| Clarendon, Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1717 - 502 pages
...all Our Subjeäs may enjoy what by Law "is Theirs, by a full and entire adminiftration of Jufticc4 « throughout the Land, and by extending Our Mercy where it « is wanted and defei v'd. " " AND •<? AND to rhe end that fear of puñiíhment may not engage " any confcious to... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1742 - 496 pages
...all our Sub* je&s may enjoy what by Law is Theirs, by a full and en' tire Adminiftration of Juftice throughout the Land, and ' by extending our Mercy where it is wanted and deferv'd. ' And to the end that Fear of Punifhment may not engage ' any, confcious to themfelves of... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1760 - 512 pages
...that all our Subjefis may enjoy what by Law is theirs, ty a full and entire Adminiflration of Juflice throughout the Land, and by extending our Mercy where it is wanted and deferved. And to the End that the Fear of Punijhment may •not engage any confcious to themfelves... | |
| 1763 - 510 pages
...that all our Subjefts may enjoy what by Law is theirs, by a full and entire /fdmini/iration of Jufliee throughout the Land, and by extending our Mercy * where it is wanted and deferved. And to the End that the Fear of Punijbment may not engage any, confcious to themfelves of... | |
| Charles M'Cormick - 1792 - 534 pages
...that all our fubjects may enjoy what byjaw is theirs, by a full and entire adminiftration of juftice throughout the land, and by extending our mercy where it is wanted and deferved: '< And to the end that fear of punifhment may not engage any, confcious to themfelves of... | |
| Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1807 - 732 pages
...all our fubjects may enjoy what by law is theirs, by a " full and entire adminiftration of juftice throughout the " land, and by extending our mercy where it is wanted " and deferved. " And to the end that fear of punifhment may not " engage any confcious to themfelves of... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1808 - 740 pages
...ours, than that all our subjects may enjoy what by law is tbeirs, by a full and entire administration of justice throughout the land, and by extending our...may not engage any, conscious to themselves of what. U past, to a perseverance in guilt for the future,, by opposing the quiet and happiness of their country,... | |
| William Cobbett - 1808 - 842 pages
...upon the intentions and resolutions I then expressed to have. I will read to you what I then said. ' And to the end ' that the fear of punishment may not engage ' any, conscious to themselves of what is pass' ed, to a perseverance in guilt for the future, ' by opposing the quiet and happiness of their... | |
| William Sewel - 1823 - 706 pages
...ours, than that all our subjects may enjoy what by law is thejrs, by a full and entire administration of justice throughout the land, and by extending our mercy where it is wanted and desired. ' And to the end that the fear of punishment may not engage any, conscious to themselves of... | |
| Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1826 - 668 pages
...throughout the land, and by extending our mercy " where it is wanted and deserved. " And to the end that fear of punishment may " not engage any conscious..." past, to a perseverance in guilt for the future, bv " opposing the quiet and happiness of their country, " in the restoration both of king, and peers,... | |
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