removed from that Circuit. And the District-Committee shall, as soon as possible, appoint another Preacher for that Circuit, instead of the Preacher so removed; and shall determine among themselves how the removed Preacher shall be disposed of till the Conference; and shall have authority to suspend the said Preacher from all public duties, till the Conference, if they think proper. The District-Committee shall also supply, as well as possible, the place of the removed Preacher, till another Preacher be appointed. And the Preacher thus appointed, and all other Preachers, shall be subject to the above mode of trial. And if the District-Committee do not appoint a Preacher for that Circuit, instead of the removed Preacher, within a month after the aforesaid removal, or do not fill up the place of the removed Preacher, till another Preacher be appointed, the majority of the said Trustees, Stewards and Leaders, being again regularly summoned, shall appoint a Preacher for the said Circuit, provided he be a member of the Methodist Connexion, till the next Conference. 3. If any Preacher refuse to submit to the above mode of trial, in any of the cases mentioned above, he shall be considered as suspended till the next Conference. And if any Trustees expel from any Chapel a Preacher by their own separate authority, the Preachers appointed for that Circuit shall not preach in that Chapel till the next Conference, or till a trial takes places according to the mode mentioned above. 4. If any Trustees expel or exclude a Preacher, by their own separate authority, from any Chapel, in any Circuit, the Chairman of the District shall summons the members of the District-Committee, the Trustees of that Circuit who have not offended, and the Stewards and Leaders of the Circuit. And the members of such assembly shall examine into the evidence on both sides; and if the majority of them determine, that the state of the Society in which the exclusion took place, requires that a new Chapel should be built before the meeting of the next Conference, every proper step shall be immediately taken for erecting such Chapel. And no step shall, on any account, be taken to erect a Chapel for such purpose before the next Conference, till such a meeting be summoned, and such determination be made. 5. No Preacher shall be suspended or removed from his Circuit by any District-Committee, except he have the privilege of the trial before mentioned. 6. The Hundred Preachers mentioned in the Enrolled Deed, and their successors, are the only legal persons who constitute the Conference. And we think the junior brethren have no reason to object to this proposition, as they are regularly elected according to seniority. 7. Inasmuch as in drawing up the preceding Regulations, we have laboured to restore and preserve the peace and unity of the Society, and in order thereto, have endeavoured to keep the Preachers out of all disputes on the subjects therein specified: be it understood, that any Preacher who shall disturb the peace of the Society, by speaking for or against the introduction of the Lord's Supper in our Societies, or concerning the old or the new Plan, so called, shall be subject to the trial and penalties before mentioned. 8. And in order that the utmost impartiality be manifest in these Regulations for the peace of the whole Body, we also resolve, that if any Local Preacher, Trustee, Steward, or Leader, shall disturb the peace of the Society, by speaking for or against the introduction of the Lord's Supper, or concerning the old or the new Plan (so called), the Superintendent of the Circuit, or the majority of the Trustees, Stewards and Leaders of the Society so disturbed, shall have authority to summon a meeting of the Travelling Preachers of the Circuit, and the Trustees, Stewards and Leaders of that Society. Evidence shall be examined on both sides, and if the charge be proved, the Superintendent Preacher shall expel from the Society the person so offending. ADDENDA. 1. The Conference by no means wishes to divide any Society, by the introduction of the Lord's Supper, and therefore, except that a majority of the Stewards and Leaders, who desire the Lord's Supper among themselves, testify in writing to the Conference, that they are persuaded that no separation will be made thereby, they will not allow it. 2. The Sacrament shall not be administered to a Society in any private house, within two miles of the Methodist Chapel, in which it is regularly administered. 3. We all agree, that the pulpit shall not be a vehicle of abuse. 4. It has been our general custom, never to appoint or remove a Steward or Leader, without first consulting the Stewards and Leaders of that Society; and we are resolved to walk by the same Rule. 5. To prevent as much as possible the progress of strife and debate, and consequent divisions in our Connexion, no pamphlet, or printed letter, shall be circulated among us without the author's name, and the postage or carriage paid. 6. Nothing contained in these Rules, shall be construed to violate the rights of the Trustees, as expressed in their respective deeds. Manchester, August 6, 1795. REGULATIONS MADE AT LEEDS. TO THE METHODIST SOCIETIES. Dear Brethren, We think it our duty to inform you, by the earliest opportunity, of the measures we have taken, in order to satisfy those of our Brethren, who have been made more or less uneasy, by sundry publications circulated through the Societies; and, we trust, that on a serious consideration of the Regulations we have agreed to at this Conference, you will see that the sacrifices in respect to authority, which we have made on the part of the whole body of Travelling Preachers, evidence our willingness to meet our Brethren in every thing which is consistent with the existence of the Methodist discipline, and our readiness to be their servants for Jesus's sake. I. IN respect to finances, or money-matters: 1. We have determined to publish annually a very minute account of the disbursement, or application of the Yearly Collection; and, 2. A full account of the affairs of Kingswood School. 3. That all bills for the support of Travelling Preachers, and their families, in respect to deficiencies, house-rent, fire, candles, sickness, travelling expenses, and all other matters of a temporal kind for their support, for which the Circuits cannot provide, shall first meet with the approbation of the Quarterly-Meeting, and be signed by the General Steward of the Circuit, before they can be brought to the District-Committee. II. IN respect to all other temporal matters: 1. It has been determined, that no Circuits shall be divided, till such division has been approved of by their respective Quarterly Meetings, and signed by the General Stewards. 2. That no other temporal matter shall be transacted by the District Committees, till the approbation of the respective Quarterly Meetings be first given, signed by the Circuit Stewards. III. In respect to the receiving and excluding private members of the Society: 1. The Leaders' Meeting shall have a right to declare any person on trial, improper to be received into the Society: and, after such declaration, the Superintendent shall not admit such person into the Society. 2. No person shall be expelled from the Society for im morality, till such immorality be proved at a Leaders' Meeting. IV. IN respect to the appointment and removal of Leaders, Stewards, and Local Preachers, and concerning meetings: 1. No person shall be appointed a Leader or Steward, of be removed from his office, but in conjunction with the Leaders' Meeting: the nomination to be in the Superintendent, and the approbation or disapprobation in the Leaders' Meeting. 2. The former Rule concerning Local Preachers is confirmed: viz. That no person shall receive a plan as a Local Preacher, without the approbation of a Local Preachers' Meeting. 3. In compliance with a request made by the Committee |