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of persons from various parts, namely, "That the Conference be requested to re-consider and revise those Rules, which relate to the calling of meetings, and appointing Local Preachers, made last year," we say, "No Local Preacher shall be permitted to preach in any other Circuit than his own, without producing a recommendation from the Superintendent of the Circuit in which he lives: nor suffer any invitation to be admitted as a plea, but from men in office, who act in conjunction with the Superintendent of that Circuit which he visits." The design of this Rule is to prevent any, under the character of Local Preachers, from burdening the people, either by collecting money, or by living upon them: and to prevent improper persons, who bear no part of the expense, from inviting Local Preachers thus to visit them. But it never was intended to reflect the least disrespect on any of our worthy brethren, the Local Preachers, who, considered as a Body, we greatly respect. And it should not be lost sight of, that several of the most respectable Local Preachers in the kingdom, who were in the Committee which met the Committee of Preachers appointed by the Conference, declared their high approbation of the Rule, and desired that it might be strengthened as much as possible, as none could justly complain of it.

4. As the Committee above-mentioned requested also, that the Minutes of the last Conference concerning the calling of Meetings to consider of the affairs of the Society or Connexion, be explained: and as we are exceedingly desirous of preserving the peace and union of the whole Body; we have agreed upon the following explanation : viz.

(1.) As the Leaders' Meeting is the proper meeting for the Society, and the Quarterly Meeting for the Circuit, we think that other formal Meetings, in general, would be contrary to

the Methodist economy, and very prejudicial in their conse

quences: But,

(2.) In order to be as tender as possible, consistently with what we believe to be essential to the welfare of our Societies, we allow, that other formal meetings may be held, if they first receive the approbation of the Superintendent, and the Leader's or Quarterly Meeting; provided also that the Superintendent, if he please, be present at every such Meeting.

V. WE have selected all our ancient Rules, which were made before the death of our late venerable Father in the Gospel, the Rev. Mr. Wesley, which are essential Rules, or prudential at this present time; and have solemnly signed them, declaring our approbation of them, and determination to comply with them; one single Preacher excepted,* who, in consequence, withdrew from us.

VI. We have determined, that all the Rules which relate to the Societies, Leaders, Stewards, Local Preachers, Trustees, and Quarterly Meetings, shall be published with the Rules of the Society, for the benefit and convenience of all the Members.

VII. In respect to all new Rules, which shall be made by the Conference,

It is determined, that if at any time the Conference see it necessary to make any new Rule for the Societies at large and such Rule should be objected to, at the first Quarterly Meeting in any given Circuit; and if the major part of that meeting, in conjunction with the Preachers, be of

Before the Conference concluded, two other Preachers withdrew.

opinion, that the enforcing of such Rule in that Circuit will be injurious to the prosperity of that Circuit; it shall not be enforced in opposition to the judgment of such Quarterly Meeting, before the second Conference. But, if the Rule be confirmed by the second Conference, it shall be binding to the whole Connexion. Nevertheless, the Quarterly Meetings, rejecting a new Rule, shall not, by publications, public meetings, or otherwise, make that Rule a cause of contention; but shall strive, by every means, to preserve the peace of the Connexion.

Thus, brethren, we have given up the greatest part of our executive government into your hands, as represented in your different public Meetings.

1. We have delivered the whole of our Yearly Collection to your management. For we know, by experience, that the bills of the Quarterly Meetings, if only mere justice be done to the Preachers and their families, will amount to much more than the Yearly Collection. The Conference, will, in this business, have no authority whatsoever. They will have nothing but the trouble of receiving the money, and paying the bills which shall have been sent to them from the Quarterly Meetings, and been approved of by the District-Committees. And when the accounts are published by the Conference, every Quarterly Meeting may compare its own accounts with those of the Conference, and thereby have as complete a check as the nature of things can possibly admit of.

The Conference has reserved to itself the management of its own Book-concerns. This is most reasonable; as the institution was established for the carrying on of the work of God, under the direction of MR. WESLEY and the


Conference; was continued, by the deed or codicil of MR. WESLEY'S will, for the use of the Conference; as the whole burden of the management of the business lies upon the Conference, and the servants they employ, and on the Superintendents of Circuits; and also, as it is the only Fund which can supply any deficiencies of the Yearly Collection, as the accounts published in our Minutes for several years past clearly evidence; the Yearly Collection having not been nearly sufficient for the wants of the Preachers and families, and for the carrying on of the Work of God in general.

2. The whole management of our temporal concerns may now be truly said to be invested in the Quarterly Meetings, the District-Meetings having nothing left them but a negative.

3 Our Societies have a full check on the Superintendent, by means of their Leaders' Meeting, in regard to the introduction of persons into Society; whilst the Superintendent has sufficient scope allowed him for the increase of the Societies, not only according to the common course of things, but at the times of remarkable out-pourings of the Spirit of God.

4. The Members of our Societies are delivered from every apprehension of clandestine expulsions; as that Superintendent would be bold indeed, who would act with partiality or injustice in the presence of the whole Meeting of Leaders. Such a Superintendent, we trust, we have not among us; and if such there ever should be, we should be ready to do all possible justice to our injured Brethren.

5. There is now no Society-Officer among us, who can be received without the consent of that Meeting, to which he particularly belongs: nor can any officer be appointed, except upon the same plan.

6. In order to prevent any degree of precipitation in making new Rules, and to obtain information of the sentiments of our people on every such Rule, we have agreed to the article mentioned under the 7th head, by which no Regulations will be finally confirmed, till after a year's consideration, and the knowledge of the sentiments of the Connexion at large, through the medium of all their public Officers.

In short, Brethren, out of our great love for peace and union, and our great desire to satisfy your minds, we have given up to you far the greatest part of the Superintendent's authority: and, if we consider, that the Quarterly Meetings are the sources, from whence all temporal Regulations, during the intervals of the Conference, must now originally spring; and also, that the Committee, formed according to the Plan of Pacification, can, in every instance, in which the Trustees, Leaders, and Stewards, choose to interfere respecting the gifts, doctrines, or moral character of Preachers, supersede, in a great measure, the regular District-Committees; we may, taking all these things into our view, truly say, that such have been the sacrifices we have made, that our District-Committees themselves have hardly any authority remaining, but a bare negative in general, and the appointment of a representative to assist in drawing up the rough draught of the stations of the Preachers. And besides all this, we have given the Quarterly Meetings opportunity of considering every new Law, of suspending the execution of it for a year in their respective Circuits, and of sending their sentiments upon it to the Conference, before it be finally confirmed.

We have represented these measures which we have

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