Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him ; let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins. The Evangelical Magazine - Page 141810Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
| James Ussher - 1660 - 628 pages
...: and St. James (for our encouragement) telleth us what shall be the issue of reward. " Brethren1, if any of you do err from the truth and one convert him ; let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide... | |
| Peter Hall - 1661 - 176 pages with you. We delight not to displease or shame you. But God hath told us, that if Jas. v. 20. any do err from the truth, and one convert him, let him know that he which converteth a sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a... | |
| Francis Atterbury - 1708 - 582 pages
...of it. Brethren (fays St. James, at the Con- James v, clufion of his Epiftle) if any One ofTou1***^ do Err from the Truth ', and One Convert him, let him know, that he which coniierteth a Sinner from the Errour of hi; ways, {ball fave a, Soul from Death, and /ball hide... | |
| Samuel Clarke, John Clarke - 1729 - 340 pages
...for that they had not repented. St James likewife declares: Brethren, if any of you do err jaraesr from the Truth, and one convert him ; let '?• him know, that he which converteth the Sinner from the Errour of his way, jhall fave a Soul from Death, and jhall hide... | |
| James Blair - 1740 - 564 pages
...the greater, as he was in the greater Danger of being enfnared and damnified thereby. Jam. v. 19, 20. Brethren, if any of you do err from the Truth, and one convert him ; let him know that he which converteth the Sinner from the Error of his Way, Jhall fave a Soul 'from Deatb, and Jhall hide... | |
| James Blair - 1740 - 428 pages the Converfion of many Souls to God, according to that of St. James, in the End of his Epiftle : Brethren, if any of you do err from the Truth, and one convert him, let him know, that be who converteth a Sinner from the Error of bis Way, jhallfave a Soul from Death, andjhall bide a... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 416 pages
...threatens them upon Suppofition they had not yet repented. The Apoftle St James declares like wife; If any of you do err from the Truth, and one convert him; let him Anow, that He who converteth a Sinner from the Err our of his ways, (hall Jave a Soul from Death, and... | |
| 1754 - 498 pages
...Acknowledgment, that Salvation was only expected in the actual Belief and Profeflion of the Gofpel. Brethren, If any of You do err from the 'Truth, and One convert him; let him know, that He which converteth a Sinner from the Error of his Way, Jhall fave a Soul from Death, and jhall hide a... | |
| Thomas Boston - 1755 - 320 pages
...Mot. 4. It is a noble and beneficial work. Hence fays the Apoftle James, v. 19. 20. Brethrenf if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him ; let him know, that he which converteth. the Rnner from the error of his -way, foall fave a foul from death, and. fball hide... | |
| Thomas Sherlock - 1758 - 418 pages
...Man's Charity ? Yes, they may ; and in this Senfe the very Expreffion of the Text is made ufe of by St. James : Brethren^ if any of you do err from the...Truth, and one convert him ; let him know, that he which converted the Sinner from the Error of his Way, jhall fave a Soul from Death v and jhall hide... | |
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