trust in the first place, to pay the interest which shall become due in respect of any gross sum or sums of money which shall be borrowed for the purpose of building the said Chapel and other erections belonging thereto... And in the next place do and shall pay and apply the surplus of the monies so from time to time to be collected and received as lastly hereinbefore is mentioned in the payment and discharge of all such sum and sums of money as shall be so borrowed as aforesaid, and after full payment thereof then do and shall pay and apply such monies as aforesaid, or the residue thereof, for and towards the support of the Preachers for the time being stationed in the Circuit, in which the said Chapel shall be comprised in such manner as to the Trustees for the time being, and the Men Leaders of Classes of the Methodist Society belonging to the said Chapel, or the major part of them, shall think proper; and if after providing for the support of such last mentioned Preachers there shall remain any surplus or residue of the said monies, then do, and shall pay and apply the same for or towards the promotion and furtherance of the preaching of the Gospel, by building of Chapels or otherwise in the said Circuit, and among such poor persons of the Society of Methodists at aforesaid, as the Trustees for the time being, the Superintendent Preacher of the said Circuit, and the Men Leaders of Classes of the Methodist Society belonging to the said Chapel for the time being, or the major part of them, shall think proper. AND it is hereby agreed, that the said several persons, parties hereto, of the second part, and all future Trustees of the said Chapel and Premises shall, at the four QuarterlyMeetings of the Circuit, comprising the said Chapel to be held every year, produce and shew forth, or cause to be produced and shewn forth to the Preachers, and all and every other the person and persons assembled at such Quarterly-Meetings, all and every the book and books of account, papers, and vouchers of the said Trustees for the time being, relative to the said Chapel and Premises, and the receipts and disbursements relative to the said Trust Estate and Premises, and permit extracts to be taken therefrom. AND UPON THIS FURTHER TRUST, that in case at any time hereafter the Society of Methodists, usually assembling at the said Chapel, shall be dissolved, or become extinct; or if in consequence of any act of Legislature, or otherwise, the said Chapel cannot consistently with the general system, of the Methodist Doctrines and Discipline be used as a place of Religious Worship by them, or in case the said Trustees, or the major part of them, for the time being, shall be of opinion that a larger or more convenient Chapel hath become necessary, then, and in either, or any of the said cases, they, the said Trustees for the time being, do and shall, either by public sale or private contract, sell the said Chapel and Premises to any person or persons who shall be willing to become the purchaser or purchasers thereof, for the best price that can be reasonably obtained, and at any such sale by auction to buy in the said Premises, or any part thereof, and again to sell the same in the manner aforesaid, without incurring any personal liability thereby, and do and shall enter into, make, sign, and execute all such agreements, acts, deeds, and conveyances as shall be necessary for effecting such sales, and making effectual conveyances of the Premises sold to the respective purchasers, and to his, her, or their heirs and assigns. AND it is hereby declared and agreed, that the receipts and receipt of the Trustees for the time being shall be a legal and sufficient discharge for all sums of money, which shall be paid to them under the trusts herein contained, and that after having obtained such receipts or receipt, the person or persons paying any such sum or sums of money shall not be answerable for the same, or be in any wise bound or concerned to see to the application of the same or any part thereof. And upon this further Trust that they, the said Trustees for the time being, do and shall stand possessed of the money to be produced by such last mentioned sale or sales in trust by and with the same, or a competent part thereof, in the first place to discharge all the debts which shall be then owing on account of the said Chapel and Premises. And in the next place, in case the said Chapel and Premises shall have been sold in consequence of the Society usually assembling there having been dissolved, or become extinct, or in case the same shall have been sold because the said Chapel could not consistently with the general system of the Methodist doctrines and discipline be used as a place of Religious Worship by them, do and shall apply and distribute the residue or surplus (if any) of the said money among such poor persons in the Methodist Society as the Superintendent Preacher of the Circuit, comprising the said Chapel and the said Trustees for the time being, or the major part of them, shall think proper and fit. But in case the said Chapel and Premises shall have been sold in consequence of a larger or more convenient Chapel being necessary as aforesaid, then that they the said Trustees for the time being do and shall lay out and apply such residue or surplus in or towards the purchase or building of another more suitable and convenient Chapel, and do and shall hold the same when so purchased or built, upon and for the same trusts, intents, and purposes, as are herein expressed and contained of and concerning the said Chapel and Premises. And it is hereby further agreed and declared, that in case any of the Trustees herein named, or any person or persons to be appointed in his or their place or stead, by virtue of the power and authority hereinafter for that purpose contained, shall be excluded from the Methodist Society with the consent of the major part of the Trustees for the time being (as in the Rules of Pacification above referred to is expressed) then and in such case he or they so ceasing to be a member or members of the said Society, and being so excluded, shall and will at the expense of the said Trust fund, and upon the request of the other Trustees for the time being, and upon being indemnified by such other Trustees against the payment of any sum or sums of money, costs, or expenses which he or they jointly or separately may have bound himself or themselves to pay in respect of the said Chapel and Premises, and on being paid all monies which may appear due to him or them on account of the said Trust Premises, release and relinquish, convey, and assure all his or their trust estate, and interest in the said Premises to the other Trustees of the same, for the time being, by such Acts and Deeds and in such manner as the other Trustees for the time being, or their counsel in the law, shall advise or require. PROVIDED ALSO, and it is hereby further declared and agreed, by and between the said parties hereto, that when and so often as the Trustees hereby appointed, or to be appointed, as hereinafter mentioned, shall, by death, incapacity, or refusal to act, or otherwise be reduced to onethird of the present number, then and in every such case, the Superintendent Preacher for the time being of the Circuit in which the said Chapel shall be comprised, together with the Stewards and Men Leaders of Classes of the said Society assembling at the said Chapel, or the major part in number of the said Preacher, Stewards and Men Leaders, shall within two calendar months after such reduction shall happen, nominate so many persons (members of the Methodist Society and no others) as will be double the number of the Trustees wanting or deficient of the original number; and out of the persons so nominated, the said remaining Trustees, or the major part of them, shall within two calendar months next after such nomination as aforesaid, elect and appoint so many to be Trustees as will together with such remaining Trustees make up the number hereby nominated and appointed. And such remaining Trustees as aforesaid shall, within the time last mentioned, at the costs and charges of the said Trust fund, well and sufficiently convey, transfer, and set over the said Chapel and Premises, with the appurtenances, in such manner as that the same may be duly vested in such remaining Trustees, and such new Trustees as aforesaid, jointly upon and for the trusts, intents, and purposes herein declared and expressed, or to such of the same trusts, intents, and purposes as shall be then existing, or capable of taking effect; and such new Trustees, so to be nominated, elected, and appointed, shall have such and the same powers in all respects to act in the management of the said Trust premises, in as full and ample manner, as if they had been originally appointed Trustees in and by these presents. PROVIDED ALWAYS, that in case the said Preacher, Stewards, and Leaders shall at any time hereafter neglect or omit to nominate so many persons as hereinbefore mentioned, within the said space of two calendar months after they the said Preacher, Stewards, and Leaders shall have had notice that the Trustees are reduced to one-third of the present number, then, and in every such case, the Trustees for the time being, or the major part of them, shall within the space of |