er), b. 1688, m. William 1702-1714. Old PretendIII. of Or III. of England, 51. George, Elector of Hanover, became George I. of England, 1714-1727. 52. George II., 1727-1760. ange, afterward William III. of England. Charles (the Young Pre- Frederick, Prince of Wales, † Henry VII. (called Henry of Richmond and Henry of Lancaster) by his marriage with Elizabeth of York, the rival claims of the Houses of Lancaster and York were settled and the House of Tudor began. 54. George 55. Wil- § Mary Queen of Scots stood next in order of succession after Edward, 56. Victoria, ** Richard III. (No. 39) married Anne Neville, widow? of Edward Prince of Wales (son of Henry VI.) slain at Tewkesbury. †† Commonwealth and Protectorate 1649-1660. A SHORT LIST OF BOOKS ON ENGLISH HISTORY. [The * marks contemporary or early history.] I. THE PREHISTORIC PERIOD. Dawkins's Early Man in Britain. Geikie's Prehistoric Europe. Keary's Dawn of History. Wright's The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. Elton's Origins of English History. Rhys's Celtic Britain. Geoffrey of Monmouth's Chronicle (legendary). Geikie's Influence of Geology on English History, in Macmillan's Magazine, 1882. II. THE ROMAN PERIOD, 55, 54 В.С.; 43-410 A.D. *Cæsar's Commentaries on the Gallic War (Books IV. and V., chiefly 55, 54 в.с.). *Tacitus's Agricola and Annals (chiefly from 78-84). *Gildas's History of Britain (whole period). *Bede's Ecclesiastical History of Britain (whole period). Wright's The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. Elton's Origins of English History. 1 Scarth's Roman Britain. III. THE SAXON, OR EARLY ENGLISH, *The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (whole period). quest to 560). *Bede's Ecclesiastical History of Britain *Geoffrey of Monmouth's Chronicle (legend- 1 The best short history. Elton's Origins of English History. Green's Making of England. Green's Conquest of England. Freeman's Norman Conquest, vols. I.-II. Pearson's History of England during the Early and Middle Ages. 2 Armitage's Childhood of the English Na- 2 Grant Allen's Anglo-Saxon Britain. 2 York-Powell's Early England. 2 Freeman's Early English History. IV. THE NORMAN PERIOD, 1066- *The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Peterborough *Wace's Roman de Rou (Taylor's translation) *Bruce's Bayeux Tapestry Elucidated (with plates). *William of Malmesbury's Chronicle (to *Roger of Hoveden's Chronicle (whole period). Taine's History of English Literature. Conquest. 2 Armitage's Childhood of the English Nation. 2 Johnson's Normans in Europe. 2 Creighton's England a Continental Power. 2 The four best short histories. V. THE ANGEVIN PERIOD, 11541399. *Matthew Paris's Chronicle (1067-1253). Matthew Paris's Jocelin of Brakelonde's. *Froissart's Chronicles (1325-1400). Walsingham's Historia Brevis (1272-1422) (not translated). *Jocelin of Brakelonde's Chronicle (1173-1202) (see Carlyle's Past and Present, Book II.). Norgate's Angevin Kings. Maurice's Stephen Langton. Stubbs's Constitutional History of England. Gairdner and Spedding's Studies in English History (the Lollards). Knight's Life of Caxton. *Hall's Chronicle (1398-1509). Hallam's Middle Ages. Taine's English Literature. Stubbs's Constitutional History of England. 2 Gairdner's Houses of Lancaster and York. Seebohm's Essay on the Black Death (Fort- 2 Rowley's Rise of the People. nightly Review, 1865). Maurice's Wat Tyler, et al. Charles's Vie de Roger Bacon. Buddensieg's Life of Wiclif. Burrows's Wicklif's Place in History. Pauli's Pictures of Old England. 1 Stubbs's Early Plantagenets. 1 Rowley's Rise of the People. 1 Warburton's Edward III. Shakespeare's John and Richard (Hudson's Stubbs's Constitutional History of England. Reed's English History in Shakespeare. VII. THE YORKIST PERIOD, 1461- *The Paston Letters (Gairdner's edition) (1424-1506). *Sir Thomas More's Edward V. and Richard III. edition). Scott's Ivanhoe and the Talisman (Richard VI. THE LANCASTRIAN PERIOD, 1399- *The Paston Letters (Gairdner's edition) (1424-1506). *Fortescue's Governance of England (Plummer's edition) (1460?). *Walsingham's Historia Brevis (not trans lated) (1272-1422). *Hall's Chronicle (1398-1509). Shakespeare's Richard III. (Hudson's edition), VIII. THE TUDOR PERIOD, 1485- *Holinshed's History of England (from earli- *Latimer's 1st and 6th Sermons before Edward VI. and "The Ploughers" (1549). *Hall's Chronicle (1398-1509). Froude's History of England. Demaus's Life of Latimer. Nicholls's Life of Cabot. Dixon's History of the Church of England. Brougham's England under the House of Thornbury's Shakespeare's England. Lancaster. Besant's Life of Sir Richard Whittington. Taine's English Literature. Rand's Chaucer's England. 1 The three best short histories. Macaulay's Essay on Lord Burleigh. Creighton's Life of Raleigh. 