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Wright's Domestic Manners in England in Timbs's Abbeys and Castles of England and the Middle Ages.

Godwin's Archæologist's Handbook.

Parker's Our English Home (Oxford, 1860).

Bohn's Cyclopedia of Political Knowledge.

Bevans's Statistical Map of England.

Parker's Elements of Gothic Architecture.

Johnston's Historical Atlas.

Wilkins's Political Ballads.

Bailey's Succession to the Crown.


Heath's English Peasantry.

Taine's Notes on England.

Nadal's London Society.

Hoppins's Old England.

Higginson's English Statesmen.

R. G. White's England Without and Within.
Escott's England.

Society in London, by a Foreign Resident

On Modern England and English Patten's England as seen by an American

Life, see

Irving's Bracebridge Hall, and Sketch-Book.
Emerson's English Traits.

Colman's European Life and Manners.

Hawthorne's Our Old Home, and Note Books.
Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, and
Rural Life.


O. W. Holmes's One Hundred Days in Eu-

R. L. Collier's English Home Life.
Laugel's L'Angleterre.

Daryl's La Vie Publique en Angleterre.
Max O'Rell's John Bull et son Ile.
Badeau's English Aristocracy.


Area of England and Wales, 58,310 square miles.

Extreme length, 365 miles; extreme width, 311 miles.

No part more than about 120 miles from the sea.

Mean temperature during the year in Great Britain, 49.06°.

Population of England and Wales, 27,870,586.

Population to square mile, 482 (the most densely populated country in Europe, except Belgium).

Area of Great Britain, 88,006 square miles.

Population of Great Britain, 31,819,979.

Area of Great Britain and Ireland, 120,832 square miles.

Population of Great Britain and Ireland, 37,020,000.

Population of London, about 4,250,000.

About one-third of the entire population of England and Wales is in the cities.

Area of British Empire, 9,079,711 square miles.

Population of British Empire, 320,676,000.

National debt of Great Britain and Ireland, £748,750,000 ($3,623,950,000).1

Average rate of taxation per head, £2.1.1 ($9.94).1

Church of England (membership), 13,500,000.2

Dissenting churches, 12,500,000. 2

Roman Catholics, 2,500,000.

Number of paupers in receipt of relief, 807,639.

Total number of children of school age (5-15), 5,426,490.

Total attendance (not including private schools), 3,273,124.

Total British army, 676,156.

Total effective force, 200,785.

Total navy, 60,632.

Total number of vessels in navy, 258.

Iron-clads (ranging from 1230 to 11,800 tons each), 76.

1 Calling the pound $4.84.

2 Some estimates make them about equal.

Of the cultivated land of England and Wales, something over one-fourth, is held by 874 per

sons, while about 10,000 persons hold two-thirds of the whole.

Number of men in army and navy, I out of 26.

National debt per capita, $127.

Total wealth of Great Britain and Ireland, $45,000,000,000 (the wealthiest nation on the globe).

Annual increase of wealth, $375,000,000.

Average annual income, $165.

Death rate (England and Wales), 19.3 per 1000.


Area (including Alaska), 3,611,849 square miles.

Population, about 60,000,000.

National debt, $1,380,087,279.

Total wealth, $35,000,000,000.

Annual increase of wealth, $825,000,000.

Average annual income, $165.

Taxation per capita, $6.00.

Standing army, 26,000.

Navy, 10,340.

Number of men in army and navy, I out of 322.

From 1840-1880 the wealth of Great Britain doubled; that of the United States increased tenfold.

AUTHORITIES: - Encyclopædia Britannica; Scribner's Statistical Atlas; Mulhall's BalanceSheet of the World; Atkinson's Strength of Nations; Jean's Supremacy of England; The Statesman's Year-Book.


Abolition of the slave trade, 331.
slavery, 354.
Acadia, villagers expelled, 320.
Act of Attainder, 285.

Settlement, 282, 299, 301, 306.
Supremacy, 211.
Toleration, 282.

Uniformity, 260.
Addison, Joseph, 299.
Agincourt, battle of, 156.
Agricola, Roman governor, 23.
Aix la Chapelle, treaty of, 316.
Alabama, privateer, 372.
Albert, Prince Consort, 362.

his death, 370.
Albion, derivation of the name, 9.
Alfred the Great, 40.

his laws and translations, 42.
his navy, 42; his victories, 41.

America discovered, 186.
American colonies taxed, 324.
Revolution, 328.

civil war, 370, 371.
Anderida, siege of, 33.
Andros, Sir Edmund, 325.
Angevins, or Plantagenets, 87.
Angles, invasion by, 34.
Anne Boleyn, 191, 194, 198.

of Cleves, 198.
Queen, 289, 299.
Anselm, Archbishop, 72, 73.
Arch, Joseph, 374.
Architecture, 56, 84, 147, 226, 303.
Arthur, King, 34.

