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have an occasion of noticing this, as it affords a notable evidence of the right honourable gentleman's very tender and fatherly care of the Papists, even of such as are subjects of another country. This is shewn in the very gentle and delicate nature of the infliction (we cannot call it punishment) which is to follow upon any breach of the law. If any such person (viz. alien, or who has not resided in the kingdom during the last, five years) shall presume to exercise such functions, he being thereof convicted by due course of law" [nothing done hastily in this matter] " shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and" (what does the reader think? " shall be LIABLE to be sent out of the Kingdom; and for that purpose" [great particularity is to be used] " it shall be lawful for any one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, or the Lord Lieutenant, or Chief Governor, or Chief Governors of Ireland, or his or their Chief Secretary by warrant under his hand and seal, directed to such persons as he shall think fit, to order such person, so convicted as aforesaid, to be CONDUCTED and CONVEYED out of this Kingdom." The gentleman is thus to be civilly conducted out of the kingdom, probably to his own country, or to the place where he has been resident for five years past, or at least, in his way to it;-no doubt well treated and lodged and fed,-as the Government does all these things liberally. But what if the gentleman do not choose to stay there, if he come back again the next day, in the very same packet which conveyed him and the messenger; what is to be done then? Our readers who have been used to hear of the heavy penalties which ordinarily attend any such contempt of the law in men who having been " convicted by due course of law" evade or refuse to submit to the punishment which is ordained for the offence; who know that felons returning from transportation before the expiration of their term, incur the sentence of death, as did those Papists, who, having abjured the realm, again set their foot in it; who may be aware that even a pauper who has been removed (conveyed)" by due course of law" from one parish to another, if he return to the first parish without having acquired a subsequent right or authority so to do, is liable to be imprisoned in the House of Correction, our readers, surely, anticipate something very serious in the case of a man who is guilty of what cannot but be considered as flying in the very face of the Government, as evincing a determined resolution to oppose established order and to disturb the public peace. What then is to follow in such a case? NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING! There is no sort of provision for the case, which yet ex erience might teach us is very likely to happen. For, as these gentlemen consider themselves, and call themselves missionary priests, sent to convert heretics, of course they will not be easily diverted from their purposes: and their own historians, as well as the records of this

country, will amply shew that not even the severest penalties will prevent their intruding into this Kingdom when sent hither by an authority which they deem paramount to all human enactments whatever. Yet such is the morbid sensibility of Mr. Grattan where Papists are concerned, that he has provided no sort of penalty for that which would considerably aggravate the original misdemeanour. Nor do we see what power there is under the act to send away a second time, to "conduct and convey" such a man so obstinately returning; but that he may still stay here unmolested, if he will be content only to advise, or to practise secretly, that of which he had before been " convicted by due course of law."

We shall perhaps return to this again. But we must now advert, though we can do it but shortly, to Mr. Canning's " quædam alia" to use his own terms from Smelfungus, and which were added by him as a supplement to the " omnes res" or the " full and complete security" of the other right honourable gentleman.

That which strikes us, and which will, we think, when properly stated, strike our readers, is this, that all, or most of his provisions are in effect, but not in terms, a repeal of several Acts of Parliament. It is the doing that by a side-wind, which probably the right honourable gentleman thought it better not to propose directly and explicitly. It may be indeed that the right honourable gentleman, who has chosen to borrow his theology from Sir John Coxe Hippisley, may have taken his information respecting the law from some doctor of equally bright attain. ments in that other branch of learning. He might not know, that, although not of late years put in force, there actually exists a statute, very well known by the name of the statute of Præmunire, passed in the 16th year of Richard II. (c. 5) which prohibits the bringing into the Realm any bulls or instruments from Rome, touching certain matters there men. tioned under very grievous penalties; and that this offence, further extended to the bringing in of any bulls, is by the statute passed in the 13th year of Elizabeth (c. 2) made high treason. Now Mr. Canning, having to legislate on the same subject, takes no notice of these statutes, but considering or seeming to consider it, as a matter perfectly open to any one, and lawful, proposes certain provisions and regulations under which such bulls and instruments shall be received. They are, it seems, to be subjected to a certain Board, created for the purpose in the first place, of further scrutinizing into the loyalty of the Romish Bishops and Deans; and afterwards of legalizing these instruments; which Board is to be composed of certain members of the Privy Council, whether Pro'testant or Popish, and certain Roman Catholic Bishops, Peers, and Commoners; of which Board, in England, a Secretary of State, and, in Ireland, the Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant is to be President. Now it will be


a matter worth consideration how far it may become a Protestant Sovereign to give his express authority in any case to such instruments as these. Let it first be considered that by so doing he makes a solemn and complete recognition, a recognition repeated every time that any such sanction is given, of the spiritual authority of the Pope within this Realm, and over a part, (no one knows how great a part it may become hereafter, but we are repeatedly told that it is at least a fourth,) of his subjects. It makes him too an instrument for giving effect to what he and every other Protestant must regard as an abomination; to bulls ordering what we conceive to be idolatrous services; canonizations and beatifications of fallible, nay of very simple men, men whose whole merit has consisted in supporting the corruptions and abuses of the See of Rome; perhaps grievous persecutors of Protestants, such as were Pius V. and Gregory VII.; to dispensations possibly of marriages within the prohibited degrees, therefore incestuous, as we hold. These, we say, and many many more objections crowd upon us, but we will for the present waive them; and call the reader's attention to what we have before treated of, -the sanctions of this part also of the bill. It being, by the last clause but one, provided that any persons complying with the above provisions, and submitting any bull or instrument which they shall receive to the Board, and having it allowed by the Commissioners, shall be free and exempt from all pains and penalties whatsoever, to which they might otherwise be liable; thus repealing, as to persons so complying with the act, the above statutes of Richard II. and Elizabeth, we might expect that those who would not comply with provisions so reasonable, and so very moderate, should be left to the severity of the law. But no, here again comes in the nervous apprehension and dread of indisposing the Papists; no harshness whatever, it seems, is to be used towards them, and so, only Mr. Grattan's soft and delicate instrument of correction is to be applied. It is further enacted: (the clause is so curious and so important; so much sui generis, that we must give it at length) that

