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" Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God*. "
Sermons Translated from the Original French of the Late Rev. James Saurin ... - Page 277
de Jacques Saurin, Robert Robinson - 1803
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Twenty One Several Books of Mr. William Bridge ...: Collected Into ..., Volume 1

William Bridge - 1657 - 598 pages
...though I have labored in rain, and fpent my ftrength for naught, yet I have Comfort in my work, for my Judgment is with the Lord, and my Work with my God ; I hate not loft my Labor, for my Work is with God. And thus may ¡you alio comfort your felt' in...
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Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New-England: A Treatise in ...

Charles Chauncy - 1743 - 478 pages
...laboured in vain, I have fpent my Strength for Nought and in vain, he not only adds upon it, yet furely my Judgment is with the LoRD, and my Work with my GOD ; but the LORD that formed him from the Womb to he his Servant, is introduced declaring,! that he /hould...
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A Collection of Hymns of the Children of God in All Ages, from the Beginning ...

United Brethren in Christ - 1754 - 828 pages
...Then I faid, I have laboured in vain, 1 have fpent my ftrength for nought and in vain : yet furely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God. And now faith Jibmiub, that formed me from the womb to be his fervant : to bring Jacob again to him,...
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Several discourses. To which is added, a sermon preach'd before the assembly ...

Samuel Westcott - 1762 - 276 pages
...anfwers, I have .laboured in vain, and have fperit my Strength jor nought, and in vajn ; yetfurely my Judgment is with the Lord, and my Work •with my God. There was very fmall Fruit attended our Lord's • Miniftry among the Jews to whom he was fent. They...
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The œconomy of the covenants between God and man, tr. and revised ..., Volume 2

Herman Wits - 1763 - 426 pages
...him to lofc his purchafe. heriunce. Chrift was fecure as to tlii", when he laid, Ifa. 49. 4. furdy my judgment is with the Lord, and my work -with . ' my God: and, John 10. 29, my father which gave tteffityne^ is greater than all, and none is able to pluck them...
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The History of Greenland: Containing a Description of the ..., Volumes 1 à 2

David Cranz - 1767 - 490 pages
..." I faid, I have laboured in vain, I " have fpent my ftrength for nought and in vain ; yet " furely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work " with my God." After the fermon, he baptized a little Greenland boy, which was the firft baptifm the brethren had...
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Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ: Or, a Plain and Profitable Discourse on ...

John Bunyan - 1774 - 208 pages
...laboured in vain, I have fpent my Strength for nought, and in vain, Ifa. 49. 4. But as there he faith, My Judgment is 'with the Lord, and my Work with my God ; fo in the next Text he faith, All the Tather giwesh me, Jhall come to me ; and him that com2th to...
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Some Account of the Life and Religious Labours of Sarah Grubb: With an ...

Sarah Grubb - 1792 - 458 pages
...himfelf in holy confidence in, and intereft with, invifible and divine juftice, he added, " but furely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God." From fome neceffary baptifms of mind, and renewed evidences that this is enough for any true minifter...
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An Extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's Journal ...

John Wesley - 1794 - 534 pages
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Some Account of the Life and Religious Labours of Sarah Grubb: With an ...

Sarah Grubb - 1794 - 460 pages
...himfelf in holy confidence in, and intereft with, invifible and divine juftice, he added, " but furely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God." From fome neceflary baptifms of mind, and renewed evidences that this is enough for any true minifter...
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