Prince, murdered, 103.

Articles of Faith, 202.
Artillery introduced, 184.
Atlantic cable laid, 368.
Augustine reaches England, 35.
Austrian Succession, War of, 316.

Bacon, Lord Francis, 218.

his impeachment, 236, 302.
Friar Roger, 111, 128.

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 210.
Baliol, awarded Scotch crown, 117.
owns allegiance to Edward, 117
rebels, and is overthrown, 117.

Bank of England, 288.
Barebones's Parliament, 250.
Baronage, sketch of, 359.
Battle of Agincourt, 156.
Blenheim, 294.
Bosworth Field, 172.
the Boyne, 286.
Bunker Hill, 328.
Crecy, 127.
Culloden, 317.

Dettingen, 316.
Edgehill, 244.
Flodden Field, 190.
Fontenoy, 316.

Hastings, 60.

Lewes, 113.

Marston Moor, 245.
Naseby, 245.

New Orleans, 335.
the Nile, 333-
Plassey, 318.
Ramillies, 294.
St. Albans, 165.
Sedgemoor, 271.
Sheriffmuir, 310.
Shrewsbury, 152.
the Standard, 76.
Tewkesbury, 167.
Tinchebrai, 74.
Towton, 165.
Trafalgar, 333.

Wakefield, 165.

Waterloo, 335-

Yorktown, 329.
Bayeux Tapestry, 61, 84.
Becket, Thomas, chancellor, 89.
leaves England, 91.
returns, 93; is murdered, 93.

Benevolences, 169, 175.
Bible, the first English, 138.

Bill of Rights, 282, 301.
Black Death, the, 132.

Hole of Calcutta, 317.
Prince, 128, 130, 131.
Bloody Assizes, the, 272.
Boadicea, her revolt, 21.

her death, 22.

Board schools, 375.

Boleyn, Anne, 191; executed, 198.

Books, the earliest, 55.

Boston Tea Party, 327.
Bretigny, peace of, 130.

Bright, John, 366.

Britain, primitive, its climate, etc., 1.

becomes England, 39.

Britons, their bravery, 34.
Bronze Age, 7.

men, Greek account of, 8.
Brougham, Lord Henry, 346, 353, 361.
Bruce, Robert, his revolt, 120.
king of Scots, 123.
Buckingham, Duke of, 171.
Bunyan, John, 261, 302.
Butler, Bishop, 302.

Cabal, the, 258.

Cabinet government, rise of, 308.
Cabot, John and Sebastian, 185, 226.
Cade, Jack, his rebellion, 161.
Cæsar, his campaigns, 18, 19, 20.
Calais taken, 129.

Calendar, correction of, 318.
Canal system begun, 338.
Cannon, first use of, 128.
Canute (Knut) succeeds his father, 45.

divides England into four earldoms, 45.
Caractacus, captive, his dignity, 20.
Caroline, Queen, 314.

of Brunswick, Queen, 346.
Catharine of Aragon, 191.
Catholic emancipation, 347.
Cato Street conspiracy, 346.

Caxton introduces printing, 167, 168.
Cecil, Sir William, 210.

Celts, early, their condition, 8.

Channel, the British, in history, 15.

Charles I., King, 238-247.

II., King, 257-269.

Charter, the Great, 105, 108, 109, 112,


Charter, Henry I.'s, 73.
Chartists, the, 363.

Chaucer, 133, 137, 141.
Christianity introduced, 22.

its effects, 53..

Christ's Hospital, 203.

Church property confiscated, 195, 203.

rates abolished, 374.

Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough, 278,

293, 361.

Clarkson, Thomas, 332.

Climate of England, 16.

Clive, Lord, his victories, 317.

Cobden, Richard, 366.

Columbus, his discoveries, 185, 187, 226.
Commercial position of England, 16.
Common law, 53.

Commons, House of, supreme, 358.
rise of the House of, 114.
Commonwealth, protectorate, 247.
Compurgation, 52.
Constitutions of Clarendon, 91.
Corn Laws, the, 365; repealed, 366.
Cornwallis, Lord, his defeat, 329.
Corporation Act, 260, 347.
Counties palatine, 64.
Courts, reformed, 381.

Covenanters, the, 241, 261.
Cranmer, Dr. Thomas, 193.

Crimea, war in the, 369.

Cromwell, Oliver, 241, 248, 250, 252, 254.

Richard, 255, 256.

Thomas, 194; beheaded, 198.

Crosby Hall, London, 178.
Crusades, 102.

Cuthbert, monk and missionary, 36.