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Any person or persons so receiving any such bull, dispensation, or other instrument as aforesaid, and not so delivering or causing to be delivered as aforesaid, either the said original instrument, er such certificate of the receipt thereof, accompanied by such oath as herein prescribed, (this relates to bulls relating merely to the spiritual concerns of a party); or who shall publish or put in execution, or be wilfully and knowingly concern din publishing and putting in execution any such bull, dispensation or other instrument as aforesaid, in Great Britain or Ireland, before the same shall have been properly inspected and indorsed as aforesaid; shall be guilty of a MISDEMEANOR; and shall VOL. I. [Prot. Adv. July 1813.] 3Y

LIEU OF ALL PAINS AND PENALTIES to which he or they would be liable by any laws now existing in Great Britain or Ireland, respectively, against receiving and publishing bulls, dispensations, or other instruments from the See of Rome, or from any authority, or pretended authority under the said See, be LIABLE to be sent out of the United Kingdom in manner as herein before directed:"-that is, he may be quietly and comfortably conducted and conveyed out of the kingdom at the public expence in the custody of a messenger-and the moment he sets his foot on the opposite shore, be free to return and to act the same scene over again!!!

This is the notable security which is offered to a Protestant government and people under this bil!! and this, too, upon second thoughts!! These are the improvements of the wisdom of the Right Honourable George Canning, upon the wisdom of the Right Honourable Henry Grattan !!! These are the devices by which we are to shew that we are not FOOL SONS of FOOL FATHERS*!!! Here is a most complete indemnity for treason itself provided by those who are professing to secure permanency and inviolability to our Constitution!!!

We say, positively, that here is a complete indemnity for treason. Any man who should choose to introduce and publish any bull, or other instrument from Rome, of ever so treasonable a nature, and such bulls there are and have been, is here completely protected: he is freed from all real pains and penalties, and only subjected to the liability of, doing that which many of us consider as very pleasant, -taking a short trip to the Continent !!!

All this, we are ready to admit, and verily believe, has happened, without the wise and witty framers of this egregious bill having any such intention, or indeed at all being aware of what they were doing!!!

We have much more to say; we might observe, in order to shew how completely the Protestant interest is overlooked by these provident Senators, that this same board, which is thus to be the sole safeguard, imperfect as we have shewn it to be, of the Constitution, may be wholly composed of Papists; (for Papists may, by the bill, be Privy Counsellors and Secretaries of State,)-and in this case, all that would remain to us of Protestant feelings, or of Protestant authority or interest, would be left at the mercy of those who are the professed adversaries of every thing that is Protestant. But we must now break off. This has insensibly grown to such a length that we must defer our observations on the other important documents which lie before us, and to which we have alluded above. We

* See the last Edinburgh Review, No. XLI. p. 94: to whose notable conceits (conceita indeed, and impudent conceits, in every sense of the word) we trust, at some future day, to be enabled to pay due attention,

have, we think, supplied our readers with sufficient matter for reflection. They, we trust, will join with us in reprobating this mischievous attempt to conciliate at the expence of all that is dear to us, those who can never be conciliated ;- this compromising and playing with our best interests for a mere time-serving purpose; - this vain and rash experiment at forcing together elements naturally and essentially discordant, and utterly incapable of any real or permanent union.*


(Continued from p. 474.)

16. Strong Reasons for rejecting the Roman Catholic Claims; and incontestable Proofs that the Popish Religion is now as it ever was, decidedly hostile to the Protestants, whose TOTAL EXTERMINATION, one of the Roman Catholic Bishops has declared to be near at Hand.

"As to the Papists, their tenets are undoubtedly calculated for the introduction of all slavery, both civil and religious :"-Blackstone :-

Therefore, " to design the advancement of Popery, is to design the ruin of the State, and the destruction of the Church; it is to sacrifice the nation to a double slavery: to prepare chains both for their bodies and their minds."-Bp. Sherlock.

8vo. pp. 392. 1813. J. J. Stockdale, 41, Pall-Mall.

There is hardly a single point of importance respecting the Roman Catholic question, which is not discussed (and at considerable length,) in this book. Mr. Grattan's bill is lost for the present. "The snake is scotched, not killed;" and there can be no doubt but it will be offered te the Legislature very early in the next session of Parliament. In the mean time, we recommend an attentive perusal of the " Strong Reasons" to every member of each House. For our part, we hesitate not to say, that unless strong prejudices have occupied the minds of those who read it; unless the blindness of bigotry, and the deleterious effects of party spirit, have rendered them insensible to the power of argument, and the force of truth, it must be impossible for those who have been seduced into giving countenance to "the claims," any longer to remain identified with the supporters of a system of religion like that of Rome. - We have perused the work, with great satisfaction; pleased to find so many of the arguments against Po

• We shall take earliest opportunity in our power, to notice the resolutions of the Irish Titular Bishops, Dr. Milner's Memorial, &c. &c. in order to make room for matters of a pressing, because temporary, nature, we postpone our account of the Liler Taza Cancellariæ Romanæ.

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