2 The two best short histories. 1 Creighton's The Tudors and the Reforma- | Carlyle's Hero Worship (Cromwell). tion. Guizot's Cromwell and the Commonwealth. 1 Seebohm's Era of the Protestant Revolution. Guizot's Richard Cromwell. 1 Moberly's Early Tudors. 1 Creighton's Age of Elizabeth. Shakespeare's Henry VIII. (Hudson's edition). Scott's Kenilworth, Abbot, Monastery (Elizabeth, and Mary Queen of Scots). IX. THE STUART PERIOD (FIRST PART), 1603-1649. *The Prose Works of James I. (1599-1625). *Fuller's Church History of Britain (earliest times to 1648). *Clarendon's History of the Rebellion (16251660). *Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson (1616-1664). *May's History of the Long Parliament (1640-1643). Taine's History of English Literature. Speddings's Lord Bacon and his Times. Gardiner's History of England (1603-1642). Church's Life of Lord Bacon. Hallam's Constitutional History of England. Hume's History of England (Tory). Macaulay's History of England (Whig). Lingard's History of England (Roman Catholic). Strickland's Queens of England. Ranke's History of England in the XVII. Guizot's Histoire de Charles I. Goldwin Smith's Three English Statesmen (Cromwell, Pym, Hampden). 3 Cordery's Struggle against Absolute Monarchy. 3 Cordery and Phillpott's King and Commonwealth. 3 Gardiner's Puritan Revolution. Scott's Fortunes of Nigel (James I.). X. THE COMMONWEALTH AND PRO TECTORATE, 1649-1660 (SEE PRECEDING PERIOD). *Ludlow's Memoirs (1640-1668). Guizot's Life of Monk. Masson's Life and Times of Milton. Bisset's Omitted Chapters in the History of England. Pattison's Life of Milton. Scott's Woodstock (Cromwell). XI. STUART PERIOD (SECOND PART), 1660-1714. *Evelyn's Diary (1641-1706). *Pepys's Diary (1659-1669). *Burnet's History of His Own Time (16601713). Macaulay's History of England (Whig). Hallam's Constitutional History of England. Taine's History of English Literature. Ranke's History of England in the Seventeenth Century. Hume's History of England (Tory). Brewster's Life of Newton. Lingard's History of England (Roman Green's History of the English People. Lecky's History of England in the Eighteenth Century. Macaulay's Essays (Milton, Mackintosh's History, War of the Spanish Succession, and The Comic Dramatists of the Restoration). Creighton's Life of Marlborough. Guizot's History of Civilization (Chapter XIII). 3 Morris's Age of Anne. 3 Hale's Fall of the Stuarts. 3 Cordery's Struggle against Absolute Monarchy. Scott's Peveril of the Peak, and Old Mortality (Charles II.). Thackeray's Henry Esmond (Anne). XII. THE HANOVERIAN PERIOD, 1714 TO THE PRESENT TIME. *Carlyle's Life and Letters of Oliver Crom- *Memoirs of Robert Walpole. well. 1 The four best short histories. *Horace Walpole's Memoirs and Journals. 2 See Guizot's History of the Revolution for translation of all but introduction of 120 pages. 3 The three best short histories. Hallam's Constitutional History of England Lecky's History of England in the XVIII. Walpole's History of England (1815-1860). Martineau's History of England (1816-1846). McCarthy's History of Our Own Times (1837-1880). McCarthy's England under Gladstone (1880- Ward's Reign of Victoria (1837-1887). Southey's Life of Nelson. Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society. Waite's Life of Wellington. Massey's Life of George III. American Colonies). Macaulay's Essays (Warren Hastings, Clive, Smiles's Life of James Watt. 1 Ludlow's American Revolution. 1 Rowley's Settlement of the Constitution (1689-1784). 1 Morris's Early Hanoverians (George I. 1 McCarthy's Epoch of Reform (1830-1850). Thackeray's Virginians (Washington). For fuller information in regard to authorities, see Professor Allen's Reader's Guide to English History; or, where a critical estimate of the author is desired, consult Professor Adams's Manual of Historical Literature, and Professor Mullinger's Authorities. For review articles, see Poole's Index to Reviews. In addition to the above list, the following general histories will be found excellent: Hume's England (Brewer's Student's edi- | Cassell's Dictionary of English History. tion), 1 vol. Green's Short History of the English People, 1 vol. Bright's History of England, 3 vols. Burt's Synoptical History of England, 1 vol. Rogers's British Citizen, 1 vol. Works of Reference. Gneist's Constitutional History of England. P. V. Smith's English Institutions. Edmunds's Names of Places. Feilden's Short Constitutional History of Eng- Freeman's Rise of the English Constitution. Mackay's History of Popular Delusions. Dowell's History of Taxation in England. lish Political History. Spencer's Sociological Tables (England). Eccleston's English Antiquities. 1 The six best short histories. |