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" He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. "
Dialogues, Letters and Essays on Various Subjects: To which is Annexed, an ... - Page 217
de Andrew Fuller - 1810 - 258 pages
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The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of the Creation: In Two Parts. Viz ...

John Ray - 1714 - 430 pages
...of all Men now living, or thatjhall live after a thousand Ages, Jhould the World laft fo long. For no Man can find out the Work that God maketh from the Beginning to the End, Ecclef. iii. n. Secondly, I was willing to confult the Infirmity of the Reader, or indeed of Mankind...
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Astronomical Principles of Religion, Natural and Reveal'd: In Nine ..., Volume 2

William Whiston - 1717 - 376 pages
...ii. God hath made every Thing Beautiful in his Time : Alfo he hath fet the World in their Heart ; fo that no Man can find out the Work that God maketh, from the 'Beginning to the End. Then I beheld all the Work of God, that a Man cannot find out the Work that is done under...
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The Christian institutes, or, The sincere word of God, a plain account of ...

Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 pages
...unfearchable ; marvellous things , paft finding out. Great things doth he, which we cannot comprehend. s No Man can find out the Work that God maketh, from the Beginning to the End : Tho' a Man labour to feek it out yet he (hall not find it; yea tho' a Wife Man think to know it,...
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Poems on Several Occasions..

Matthew Prior - 1718 - 566 pages
...i. I iaid of Laughter, it is mad ¿ and of Mirth, what doeth it ? ECCLESIASTES, Chap. II. Veri! z. No Man can find out the Work that God maketh, from the Beginning to the End. ECCLESIASTES, Chap. III. Veri! u. Whatíbever God doeth, it ihall be for ever : nothing can be put...
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Astronomical Principles of Religion, Natural and Reveal'd: In Nine Parts ...

William Whiston - 1725 - 370 pages
...' God hath made every Thing Beautiful in his Time : Alfo he hath fet the World in their Heart -, fo that no Man can find out the Work that God maketh, from the Beginning to the End. .'• - .., , -r Then I beheld all the Work of God, *7- ^hat a Man cannot find out the Work that is...
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Fifteen Sermons Preached at the Rolls Chapel ...

Joseph Butler - 1726 - 352 pages
...every thing beautiful in his time : Alfo he hath fet the World in their Heart ; fo that no Man can fnd out the Work that God maketh from the Beginning to the End. And thus St. 'Paul concludes a long Argument upon the various Difpenfations of Providence : O the 'Depth...
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The Works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Volume 7

John Tillotson - 1748 - 430 pages'm the fea, and thy. paths in tfit great waters, and thy footfteps are not knenoni Ecclef. iiu rr. No man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to-ths end. We are but of yefterday, and know nothing. When we look upon God's providence, we take...
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The Works of the Most Reverend John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of ..., Volume 8

John Tillotson - 1757 - 488 pages
...the fea, and " thy paths in the great waters, and thy footfteps " are not known." Ecclef. iii. n. " No man ** can find out the work that GOD maketh from " the beginning to the end." We are but of yefterday, and know nothing. When we look upon GOD'S providence, we take a part from...
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Poems on Several Occasions, Volume 2

Matthew Prior - 1777 - 252 pages
...I IJid of laughter, it is mad ; and of mirth, what doeth it ? Ecclejbftett Chap. II. ver. x. No maa can find out the work that God maketh, from the beginning to the end, Chap. Ill, ver. 1 1. "NV'hatfoever God Jaclh, it (hall be for ever; nothing can be put to it, nor any...
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The Works of the English Poets: Prior

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 320 pages
..." He hath made every thing beautiful in his time : " alfo he hath fet the world in their heart, fo that no " man can find out the work that God maketh from " the beginning to the end." Ver. n. " For in much wildom is much grief: and he that " increafeth knowledge, increafeth forrow."...
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