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want of due Warning, or defensive Arms, is the Intent of this Undertaking; and as I cannot pretend to extract all that can be faid upon this Head, fo my only Aim is, to furnish meaner Capacities with fuch familiar Arguments, as every judicious Chriftian ought to have at Hand, and which may be enough to guard their Reafon, and baffle the Attempts of Jefuitical Afsailants..

'Tis confidered, that tho' what this chiefly contains is already in Print; yet every Man's Purse will not allow him to buy, nor his Time permit him to read, nor perhaps his Understanding reach to comprehend large and elaborate Treatises. This Method is therefore chosen, as moft likely to fall into the Hands of People of a middle Rank, and who have fome Times Leifure to read fuch short Tracts, and more agreeable to their Circumstances, who have more: need of fuch Assistances; and if any thall

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shall receive Benefit thereby, I de fire them to give God all the Glory, and then I shall think my felf abundantly recompenfed for my Pains in collecting it.


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T has been a Complaint, even from the Times of the Patriarchs and Prophets, and confirmed by the Writings and Testimon es of every Age, that Truth has met with

many Enemies and Slanderers, because she was not known. At the first opening of the Gofpel by our Lord himself, the Jews try'd various Methods to hinder the Success of his Preaching. They first derid d him as a Man of no Family, or Fortune, as one whose Education and Circumstances could promifelittle. And when these were found infufficient, and Heyet was confefsed to Speak as never Man ipake;" They then ac-. cused Him of Immorality, of being A Friend to Pub-"licans and Sinners;" and at the last they went fos high, as even to brand Him with Blasphemy and Impiety it self.

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The Men of God who first embrac'd the Truth of the Gofpel, and were contented to be called Christians, every where met with the like Adverfaries, there be-ing no other Way of affrightning the People from enbracing the Truth, and following the Son of God; but: by disfiguring Him and His Followers to the Multitude. But this did not weaken the Force of their Divine Pre-cepts. On the contrary, fuch Influence had they on the

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