Irish Church disestablished, 374. Land Act, 376, 378. Iron, its early use, 9. Isabelle of France, Queen, 123. Jacobites, 281. • II., King, 270-280. admitted to Parliament, 361, 373. John (Lackland), King, his quarrels, 103. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 290, 302. Knighthood, 83. Knights of St. John (Hospitallers), 144. Land League, 377. Lewes, battle of 113. Lincoln, President Abraham, 371. Literature, rise of English, 133, 137. of Anne's reign, 298. of Elizabeth's, 216, 218. of George III.'s, 341. of present age, 380. Livingstone, David, African explorer, 379. outbreak of, 155. London (Llyn-din), its origin, 21. police, 348. William's charter, 61. Londonderry, siege of, 285. Macaulay, Lord Thomas Babington, 361. Magna Carta, 105, 107, 142. flight to Scotland, 166. 293. Sarah Jennings, Duchess of, 295. Martin Luther, 187, 189. marries Philip II. of Spain, 206. Masham, Mrs. Abigail, 296. claims the crown, 75. Miner's safety lamp, by Davy, 340. Monk, General (Duke of Albemarle), 256. Monopolies, 215, 237. Montcalm, Marquis de, his defence of Quebec; Northmen, the, invade France, 44. or Normans, settle Normandy, 44. Oates, Titus, 266, 270. Oxygen, discovery of, 339. "Parliament, the Mad," 112. debates of, published, 331. Parliamentary reform, 349. Peel, Sir Robert, premier, 348. Peerage, sketch of, 359. Peers, their number and influence, 361. "Petition of Right," 239. Philip II., of Spain, 206. "Pilgrims, the," 233. Pillory, the, 331. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 314, 326. Plague, the, 132, 262. Plantagenet, 87. Poitiers, victory of, 130. Police, the new, 348. Political progress, 358. Pope, the, and William I., 65. Railway, steam, the first, 355. the second, 373- "Regicides," the, 260. Revolution of 1688, 279, 284. American, 328. Richard I. (Cœur de Lion), King, 97. in third crusade, 99; prisoner, for II., King, 134. deposed and murdered, 140. III. (Duke of Gloucester), King, 170 Robert invades England and retires, 74. prisoner; his death, 74. Roman Catholicism, 199, 204, 206, 270, 274, 283. invasion, 12, 19. first colony, 20; cities, 24. system of government, 24. paved roads, 243; forts and walls, 25. taxation and cruelty, 27. remains still existing, 28. Rotten boroughs, 349. Royal Society, the, 268. Runes, 54. Rye House Plot, 267. Sacheverell, Dr. Henry, 296. Bartholomew's Day (massacre), 219. Saxon invasion, 33, 47. names, 14. Schools, government, 375. Seven Bishops, petition of, 276. Seymour, Jane, 198. Siege of Londonderry, 285. Succession, War of, 291. Spenser, Edmund, poet, 218.、 Statutes of Winchester, 119. navigation, 340. Stephen, last of Norman kings, 75, 77. of Scone, 116. Stonehenge, 10, 68. Survey, the great, 67. Sweyn, the Dane, conquers England, 45. Sydney, Sir Philip, 217. Vaccination introduced, 313. Wales, Prince of, the first, 116. Walworth, mayor of London, 136. 361. Talbot, Richard (Earl of Tyrconnel), 275, Wentworth, Thomas, Earl of Strafford, 240. |