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gregations of the Wesleyan Methodists (and of others, who are friends to the conversion of the Heathen World, and to the preaching of the Gospel generally, in Foreign Lands), in the support and enlargement of the Foreign Missions, which were first established by the REV. JOHN WESLEY, AM, the REV. THOMAS COKE, LL.D., and others; and which are now, or shall be, from year to year, carried on under the sanction and direction of the Conference of the People called Methodists.16 31759 1

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III. EVERY person subscribing annually the sum of One Guinea, and upwards, and every benefactor presenting a donation of Ten Pounds, and upwards, shall be deemed a Member of this Society, and entitled, as such, to a copy of the General Annual Report. i

IV. ALL Methodist Missionary Societies which have already been formed, and those which it is intended to form as soon as it shall be found practicable, for the several Districts in this kingdom into which the Methodist Connexion is divided, shall be entitled "Auxiliary Methodist Missionary Societies," for the Districts in which they have been, or may be, formed.

All Methodist Missionary Societies already formed, or hereafter to be formed, in the particular Circuits of any District, shall be entitled, "Branch Methodist Missionary Societies" for the Circuit, or (where there are, or shall be, more than one such Society in the same Circuit,) for the City, Town, or Village, in which they are, or shall be established-And the formation of Ladies' Branch Associations, and of Juvenile Branch Societies, in connexion with the Auxiliary Societies of the several Districts, is also earnestly recommended wherever separate institutions of that nature are likely to be advantageous.

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V. THE Monies raised in any Circuit for the Methodist Missions, by Branch Societies, or other Local Associations, and all other Monies, in whatsoever way collected, for the same object, shall be regularly paid, once in every quarter or oftener, into the hands of the Treasurer of the Auxiliary Society for the District in which the said Circuit is situated, with the deduction only of such sums as may have been disbursed for the incidental and local expenses of the Branch Society. And the Treasurer of every District Auxiliary Society shall remit to the Treasurer or Treasurers of the General Society in London, once in every quarter, or oftener, all sums so received by him from the various Circuits in his District, deducting only the necessary incidental expenses incurred by the Auxiliary Society.

VI. THE Secretaries of every Branch Society, or other Local Association, shall forward annually to the Secretaries of the Auxiliary Society for their District, an alphabetical List of all the Benefactors and Subscribers during the preceding twelve months, with an account of their respective contributions: stating at the same time what portion of the sums so received has been detained for local expenses, and what portion has been paid in to the Treasurer for the District:-and the Secretaries of every District Auxiliary Society shall also forward annually, to the Secretaries of the General Society in London, a similar List of the Benefactors and Subscribers in all the Circuits of their District, and an abstract of the accounts of the Auxiliary Society, shewing its gross receipts, its local payments, and its remittances to the General Treasurers.

VII. ALL Benefactors of Ten Pounds, and upwards, and all Subscribers of One Guinea, and upwards, annually,

to any of the Auxiliary or Branch Societies, or other Local Associations, in connexion with this Institution, shall be deemed, in right of such Benefaction or Subscription, Members of the General Society..

VIII. ALL persons who collect to the amount of One Shilling and upwards, weekly, or Five Shillings and upwards, monthly, for this Institution, or for any of its Auxiliaries, Branches, or Associations, shall also be Members of the General Society, and entitled to receive a copy of each Annual Report, and of each number of the Methodist Missionary Notices.

IX. AN Annual Public Meeting of the Members and Friends of this Society, connected with such religious services as may be deemed expedient, shall be held in London, on the first Monday in May, unless that day shall fall on the 6th or 7th of May, in which case the Meeting shall be held for that year on the 29th or 30th of April.

X. A General Committee shall be appointed by the Conference, to whom shall be entrusted (in the intervals of the Annual Assemblies of that Body) the superintendence of the Collection and Disbursement of all Monies raised for the Foreign Missions which are now, or may hereafter, be carried on under its sanction, and by the Preachers in connexion with it; and also the general management of those Missions, according to the Rules hereinafter provided. This Committee shall consist of the President and Secretary of the Conference, for the time being, and of forty-eight other Members; of whom at least one third (eight Travelling Preachers, and eight other Members of the Methodist Society) shall be selected from the Country Circuits: the

rest shall be resident in or near London, where meetings of the Committee shall be held once a month or oftener, for the transaction of business. Those of the Methodist Ministers who are Annual Subscribers to the Missions of One Guinea, and one Treasurer, Secretary, or other principal Member from every District Auxiliary Society, who may be in London occasionally, shall be entitled to meet and vote with the Committee.

XI. THE London Members of the General Committee shall consist of sixteen of the Methodist Ministers, stationed for the time being in or near London, and of sixteen gentlemen, Members of the Methodist Society, not Travelling Preachers. Four out of the last-mentioned sixteen shall go out annually by rotation. This rotation, during the first three years, shall be effected by ballot of the Committee, after which it will proceed in regular course. Four of the country Members (two Preachers and two others) shall also be changed annually.

XII. ONE or more general Treasurers, who shall be entitled to sit and vote with the Committee, during the year of their continuance in office, shall be annually appointed.

XIII. THREE of the Methodist Ministers, stationed in or near London, shall be appointed to conduct the official correspondence of the Missions, and to perform the other duties of Secretaries. The Secretaries shall be expected to devote themselves on the week-days, in general, to the service of the Missions exclusively; being subject, however, to all the General Rules of the Connexion, respecting a regular change of Station.

XIV. As all the Missionaries supported by the Funds of this Society are to be Preachers in connexion with, and under the direction of, the Methodist Conference, and have generally a claim to be received as such into the Connexion at home, on their return from Foreign Stations, the selection of Missionaries shall be made in the following way, viz.:

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1. Every Candidate must, in the first instance, be recommended by the Superintendent of the Circuit in which he resides; be approved by the Quarterly-Meeting of that Circuit; and be examined and approved also, either by the Annual District-Meeting, or, at least, by three other Superintendents in the neighbourhood.

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2. The list of Candidates for Missionary service, who shall be thus recommended by their several Superintendents, Quarterly-Meetings, and District-Meetings, &e. shall be annually laid before the Conference; and such a number of those who are deemed most eligible, as are likely to be wanted in the course of the ensuing twelve months, shall be sent for to the Conference, and examined by a Special Committee, in reference to their Missionary views and qualifications. In cases where it may be found inexpedient for them to attend the Conference, they shall be examined by as many of the Preachers of the London District as can conveniently assemble for that purpose.

3. Those Candidates who shall be approved by the Spécial Committee at the Conference, or by the Preachers of the London District, as before mentioned, shall be entered on the List of Received Missionaries, and be subject to the call of the General Committee for such Stations as may need supply or reinforcement.

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4. When Preachers, already engaged as such in the Connexion at Home, offer themselves for Foreign service, they shall be personally examined in reference to that subject,

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