"Danegeld," tribute to Northmen, 44.
Danish names, 14; invasion, 40.

Darwin, Charles, 379.

David I., of Scotland, invades England,


Davy, Sir Humphry, 340.
Declaration of Right, 280.
De Foe, Daniel, 302.

De Montfort, Earl Simon, 112, 143, 361.
defeats Henry III., 113.
summons a parliament, 114.

his monument still unbuilt, 114.

Despenser, Hugh, and his son, 123.
Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield, 361, 373.
Dissenters relieved, 375.

"Divine Right of Kings," 232, 238, 290, 296,


Domesday Book, 67.

Dover, treaty of, 264.

Drake, Sir Francis, 220.

Druids, their abode, teaching, etc., 10.

expedition against, 21.

Dryden, John, 302.

Dudley, Lord Gulford, 205; beheaded, 206.
Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, 43.


Education Bill, 361, 374.

Edward, Prince, 45; Confessor, 46.

I., King, summons Parliament, 115.

Gibraltar taken, 294.

Gladstone, William Ewart, 362, 371.
Glencoe, massacre of, 287.

builds Conway and other castles, 116. Glendower, Owen, 151.

II., his incapacity, 123.

deposed and murdered, 124.

III., king at fourteen, 124; his death, 134.

IV., King, 167.

V., Prince, 170.

VI., King, 201.

(Black Prince), 128, 130, 131.

Egbert, King, 39.

Eleanor, Queen, her heroism, 115.

her death, 118; crosses, 118.
her tomb, 119.

Eliot, Sir John, 240.

Elizabeth, Queen, 206, 208-222.

of York, 172.
Elliott, Ebenezer, corn-law poet, 366.
England, early, its geography, etc., 12.
its commercial situation, 16.
English people, their progress, 380-388.
history, its characteristics, 388.
-speaking race, its unity, 388.

Entail, 119, 143.

Factory reform, 354.
Fairfax, Lord Thomas, 248.
Fair Rosamond, 94.

Feudal System, 50, 80, 269.
Field of the Cloth of Gold, 190.

Fielding, Henry, 302.

Fire, great, of London, 262.

Fisher, Bishop John, executed, 195.

Five Members, attempted arrest of the, 242.
Folkland, 50.

Fox, Charles James, 332.

Franklin, Benjamin, 326.

Frederick the Great, of Prussia, 318.

Freemen, their duties, 50.

Free trade, 366.

French Revolution, 332.
Friction match, the, 355.

Frobisher, Sir Martin, his voyages, 217.
Fry, Elizabeth, philanthropist, 332.
Fulton, Robert, his steamboat, 340.

Gas, burning, first used, 339.
Gaveston, Piers, banished, 122.

returns, 122; beheaded, 122.
Geneva, international court at, 372.
George, of Denmark, Prince, 289.

I., King, 306-314.
II., King, 314-322.
III., King, 323-343-
IV., King, 344-348.

Gloucester, appointed Protector, 169.
Gordon, Lord George, riots, 330.
"Gospel Oaks," 322.
Government, its stability, 357-

Gregory I. and English slaves in Rome, 35

Pope, sends missionaries, 35.

VII., his appeal to William, 65.

Grey, Earl, 353-

Lady Jane, 204; beheaded, 206.

Grove, Sir William, 379.
Guilds, 57, 147.

Gunpowder plot, 232.

Habeas Corpus Act, 269, 361.
Hampden, John, 238, 241.
Hampton Court Conference, 231.
Harold, King, 47, 58.

his death, 60; his grave, 60.
Hastings, Warren, impeached, 330.
Henry I., issues a charter, 73-
seizes Normandy, 74.
II., his charter and reforms, 88.-
quarrels with Becket, 90, 93.
III., King, 109; his extravagance, 110
rebuilds Westminster Abbey, 110.

IV., Duke of Lancaster, king, 150.
his death, 154.

V., Prince, 154; king, 155.

conquest of France, 155, 157.

VI., King, 158.

marries Margaret of Anjou, 160.
dies a prisoner in the Tower, 166.
VII., marries Elizabeth of York, 179.
his chapel, 186.

VIII., King, 187; his death, 200.

his marriages, 190, 194, 198, 199.

Hereward, 62.

High Commission Court, 211, 242, 275.
Hildebrand (Pope Gregory VII.), 65.
Hill, Sir Rowland, 363.
Howard, Catharine, 199.

John, philanthropist, 332.
Hume, David, 302.
Hundred Years' War, 126, 131.

India, rebellion in, 369.

Clive in, 317.

English Empire in, 317.
Insane, improved treatment of, 381.
Intemperance in the eighteenth century, 321.
Ireland, colonization of, 235.

famine in, 366.

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