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Another list shall also be prepared of such Books as, though not published by us, are regularly sold at our Book-Room, and which, if ordered, but not sold, shall be returned in the course of the year, if not cut open, soiled, or otherwise damaged. If a Preacher order any Book, not included in either of these lists, he shall be responsible for payment, and shall not be allowed to return it, or leave it in the Stock.

III. THOSE Preachers who have the care of Books in the various Circuits, shall invariably send, with their order for the July and August Magazines, an exact account of all the Books of every description in their Stock.

IV. EVERY Superintendent is peremptorily required finally to settle his Book-Account for the preceding year, at each Conference; and also regularly to transmit the money in his hands, without any reserve or deduction whatever, (except for expenses for postage and carriage,) to the BookSteward, at Christmas, at Lady-Day, and at MidsummerDay, and as much oftener as possible. The Book-Committee are directed to use such means as they may find expedient for the full and impartial execution of this rule, which is an important part of the system of financial regulations lately adopted with so much benefit to the Connexion, and which the measures lately agreed upon, in regard to the partial payment of Ordinary Deficiencies in the course of the year by the Treasurer of the Contingent Fund, now render practicable in every Circuit. The Conference also directs, with a view to the same object, that payment on delivery for our Magazines and other Books, shall be strongly recommended to the Subscribers

and Purchasers by the Preachers, and also occasionally on the cover of the Magazine, as one means of materially assisting a Concern, on the profits of which the carrying on of the work of God in our own country so materially depends.


I. EVERY Preacher who is received on trial, shall be furnished by his first Superintendent, as soon as possible, with a copy of Mr. Wesley's Sermons, and of his Notes on the New Testament, on the payment of One Guinea; and when he is admitted into full connexion with the Conference, the Guinea shall be returned by the BookSteward.

II. EVERY Travelling and Supernumerary Preacher shall have one copy of the Annual Minutes of the Conference, gratis.

III. THE Book-Steward shall allow the Itinerant Preachers to purchase our own Books for their own personal use, at a discount of twenty-five per cent. from the selling price, and others at prime cost.

IV. THE Preachers who have the care of Books in the several Circuits, as some compensation for their trouble and responsibility, shall be allowed a commission of ten per cent. on all their sales.


I. IMMEDIATELY before the sitting of the Conference every year, a Sub-Committee of three Preachers, together with the Editor, the Book-Steward, and the Secretary of the Book-Committee, shall meet to inspect and examine the accounts of the Book-Concern, and to ascertain, as nearly as may be, what will be the disposeable profits of the year when all the Preachers' accounts have been settled at the Conference.

II. WHEN the disposeable profits of the year shall be certified to the Conference, they shall first allow out of them the payment of such sum as may appear necessary, from year to year, on account of such private expenditure in behalf of the Connexion as cannot be brought into the accounts of the Contingent Fund; they shall then order the payment of the annual allowance to the Legalized Fund, and the Seniors' Fund: the sum fixed upon as the annual instalment for the liquidation of the debt upon the Book-Concern, shall next be advanced: the remainder shall then be paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the Contingent Fund, in aid of the Yearly and July Collections. London, 1824.

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THERE shall be a regular exchange of Minutes, Magazines, Missionary Reports and Notices, and of all new original Works, published by the European and American Methodists, from their respective Book-Rooms. 1820.



I. WE most earnestly advise and exhort our Friends to use the utmost caution with respect to the erection of new Chapels ;-to remember especially Mr. Wesley's advice, "Beware of building expensive Chapels ;"-and not to engage in any such undertaking, in the present state of our affairs, without a moral certainty that the income from seatrents, together with the subscriptions that may be raised in the Circuit to which the new Chapel is to belong, will be such as to prevent future embarrassment, and meet all the additional expences of every sort, without that help from other parts of the Connexion which it is now found so very difficult to obtain. And we call the attention of our Preachers and Societies to the following Minute of the year 1813; viz. "Our Friends who may contemplate in future the erection of new Chapels, are earnestly entreated to inquire, before any decisive step be taken, whether, by the building of such Chapel, an additional Travelling Preacher will not be rendered necessary; and whether, in that case, they can support him out of the funds of the Chapel, or of their own Circuit." 1815.

II. Q. WHAT further measures can be adopted to prevent in future the imprudent erection of Chapels?

A. As the repeated cautions and entreaties of the Conference have in various instances been disregarded, we now deem it necessary to the honor and security of the Con

nexion, to appoint Five Brethren annually as a ChapelCommittee. To this Committee every proposal for the erection or purchase of any new or additional chapel, with clear and full explanations of the necessity alleged, of the expence contemplated, and of the subscriptions, and other local income, likely to be raised, shall be submitted by the Superintendent of the Circuit, before he shall give any sanction to such erection or purchase, or allow any step to be taken in the actual execution of the proposal: and no chapel shall be built or purchased without the consent of a majority of this Committe. 1817.

III. In order to prevent the imprudent erection of Chapels, it is resolved,

1. That the Minute of last year [see No. II.] respecting the Annual Appointment of a Chapel-Building Committee, without whose previous consent no Chapel is to be built or purchased, be confirmed: and every Superintendent is required to conform in all cases to the directions contained in that Minute.

2. All proposed Enlargements of Chapels, as well as new Erections, must be submitted to the investigation of the Committee.

3. No case shall be sanctioned by the Committee, unless it shall come before them as having received the previous approbation of the Quarterly Meeting of the Circuit, and shall be recommended either by the Annual DistrictMeeting, or at least by three Superintendents in the neighbourhood, who shall certify their approbation in writing. 1818.

IV. THE Secretary of the Chapel-Building-Committee is directed to provide a proper Book, in which he shall re

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