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Connexion, and which the measures agreed upon at this Conference (in reference to the partial payment of Ordinary Deficiencies in the course of the year, by the Treasurer of the Contingent Fund,) [see Contingent Fund, No. X.] now render practicable in every Circuit. The Conference also directs, with a view to the same object, that payment on delivery for our Magazines and other Books shall be strongly recommended to the Subscribers and Purchasers by the Preachers, and also occasionally on the Cover of the Magazine, as one means of materially assisting a Concern, on the Profits of which the carrying on of the work of God in our own country so mainly depends. 182

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LXVIII. Q WHAT are the spiritual state and prospects of our Societies in generalfatof

A. The Conference having appointed a time, as last year, for special conversation on the state of Religion in our Societies, and on the best means of further promoting the work of God, were thankful to receive much pleasing and encouraging information from various parts of the Connexion; and from the statements given by several of the Preachers respecting the means which appear to have been especially owned of God, were led to agree upon the following particulars: viz.

1. We resolve that there shall be a regular observance of the Quarterly Fasts in all our Circuits, as appointed by Mr. Wesley; which are, the first Fridays after MichaelmasDay, Christmas-Day, Lady-Day, and Midsummer-Day; on which occasions, Public Prayer-Meetings shall be held in all our Chapels, at those hours which may be deemed most convenient for the attendance of our people. At the Annual District-Meetings, the Chairmen are directed to make

particular inquiries concerning the conduct of the Brethren, in reference to this Regulation.

2. We agree strongly to advise the Members of our Society, especially in large towns, to meet in those Classes which are the nearest to their respective places of residence; in order that their attendance may be less liable to interruption, and that they may be visited with greater facility by their Leaders.

3. We earnestly exhort all our Preachers to be increasingly diligent in pastoral visits to the families of our people; endeavouring to render such visits eminently profitable to all present, by prayer, and by spiritual conversation.

4. We recommend to the Preachers, in all cases where it is practicable, the establishment and superintendence of Prayer-Meetings in private houses; as being calculated not only to call into exercise the gifts of our people, and to promote their religious improvement, but also to awaken the attention of the ignorant and profligate to the concerns of their souls, as well as to obtain the special blessing of God upon the public ministry of his word.

5. We strongly advise the Preachers in their respective Circuits, particularly in the more populous Districts, and where there is a general neglect of the means of grace already established, to avail themselves of every opportunity to preach in private houses, especially in the cottages of the poor; not for the purpose of superseding the regular exercise of their ministry in our Chapels, or other places of public worship, but in order to obtain access to the more neglected part of the people, and to bring those who are at present living without God in the world under such a concern for the salvation of their souls, as will induce them to become stated attendants upon the Ordinances of the Lord's House.

6. The distribution of Religious Tracts, having, in many instances, been followed by the most beneficial results, the Conference recommends it to the Preachers and to our people in general, to form Associations, in the different Circuits, for a regular and systematic circulation of Tracts, especially of those written by Mr. Wesley, in the way of loan and otherwise, as may be deemed expedient.

7. We again exhort all our People, who have opportunity, to meet in Band; as an old-established usage in our Connexion, and an important means of improvement in personal religion: and the Preachers are directed to hold General Meetings of the Bands in every Society where it is practicable.

8. For the spiritual benefit of our people, and in order that the blessing of God may rest upon their families, we earnestly press upon them the orderly and devout exercise of Family-worship, accompanied by a deliberate reading of the Holy Scriptures. In order to a due discharge of this most important duty, a suitable portion of time should be conscientiously set apart on the morning and evening of every day, when the attendance of all the members of the family, including the servants, should be required.

9. We again solemnly resolve, after the example of our venerable Fathers in the Gospel, with all plainness and zeal, to preach a free, present, and full salvation from sin ;-a salvation flowing from the mere grace of God, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, apprehended by the simple exercise of Faith, and indispensibly preparatory to a course of practical holiness. And in this great work, our only reliance for success is upon the promised grace of the Holy Spirit; by whose inspiration alone it is, that the Gospel in any instance is rendered the "power of God unto salvation."


10. The Conference also requires, that in every Circuit, the plans for the Quarterly Visitation of the Societies shall be so arranged, as not to crowd too many Classes together, but to afford proper time for a minute examination of the Members, and for suitable advice, encouragement, and admonition.

11. We once more solemnly call upon the Members of our Society conscientiously to sanctify the Sabbath-day, both individually and in their families; especially by a regular attendance upon the public worship of Almighty God in the forenoon, as well as on the subsequent services of that sacred day, and by suffering as few persons under their care as possible to be detained at home.

12. We also advise the Preachers occasionally to invite, after preaching on the Lord's Day, such persons as may be seriously concerned for the salvation of their souls, to call upon them, and converse with them, on the following day, at an hour which they may appoint for this purpose..

13. The Conference directs, that the Twelve Rules of a Helper, and the Results of the Conversation on carrying on the Work of God, inserted in the Minutes of 1820, shall be annually read by the Chairman in every District-Meeting, and proper time allowed for examination, and for useful conversation, on the several subjects to which they refer. 14. The Preachers are peremptorily required to read the Pastoral Address of the Conference to all the Societies in their respective Circuits. 1821.

LXIX EVERY Superintendent is required to remit all the monies which may be raised for the Chapel-Fund in his Circuit, whether privately or publicly, to the Treasurers, at No. 14, City-Road, London, on or before the 15th day of March, 1821,

31 LXX.V THE Preachers shall request some of the Trustees in their respective Circuits, to accompany them in their application for Subscriptions and Donations for the ChapelFund; and shall make proper arrangements for that purpose at the December Quarterly-Meetings. 1823

LXXIQ WHAT can be done to maintain among all our people a strict and conscientious observance of the Lord's Day?

A. We solemnly confirm our former Minutes on that important branch of Christian duty [see Nos. II. VOXIX. XXXV. LXVIII. 11; also Rules concerning Chairmen, No XX. 24; also Recommendations concerning Family Religion, No. 1.] And we require our Preachers, especially the Superintendents, to enforce them on the attention and practice of our people. In particular we express our disapprobation of Sunday Baking. And we also advise all our friends mildly, but steadily, to discountenance the plan of teaching the art of Writing on the Lord's Day, to the Children of Sunday-Schools, as one which has an injurious effect both on Teachers and Scholars; occupies a considerable portion of the Lord's Day, that might be more profitably employed in catechetical and other religious instruction; and, being wholly secular in its direct object and tendency, is, in our judgment, an unjustifiable infringe-ment of the sanctity of the Sabbath.

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N. B. This Minute was passed by an unanimous Vote of the CONFERENCE.


LXXII. Q. ARE any additional Directions necessary respecting the Marriage of our Preachers?

A. It is the solemn judgment of the Conference, That it is very highly inexpedient and dangerous for a Methodist

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