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" Sirs, it was for this that now I am come here ; if I would have given way to an arbitrary way, for to have all laws changed according to the power of the sword, I needed not to have come here ; and therefore I tell you (and I pray GOD it be not laid to... "
Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London ... - Page 167
de R. B. - 1810 - 178 pages
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England's Black Tribunal: Set Forth in the Tryal of King Charles I. by the ...

king of Great Britain Charles I (defendant) - 1703 - 224 pages
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The Dying Speeches and Behaviour of the Several State Prisoners that Have ...

1720 - 532 pages
...wpukThave given way to an Arbitrary Way, to have all Laws changed according to the Power of the Sword, I needed not to have come here; and therefore I tell...that I am the Martyr of the People. In Troth, Sirs, I fhalj not hold you much longer : I will only fay this to you, That I could have defir'da little time...
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Medulla Historiae Anglicanae: The Ancient and Present State of England ...

William Howell - 1742 - 806 pages
...given vaay to an arbitrary Way, for to have all Lavas changed according to the Power of the Sword, f needed not to have come here ; and therefore I tell you ( and J pray God it may not be laid to your Charge ) that I am the Martyr of the People. In troth, Sirs,...
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An Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of Charles I ...

William Harris - 1758 - 458 pages
...given way to an arbitrary way, for to have all laws changed according to ' the power of the fword, I needed not to have come ' here; and therefore I...your charge), that I am the martyr of the ' people (b).' Then his majefty, at the bifhop's requeft, made a declaration of his dying a Chriftian, according...
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An historical and critical account of the lives and writings of James I. and ...

William Harris - 1814 - 518 pages
...have given way to an arbitrary way, for to have all laws changed according to the power of the sword, I needed not to have come here; and therefore I tell...(and I pray God it be not laid to your charge), that 1 am the martyr of the people*." Then his majesty, at the bishop's request, made a declaration of his...
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An Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of ..., Volume 2

William Harris - 1814 - 510 pages
...have given way to an arbitrary way, for to have all laws changed according to the power of the sword, I needed not to have come here; and therefore I tell you (and I pray God it Jbe not laid to your charge), that I am the martyr of the people *." Then his majesty, at the bishop's...
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A History of the British Empire: From the Accession of Charles I ..., Volume 4

George Brodie - 1822 - 540 pages
...the sword, I needed not to have come here ; and, therefore, I iell you, and I pray God may not lay it to your charge, that I am the martyr of the people....this to you, that in truth I could have desired some time longer, because that I would have put this that I have said in a little more order and a little...
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The Cottager's monthly visitor, Volume 5

1825 - 630 pages have all things changed according to the power of the sword, E needed not to have come hither : and therefore I tell you, (and I pray God it be not...your charge,) that I am the martyr of the people." Having added, at the suggestion of Dr. Juxon, •" I die a Christian according to the profession of...
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A History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans, Volume 10

John Lingard - 1825 - 504 pages
...changed ac" cording to the power of the sword, I needed " not to have come hither : and therefore 1 tell " you, (and I pray God it be not laid to your " charge,) that I am the martyr of the people." Having added, at the suggestion of Dr. Juxon, " I die a Christian according to the " profession of...
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The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal

1825 - 468 pages
...according to the power of the sword, I needed not to have come hither : and therefore I tell you, (andll pray God it be not laid to your charge,) that I am the martyr of the people." ' Having added, at the suggestion of Dr. Juxon, " I die a Christian according to the profession of...
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