let that of other Preachers be solicited, as formerly, by the Local Committees of the Auxiliary or Branch-Societies themselves, acting in conjunction with their Superintendents. 3. Those Branch-Societies, who cannot conveniently obtain the attendance of Deputations acting on behalf of the General Committee, are requested to make competent provision for their own Anniversaries, as heretofore, by timely applications to other Preachers; and especially to those who are stationed in their own respective Districts or neighbourhoods. 4. It is recommended to the General Committee and Secretaries, in the appointment of Deputations, and to the Local Committees, in the invitation of other assistants, to pay as strict an attention to economy, in the expenditure both of time and of money, as a proper regard to the peculiar circumstances of each Society, and to the success of the several Anniversaries, will admit. 5. As mutual consultation, on the part of the various Circuits of each District, in reference to the periods at which their Anniversaries may best be held, would, in many cases, produce a considerable saving, both of money to the Fund, and of time to the Preachers appointed or invited to visit them, it is desirable that each Auxiliary and Branch Committee should meet, to deliberate on that subject, as soon as convenient after every Conference; in order that the Preachers and Circuit-Stewards, who compose the Financial District-Meetings, annually held in September, may report the views and wishes of the different Committees in their District, so as to facilitate some general arrangement, satisfactory and advantageous to all the Societies engaged in this good work. 1825.. Y XVII. Q. WHAT further Rule is necessary respecting the Return of Missionaries from Foreign Stations to this Country. A. It is resolved, That every Missionary, who shall, in future, return home, without the consent of the Missionary Committee, except in case of extreme danger through sickness, shall be considered as having thereby excluded himself from our Connexion. 1825. The People. As the "LARGE MINUTES," published by Mr. Wesley, contain the principles by which the Preachers are governed; so the "PLAN OF PACIFICATION," agreed upon between the Preachers and the People in the year 1795, and the subsequent "Regulations MADE AT LEEDS," in the year 1797, constitute a basis of the government of the Societies. Appended to these latter Instruments, are two outlines of Deeds, which are given as forms according to which, Chapels may be properly settled upon the Conference Plan. These three documents being connected, and forming the second part of the Large Minutes, are here placed first in the order of THE PEOPLE, as the former part of them precedes the Rules concerning THE CONFERENCE. THE PLAN OF GENERAL PACIFICATION. 1. CONCERNING the Lord's Supper, Baptism, &c. 1. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper shall not be administered in any Chapel, except a majority of the Trustees of that Chapel on the one hand, and the majority of the Stewards and Leaders belonging to that Chapel (as the best qualified to give the sense of the people) on the other hand, allow of it. Nevertheless, in all cases, the consent of the Conference shall be first obtained, before the Lord's Supper be administered. 2. Wherever there is a Society but no Chapel, if the majority of the Stewards and Leaders of that Society testify, That it is the wish of the people that the Lord's Supper should be administered to them, their desire shall be granted, provided that the consent of the Conference be first obtained. 3. Provided nevertheless, that in Mount-Pleasant Chapel at Liverpool, and in all other Chapels where the Lord's Supper has been already peaceably administered, the administration of it shall be continued in future. 4. The administration of Baptism, the Burial of the dead, and service in Church hours, shall be determined according to the Regulations above mentioned. 5. Whenever the Lord's Supper shall be administered according to the above mentioned Regulations, it shall always be continued, except the Conference order the contrary. 6. The Lord's Supper shall be administered by those only who are authorized by the Conference: and at such times, and in such manner only, as the Conference shall appoint. 7. The administration of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, according to the above Regulations, is intended only for the members of our own society. 8. We agree that the Lord's Supper be administered among us, on Sunday evenings only; except where the majority of the Stewards and Leaders desire it in church hours; or where it has already been administered in these hours. Nevertheless, it shall never be administered on those Sundays on which it is administered in the Parish Church. 9. The Lord's Supper shall always be administered in England, according to the form of the Established Church : but the person who administers shall have liberty to give out hymns, to use exhortation, and extemporary prayer. 10. Wherever Divine Service is performed in England on the Lord's Day in Church-hours, the officiating Preacher shall read either the service of the Church, our venerable Father's abridgment, or at least, the lessons appointed by the calendar. But we recommend either the full service or the abridgment. II. Concerning Discipline. 1. The appointment of the Preachers shall remain solely with the Conference: and no Trustee, or number of Trustees, shall expel or exclude from their Chapel, or Chapels, any Preacher so appointed. 2. Nevertheless, if the majority of the Trustees, or the majority of the Stewards and Leaders of any Society, believe that any Preacher appointed for their Circuit, is immoral, erroneous in doctrine, deficient in abilities, or that he has broken any of the Rules above mentioned, they shall have authority to summon the Preachers of the District, and all the Trustees, Stewards and Leaders of that Circuit, to meet in their Chapel, on a day and hour appointed, (sufficient time being given.) The chairman of the District shall be President of the assembly: and every Preacher, Trustee, Steward and Leader, shall have a single vote, the Chairman possessing the casting voice. And if the majority of the meeting judge, that the accused Preacher is immoral, erroneous in doctrine, deficient in abilities, or has broken any of the Rules above mentioned, he shall be considered as |