Contending for the Faith: A History of the Evangelical Movement in the Universities and CollegesInter-Varsity Press, 1979 - 368 pages |
À l'intérieur du livre
18 pages contenant LIFCU dans ce livre
Où puis-je trouver l'intégralité de ce livre ?
Résultats 1-3 sur 18
Table des matières
Preface | 9 |
PART | 11 |
Student Christian societies | 13 |
Droits d'auteur | |
19 autres sections non affichées
Expressions et termes fréquents
academic activities amongst appointed became began Bible Bible study Bishop British Cambridge China Inland Mission Christ Christian Fellowship Christian students Christian Unions Church CICCU Daily Prayer Meeting developed discussion doctrine early Edinburgh Evangelical Students Evangelical Unions evangelistic Executive Committee F. F. Bruce G. T. Manley Glasgow gospel groups Guinness Hall Holy Hospital Howard Guinness increased influence initiative Inter-Varsity Conference Inter-Varsity Fellowship interest invited IVF's Jesus Keswick Convention later LIFCU literature London Martyn Lloyd-Jones medical students membership Miss missionary societies missions movement Norman Grubb OICCU organization overseas students Oxford post-war President Professor religious Rendle Short Robert Wilder schools Scotland Scripture Scripture Union soon speakers spiritual staff Student Christian Student Christian Movement student leaders student world Sunday TCCF TCCU technical colleges Testament theological colleges theological students training colleges travelling secretary Trinity UCCF undergraduates whilst witness women's