Records of the Committees for Compounding, Etc: With Delinquent Royalists in Durham and Northumberland During the Civil War, Etc., 1643-1660, Volume 111Society, 1905 - 461 pages |
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Records of the Committees for Compounding, Etc: With Delinquent Royalists in ... Richard Welford Affichage du livre entier - 1905 |
Records of the Committees for Compounding, Etc: With Delinquent Royalists in ... Richard Welford Affichage du livre entier - 1905 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
acres Act for Sale annuity Anthony arrears begs allowance Blakiston Capt Castle certify charge Chas Chris colliery Collingwood commissioners Committee Conyers Cuth dated debts delinquency demesne discharge Duddo Durham Earl of Newcastle Elizth Errington farm Fenwick Fran Gateshead gent Gibside granted Grey Haggerston Hall Harraton Haslerigg hath heir Hexham Hist Hodgson House of Commons July June Lady Lambton lands lease Letten Liddell Lilburn Lord manor married Martinmas messuage moiety Morpeth Newcastle-upon-Tyne Northd Ogle ordinance paid papist parish Parliament Parlt payment pedigree persons petitioner petitions the C.C. Pudsey Raiph Ralph Ralph Widdrington recusancy rent rent-charge Richd Robt Salvin Sept sequestered sequestered estates Sir Arth Sir Hen Sir John Sir John Clavering Sir Thos Sir Wm Sunderland Surtees Tempest tenants tenements thereof tithes Treason Trustees Widdrington widow wife Wray Wren yearly yeoman
Fréquemment cités
Page 151 - ... to the use of the first son of the body of my said nephew John Micklethwait lawfully to be begotten, and the heirs male of the body of such first son lawfully issuing; and, in default of such issue...
Page 411 - I, AB, do declare, That I do believe that there is not any transubstantiation in the sacrament of the Lord's supper, or in the elements of bread and wine, at or after the consecration thereof by any person whatsoever.
Page 408 - GOD, endeavour, in our several places and callings, the preservation of the reformed religion in the Church of Scotland, in doctrine, worship, discipline, and government, against our common enemies ; the reformation of religion in the kingdoms of England and Ireland, in doctrine, worship, discipline, and government, according to the word of GOD, and the example of the best reformed Churches...
Page 407 - WE, Noblemen, Barons, Knights, Gentlemen, Citizens, Burgesses, Ministers of the Gospel, and Commons of all sorts, in the kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Ireland,* by the providence of GOD, living under one King, and being of one reformed religion, having before our eyes, the glory of God, and the advancement of the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, the...
Page 410 - And this covenant we make in the presence of Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, with a true intention to perform the same, as we shall answer at that great day, when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed ; most humbly beseeching the lord to strengthen us by his holy Spirit, for...
Page 411 - I also believe that Salvation cannot be merited by Works, and all doctrines in affirmation of the said points I do abjure and renounce without any equivocation, mental reservation or secret evasion whatsoever, taking the words by me spoken according to the common and usual meaning of them.
Page 409 - We shall also, according to our places and callings, in this common cause of religion, liberty, and peace of the kingdoms, assist and defend all those that enter into this League and Covenant...
Page 409 - ... league and covenant, in the maintaining and pursuing thereof; and shall not suffer ourselves, directly or indirectly, by whatsoever combination, persuasion or terror, to be divided and withdrawn from this blessed union and conjunction, whether to make defection to the contrary part, or...