for even the Alcoran owns Jesus for a true Prophet. But with respect to this Instance I perfuade myself it can be no very distracting Study to find Reasons to determine our Choice. Go to your Natural Religion: Lay before her Mahomet and his Disciples arrayed in Armour and in Blood, riding in Triumph over the Spoils of thousands and tens of thousands, who fell by his victorious Sword: Shew her the Cities which he fet in Flames, the Countries which he ravaged and destroyed, and the miferable Distress of all the Inhabitants of the Earth. When she has viewed him in this Scene, carry her into his Retirements: Shew her the Prophet's Chamber, his Con cubines and Wives; let her fee his Adultery, and hear him alledge Revelation and his divine Commiffion to justify his Lust and his Oppreffion. When she is tired with this Profpect, then shew her the blessed Jesus, humble and meek, doing Good to all the Sons of Men, patiently instructing both the Ignorant and the Perverse. Let her see him in his most retired Privacies: Let her follow him to the Mount, and hear his Devotions and Supplications to God. Carry her to his Table to view his poor Fare, and hear his heavenly heavenly Discourse. Let her see him injured, but not provoked: Let her attend him to the Tribunal, and confider the Patience with which he endured the Scoffs and Reproaches of his Enemies. Lead her to his Cross; and let her view him in the Agony of Death, and hear his last Prayer for his Persecutors: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do! When Natural Religion has viewed both, ask, Which is the Prophet of God? But her Answer we have already had; when she saw Part of this Scene through the Eyes of the Centurion who attended at the Cross; by him she spoke and faid, Truly this Man was the Son of God. DISCOURSE Jefus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you by Miracles and Wonders and Signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourfelves also know. T HE great Evidence of Chriftianity, to which our Saviour and his Apostles constantly appeal, are the Miracles, Wonders, and Signs, which God did by the Hand of Jesus to confirm the Authority and Commiffion he gave him to publish and declare his Will to the World. This being the only reafonable Evidence that he could give of his coming from God, our Saviour says exprefly, If I had not done among them VOL. I. T the the Works which none other Man did, they bad not bad Sin, John xv. 24. If he had not given these undeniable Proofs of his being a Teacher fent from God, they would have been acquitted, not only in Reason, but even out of his own Mouth. If I do not the Works of my Father, says he, believe me not, John x. 37: If I bear witness of myself, my Witness is not true, John v. 31: And he adds, Verse 36, The Works which the Father, hath given me to finish, the same Works that I do, bear witness of me that the Father fent me. Thus, when St. John sent to him to Inquire exprefly whether he was the Chrift, or no; he shewed the Messengers his Works, and bade them relate to John what they had seen; referring it to him to judge by his Works, which were the only proper Evidence, whether he were the Chrift, or no. : The Truth then of Chriftianity resting upon the Authority of Miracles, I shall endeavour in the following Discourse to shew, First, Wherein the true Force of this Argument from Miracles consists, and what it is that they prove. Secondly, What fort of Works are to be admitted for Miracles in proving the Truth of any Religion. |