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" By doing good; by being in every kind merciful after their power ; as they have opportunity, doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all men. "
Chronicles of Wesleyan Methodism - Page 153
de Samuel Warren - 1827 - 667 pages
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The doctrines and discipline of the Methodist episcopal Church in America ...

Methodist episcopal church - 1798 - 192 pages
...focieties, that they mould continue to evidence their defire of ialvation, Secondly, By doing good, by heing in every kind merciful after their power, as they have opportunity, doing good of every poffible fort, and as far as is pofJi'ole, to all men : To their bodies, of the ability which God giveth,...
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The life of the rev. John Wesley, M.A. to which is prefixed, some ..., Volume 2

John Whitehead - 1805 - 570 pages
...Borrowing without a probability of paying ; or taking up goods without a probability of paying for them. " It is expected of all who continue in these societies,...should continue to evidence their desire of salvation. 2. " By doing good, by being in every kind merciful after their power ; as they have opportunity, doing...
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A Theological Dictionary: Containing Definitions of All Religious ..., Volume 2

Charles Buck - 1807 - 508 pages
...borrowing without a probability of paying; or taking up goods without a probability of paying for them. " It is expected of all who continue in these societies..." Secondly, By doing good ; by being in every kind mercilul after their power, as they have opportunity ; doing good of every possible sort, and as far...
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The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A. M., with Memoirs of the Wesley Family ...

George Bourne - 1807 - 368 pages
...should say all manner of evil of them falsely for the Lord's sake. It is expected of all who desire to continue in these societies, that they should continue to evidence their, desire of salvation: by attending upon all the ordinances of God. Such are, the publick worship of God : the ministry of...
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A short history of the Methodists in the United States. To which is prefixed ...

Jesse Lee - 1810 - 388 pages : and looking that men shoukl say all manner of evil of them falsely for the Lord's sake, 6. — It is expected of all who continue in these societies,...should continue to evidence their desire of salvation : Thirdly, By attending upon all the ordinances of God : such are The public worship of God : The ministry...
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A Theological Dictionary, Volume 2

Charles Buck - 1810 - 498 pages
...borrowing without a probability of paying ; or taking up goods without a probability of paying for them. " It is expected of all who continue in these societies...should continue to evidence their desire of salvation, 44 Secondly, By doing good; by being in every kind merciful after their power, as they have opportunity...
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The Works of the Rev. John Wesley. ...

John Wesley - 1810 - 432 pages
...say all manner of evil of them falsely for the Lord's sake. 6. It is expected of all who desire to continue in these societies, that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation : Thirdly, By attending on all the ordinances of God: such are, The public worship of God : The ministry...
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The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church

Methodist Episcopal Church - 1813 - 226 pages
...that they should continue to evidence their dejirc of salvation. Secondly, By doing Good, by being iu every kind merciful after their power, as they have opportunity, doing good of every possible sort, arid as far as is possible, to all men : 8$ General Bute. Ch. 2. To their bodies of the ability 'which...
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A Theological Dictionary, Containing Definitions of All ..., Volumes 1 à 2

Charles Buck - 1815 - 546 pages
...expected of all who continue in. MET 316 these societies, that they should continue to evidence tlieir desire of salvation. "Secondly, By doing good ; by...their power, as they have opportunity ; doing good of evenpossible sort, and as far as possible to ail inen ; to their bodies, of the ability which God giveth;...
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The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church

1820 - 204 pages
...probability of paying for them. Laying up treasure upon earth. (5) It is expected of Till who continue HI these societies that they should continue to evidence...after their power, as they have opportunity, do'ing gooil of every possible sort, and as far as is possible, to all men : To their bodies of the ability...
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