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imparted, in answer to any inquiry to that effect, by the Publishers.

An opportunity so favourable, the Editors are happy to embrace, in order to return their best acknowledgments to those gentlemen, who have been pleased to favour them with advice, and to honour them with assistance ;--they would consider it a proud circumstance, were they at liberty to state to whom they are indebted for those obligations---such statement would in some measure discharge their debt of gratitude; would command to them respect for the present, and insure ample encouragement for the future.

In consequence of the great expense that has been incurred in printing the Appendix, the price of the present volume is considerably higher, than will be that of any future one---the value of that Appendix however, will more than counterbalance the difference in the Price.

+++ Any intimations of errors, omissions, and hints, for the improvement of the Ecclesiastical Register, will be thankfully received.

March 25, 1809.

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