Preacher to marry a person who, though truly pious, does not give at least that degree of public proof of cordial agree ment with us, in doctrine and discipline, which is implied in being a Member of bur Society The only exception to this Rule must be found in some very extraordinary casesy where the inclination to unite with us in christian communion may have been controlled by the want of opportunity, or other unavoidable circumstances. Where this cannot be pleaded, the Conference deem the marriage of a Preacher with a female not belonging to our Society to be an instance of culpable imprudence, perilous to the comfort and usefulness of the Preacher himself, and likely, if not discountenancedy to be greatly injurious to the spiritual interests of our people. #1824. v *w.mix,mend / artaking most od uedi no ́tora LXXIII. Q. WHAT further measure can be adopted, in order to render the Fund for the support of the Schools, and for the Education of the Preachers Children in general, more adequate to the great additional expenditure, which has been occasioned by the enlargement of the Connexion, and the increase of the number of Preachers? D A. Let there be a suitable interchange of Preachers, in all the Circuits in which it shall be found practicable, at the time when the Public Collections are made. 1824. " LXXIV. EVERY Superintendent is required to examine the Trustee-Books, and to sign each Schedule, as vouching for its correctness, before he bring any Chapel case to the District-Meeting. 1825. LXXV. We advise our Preachers to revive the general use of the Sacramental Hymns, when they administer the LORD's Supper; and strongly to recommend the private use of them to our People, as likely to promote a devout and profitable attendance on that holy Ordinance. 1825. 3 LXXVI. Q. WHAT can we further do to promote the prosperity and permanency of the Work of God in our Societies ?.. A. In addition to the zealous and faithful preaching of the Gospel in all our Congregations, and wherever we can obtain access for that purpose,we once more earnestly exe hort our Preachers firmly, vigilantly, and affectionately to enforce, in all our Societies, every part of our discipline. We particularly require that two of the Lessons for the Day, taken from the Holy Scriptures, shall be constantly read, at least once in every Sabbath, wherever we preach ;-that the Societies shall be frequently met, apart from the congrega tion at large, and suitably addressed on the various relative duties, on the due sanctification of the Sabbath, and other appropriate topics;-and that when the LORD's Supper is administered, the Communicants shall be previously required to produce their Society-Tickets, or Notes of Admission, according to our established Rules. 1825. LXXVII. Q WHAT additional Regulations are judged proper, in respect to Preachers received on Trial? A. No person shall in future be deemed eligible for examination at any District-Meeting, as a Candidate for reception even on Trial into our Itinerancy, unless his Superintendent be able to certify on his behalf, that he has previously read with care our standard doctrinal works; viz. Mr. Wesley's Notes on the New Testament, and his first Four Volumes of Sermons. 1825. LXXVIII. Q. As the fund for the support of the shall usually be met at least once in every fortnight. Regular Leaders' Meetings have from the beginning been found essential to the pastoral care and spiritual prosperity of our Societies; as well as to the orderly transaction of their financial concerns. 2. As our ancient Rule directs that the Leaders shall, at each Leaders' Meeting, "pay to the Stewards what they have received of their several Classes in the week preceding," and "show their account of what each person has contributed," let our Superintendents steadily enforce a regular compliance with that Rule, by urging on the Leaders the duty of collecting weekly in every Class, and of immediately paying to the Stewards, the Subscriptions of our Members for the support of the Gospel. And let the Preachers also attentively examine, at each meeting, the entries made in the Class-Books, in reference to the attendance of the Members; in order that prompt and timely measures may be adopted in cases which, on inquiry, shall appear to demand the exercise of discipline, or the interposition of pastoral exhortation and admonition. 1826. LXXXII. IN order to promote the ministerial improvement of our Junior Preachers, during their Probation, by facilitating their acquisition of our standard Works, and of other suitable Theological Books, we again earnestly recommend to the Quarterly Meetings of those Circuits in which such Preachers are stationed, while on trial, to allow them a sum of not less than One Guinea per Quarter, in addition to their usual salary, to be laid out in the purchase of Books under the direction of their Superintendent and other Colleagues. Every Superintendent is required to bring this recommendation before the Quarterly-Meeting of his Circuit, if it have not been already adopted. 1826. LXXXIII. THE Superintendents are directed gratuitously to furnish every Steward, Local Preacher, and ClassLeader, in their respective Circuits, with a copy of the ANNUAL PASTORAL ADDRESS of the Conference to the Methodist Societies. 1826. LXXXIV. IT is peremptorily required that, in order to bring the state and progress of the work of God, în every Circuit, distinctly and regularly under the examination of the District-Meetings, the Circuit Schedules, duly filled up, shall be annually produced, read, and considered. 1826. LXXXV. LIST of General Collections and Subscriptions during the year:: 1. The Private Subscriptions and Public Collections for the Kingswood and Woodhouse-Grove Schools, are to be made in the month of October; and the money should be immediately remitted to the General Treasurers for the School Fund, according to the directions given in No. LXXVIII. N. B. 1. 烹 2. The Private Subscriptions and Public Collections for the General Chapel Fund, are to be made in the month of February; and the money should be immediately remitted to the General Treasurers of that Fund. 3. The Yearly Collection in all the Classes is to be made as usual at the March Visitation, and the money to be paid at the District-Meetings in May. 1 4. The Private Subscriptions for the Mission Fund are to be received in all our Circuits, either weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually, as is most convenient to the Subscribers. The Annual Public Collections for that Fund are to be made in all our Chapels, and other PreachingPlaces, at the time of the Anniversaries of the several Aux iliary or Branch Societies; or, where no Public Meetings of that kind are held, in the month of May. The money so raised is to be remitted through the hands of the DistrictTreasurers, to the General Treasurers, whose Address is, No. 77, Hatton-Garden, London. 5. The Private Subscriptions for the Auxiliary Preachers' Fund, are to be solicited in the month of June; and the money to be paid, on the first day of the Conference, into the hands of the Treasurer of that Fund. 6. The Collection, in aid of the Contingent Fund, for the support and spread of the Gospel in Great Britain and Ireland, is to be made in all our Chapels and PreachingPlaces, not later than the second Sunday in July; and the money is to be paid on the first day of the Conference to the Treasurer of the Contingent Fund. 1826. IV. WESLEYAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY: LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF IT. I. THIS Institution shall be designated THE WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. II. THE object of this Society is to excite and combine, on a plan more systematic and efficient than has heretofore been accomplished, the exertions of the Societies and Con |