Page 71 - GIVE to our God immortal praise ! Mercy and truth are all his ways : Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. 2 Give to the Lord of lords renown, The King of kings with glory crown : His mercies ever shall endure, When lords and kings are known no more. 3 He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fixed the starry lights on high : Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song.
Page 155 - See, from His head, His hands. His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet ? Or thorns compose so rich a crown...
Page 123 - rest, That saw the Lord arise ; Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes ! 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints today ; Here we may sit, and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray.
Page 50 - We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise ; And earth with her ten thousand tongues Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise.
Page 148 - On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain. 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away, A sacrifice of nobler name And richer blood than they.
Page 120 - Why do we mourn departing friends ? Or shake at death's alarms ? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms.

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