The Sounding of Bowels towards thee, O England! A faithful Guidance to the Principle and Path of Truth, Some Questions and Answers from the Tenth of JOHN. To fuch as are not Satisfied with a Profeffion, Concerning Applying the Promises, A Poftfcript concerning Deceit and being Deceived. A brief Account of my Soul's Travel, &c. Some Things relating to Religion, propofed to the Royal Society, Concerning the Washing away of Sin from the Confcience A Queftion answered, about the Way of knowing the Motions, Doctrines, and The Holy Truth and People defended, in Answer to the chief Paffages in The Ancient Principle of Truth, or the Light within afferted, Concerning the true Church and Miniftry under the Gospel, Some Questions anfwered, concerning the Lamb's War, Some Senfible and Weighty Queries, concerning fome Things very fweet and neceffary to be Experienced in the truly Chriftian State, A Further Teftimony to Truth, Revived out of the Ruins of the Apoftafy, 315 An Objection, concerning the Newness of the Way of Truth, anfwered, &c. 322 A Caution to thofe who are at any Time touched with the Power of Truth, 324 An Objection against the Principle which we bear witness to, answered, Some Queftions, Anfwers, and Queries, concerning Deceit and Deceivers, 338 That the Way of Life and Salvation is freely held forth by God to all, Some Queftions anfwered concerning the Spirit of Chrift, and the Spirit of the A brief Account concerning Silent Meetings, Life and Immortality brought to Light through the Gospel, A few Words in General to those that defire the Knowledge of the true God, 358 I. Some Queries concerning the State of the Church, as it was in the Apoftles VII. Some Queries about being under the Law, and being under Grace, Page 370 371 States by 375 376 385 XII. Concerning Mount Sinai and Mount Sion, XIII. Of the Signification of Mount Sinai and Mount Sion, XIV. Concerning the Temple and Sacrifices under the Gospel, XV. Some Queftions concerning the Light of Chrift's Spirit, anfwered, 386 391 XVIII. A brief Relation of the Eftate or Condition the Lord found many of us in, &c. 394 XIX. Concerning the Gofpel-State, XX. Concerning Baptifm, 400 4.08 415 XXI. Some Queftions answered, concerning the Gentiles doing by Nature the 423 XXII. Concerning the Rule of the Children of the New Covenant, 425 431 XXVI. A few Words concerning the Old and New Covenant, with fome XXV. Concerning the Gofpel-Miniftry, or Right Way of Teaching and Learning the Mystery of Life and Salvation, 433 435 XXVII. Queries on Roм. vi. vii. and viii. 437 XXVIII. A further Teftimony in Brief, concerning the Work of God upon our 442 XXIX. A brief Account of the Ground of our Worship, and how it comes to pafs that we cannot Conform to the Spirit of this World, or to the Wills of Men therein, but only to the Spirit and Will of our God, XXX. Some Queries concerning knowing and owning the Lord Jefus Chrift truly and aright. 444 445 A Reply to thy Animadverfions, A few Experiences, concerning fome of the Weighty Things relating to God's Everlafting Kingdom, 469 481 I. A faithful Teftimony concerning the True and Pure Way of Life, II. Concerning the Perfecting of God's Work in the Heart, III. Concerning the True Chrift, how it may be certainly and infallibly known which is he, 487 IV. Some Queries to fuch as affirm the Scriptures to be the only Rule, and deny the Spirit, the Seed of the Kingdom, &c. to be the Rule of the Children of the New Covenant, 488 V. Concerning the Light wherewith Chrift the Life enlighteneth every Man, 490 IX. Some Queries concerning the Spirit of Chrift, &c. 496 X. Of the true Way (the Way of Holiness, the Way of Life) and of the True XI. Concerning Separation from the Spirit and Ways of the World, II. Concerning the Law of Christ, - 498 499 503 506 509 III. A brief Relation concerning myself, in Reference to what has in my Purfuit after Truth, befallen me 511 IV. A Question about Preaching the Everlasting Gospel, answered, 513 515 ib. VI. Concerning the true Knowledge of Chrift, VII. A few Words more concerning the Right Way of Knowing, as it is witneffed to in the Scriptures, and experienced in the Hearts of those that truly and livingly know the Lord, VIII. Concerning Chrift's Righteousness, &c. IX. Of the Grace of the Gospel, X. A Question answered, concerning Real Holiness, 517 ib. 520 523 XI. Concerning the Law of Sin in the Fleshly Mind, and the Law of Life and Holiness in the Renewed Mind; and whence each have their Strength 524 XII. Concerning God's gathering us Home to himself, who are a People despised and rejected of Men, and in Scorn by them called Quakers, 526 XIII. A few Words concerning the Worship which our God hath taught us, 530 A Question answered concerning Reading the Scriptures Aright, A few Words to fuch as Complain for Want of Power, Somewhat Relating to Church Government, &c. 532 540 541 544 Remarks upon fome Paffages, in a late Book Entituled, "Antichrift's Transfor"mations Within, &c." Some Mifrepresentations of Me concerning Church Government, &c. 565 I. What is Hid or Wrapped up in this precious Heavenly Seed, III. Of the Effects, 593 598 603 605 Some Queries concerning God's Kingdom, whereby the Seed thereof may be the better Illuftrated and Underftood, 607 An Epistle to all Serious Profeffors of the Christian Religion, A Reply to an Answer of fome Queries, given forth by me I. P. concerning the Gofpel-Baptifm; with Answers to fome other Queries returned, in a Paper fubfcribed N. B. 621 Epiftles to Friends, Some Queries concerning Compulfion in Religion, 645 660 Concerning the Difpenfation of the Gofpel, or the Difpenfation of the Son in Spirit, which is the last Difpenfation, 665 Some Experiences which it hath Pleased the Lord to Give me, concerning his Way, his Truth, his Church, and People, &c. 670 Concerning the Times and Seasons, both which have been, and which are yet to 675 be, They have the true, living, powerful, faving Knowledge of CHRIST, or no? WITH Some QUERIES.concerning CHRIST, and his APPEARANCES; his taking upon him our Flesh; as alfo concerning his Flesh and Blood, and our being formed thereof, and feeding thereon. AND An Incitation to Profeffors seriously to confider, whether they or we fail in the true Acknowledgment and owning of the CHRIST which died at Jerufalem. LIKEWIS Some Propofitions and Confiderations concerning the Nature of ChurchWorfhips and Ordinances fince the Death of the Apostles, for the fake of the Simplicity, which hath been long held captive therein. WITH The Sounding of Bowels towards thee, O ENGLAND! Also a faithful Guidance to the Principle and Path of TRUTH. WITH Some fenfible experimental QUESTIONS and ANSWERS from the Tenth Chapter of JOHN. By ISAAC PENINGTON, Prisoner in AYLESBURY, who (by the Counsel of the LORD) hath chofen rather to fuffer Affliction with the defpifed People of God, than to enjoy the Pleafures of Sin for a Season. |