A SCRIPTURE ACCOUNT OF THE FAITH AND PRACTICE OF CHRISTIANS: CONSISTING OF AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF PERTINENT TEXTS OF SCRIPTURE, GIVEN AT LARGE, UPON THE VARIOUS ARTICLES OF REVEALED RELIGION; REDUCED INTO DISTINCT SECTIONS, SO AS TO EMBRACE ALL THE BRANCHES OF EACH SUBJECT, THE MOTIVES TO THE BELIEF OR PRACTICE OF THE DOCTRINES TAUGHT, AND THE THREATENINGS, PROMISES, REWARDS, PUNISHMENTS,/EXAMPLES, &C. ANNEXED. ADDRESSED 1870 ALIFORNI TO THE UNDERSTANDING, THE HOPES, AND THE FEARS OF CHRISTIANS. THE WHOLE FORMING A COMPLETE CONCORDANCE TO ALL THE ARTICLES OF FAITH AND PRACTICE TAUGHT IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. BY HUGH GASTON, V. D. M. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY D. HOGAN, NO. 51, SOUTH RECOMMENDATIONS. [The editor submits to his patrons the following approbatory testimonials to this valuable work, with which he was politely favoured when proposals for publishing it were first issued.] THE design of Gaston's Collections, is to arrange under the general heads or common topics of Theology, the various texts of scripture, which, in the opinion of the author, bear upon the several points which he specifies ;-or in other words, to form a kind of system of divinity from the Bible itself. The compiler appears to have been a man of orthodox principles, and his work is the fruit of much industry. It will I think be found of considerable use to those who wish to support their religious principles by scripture authority. ASHBEL GREEN, D. D. Senior Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. APRIL 22, 1805. I HAVE examined the work entitled, "Gaston's Collections, or a Scripture Account of the Faith and Practice of Christians, &c.” and am of opinion that it is well adapted to facilitate the study of the sacred writings. APRIL 25, 1805. P. MILLEDOLER, Pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. DEAR SIR, Philadelphia, May 6th, 1805. IT is with pleasure I inform you, that "Gaston's Scripture Collections," is a book I have been for some considerable length of time acquainted with. Without any hesitation I give you an unequivocal approbation of the work, and consider it not only as the best adapted book for the student in divinity, but also peculiarly suitable for the private Christian; because he has in one comprehensive view, all the proofs necessary, on the different subjects |