NOW FIRST COLLECTED INTO A BODY; WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF HIS LIFE AND WRITINGS: BY WILLIAM JONES, Author of the History of the Christian Church, Biblical TO THE CHURCH AND CONGREGATION ASSEMBLING IN LITTLE WILD STREET, NEAR LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, THE FOLLOWING DISCOURSES ON DOMESTIC DUTIES, ARE, WITH GREAT RESPECT, INSCRIBED, BY THEIR AFFECTIONATE FRIEND, AND OBLIGED HUMBLE SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. a 2 ADVERTISEMENT. A SERIOUS attention to Domestic Duties hath ever been considered, by wise and good people, as a matter of the last importance to the civil and religious interests of mankind. To persuade men to the faithful and cheerful discharge of these duties, is the object of the following Discourses. The author is sensible that there are many excellent treatises on most of the subjects that compose this volume. But he presumes, that the character of the present times, too sadly marked by inattention to these important matters; and the possibility of placing them in a light somewhat different from that in which they have been usually considered, are sufficient reasons to justify this attempt. With great diffidence he submits it to the candour of the Public: not doubting but his views, however he may have failed in the execution of his plan, will meet the approbation of the friends of virtue and religion; and engage their good wishes for its favourable reception, and their cordial prayers for its success. The first discourse, which has a general respect to all the duties of benevolence, was intended as an introductory one to a plan of which this volume is only a part. Whether the plan will ever be completed is uncertain. But this circumstance is here mentioned as an apology for what might otherwise be deemed an impropriety. |