THE BRITISH COMMENTARY ON THE HOLY GOSPELS: COMPILED CHIEFLY FROM THE WRITINGS OF EMINENT BRITISH DIVINES. BY THE REV. J. E. RIDDLE, M.A. Minister of St. Philip's Church, Leckhampton. Author of "Ecclesiastical Chronology," "Christian Antiquities," "Sermons," "First Sundays LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL AND CO. AND SOLD BY L. AND G. SEELEY. PRINTED BY BINNS AND GOODWIN, BATH. PREFACE. THIS Commentary chiefly consists of a Series of Extracts from the practical and devotional writings of our most eminent Divines, together with a selection of appropriate Hymns, adapted to successive portions of the Holy Gospels, distinctly marked by division into sections. The plan which I at first proposed was somewhat different, as may appear upon reference to the comments on the first few chapters of St. Matthew's Gospel; but I speedily gave a preference to the form in which the bulk of the Commentary now exists, partly in compliance with the suggestions of friends who objected to the form of dialogue, and partly from my conviction that many portions of our sacred literature could be applied, in the way of a continuous comment, with far better effect than any remarks of mine. The selections which have been thus adapted and arranged constitute a compendium of practical British Divinity, as well as a comment on different portions of the sacred text; and I believe it will be found that this volume contains the sentiments and reflections of our leading divines upon every subject of importance in matters of personal religion. May all the readers of this Volume be enabled effectually to comply with that injunction of our Saviour, "Search the |