| Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1707 - 496 pages
...labour'd for the purity, " and power thereof ; and that We have notendeavour'd to " receive Chrift in our hearts, nor to walk worthy of him "in our lives, which are the caufes of other Sins and Tranf*' greflions fo much abounding amongft Us : And our true, ''andunfeign'd... | |
| George Mackenzie - 1712 - 92 pages
...doms, doms, efpecially that we have not, as we ought, -valued the ineftimable Benefit of the Gofpel,. that we have not laboured for the Purity and Power...thereof, and that we have not endeavoured to receive Chrift in our Hearts, nor to walk worthy of him in our Lives ; which are the Caufes of other Sins and... | |
| Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1731 - 502 pages
...not labour'd for the purity, "and power thereof; and that We have not endeavour'd to " receive Chrift in our hearts, nor to Walk worthy of him " in our lives, which are the caufes of other Sins and Tranfc< greffions fb much abounding amongft Us: And our true, " and unfeigned... | |
| Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1899 - 646 pages
...not, as we ought, valued the ineftimable " Benefit of the Gofpel •, that we have not laboured 11 for the Purity and Power thereof ; and that we " have not endeavoured to receive Chrift in our " Hearts, to walk worthy of him in our Lives, *' which are the Caufes of other Sins and... | |
| 1750 - 536 pages
...not laboured for the P untie and Power thereof, ana that we bave not endeavoured to receive Chrift in our Hearts, nor to walk worthy of him in our Lives, which are the Caufes of other Sins and Tranfgreßons fo much abounding amongfi us : And our true and unfeigned Purpose,... | |
| 1753 - 506 pages
...Kingdoms ; efpecially, that we have not, as we ought, valued the ineftimable Benefit of the Gofpel ; that we have not laboured for the Purity and Power...thereof; and that we have not endeavoured to receive Chrift in our Hearts, nor to walk worthy of him in our Lives, which are the Caufes of other Sins *... | |
| 1753 - 504 pages
...' ineftimable Benefit of the Gofpel; that we have * Sins, and for the Sins of thefe Kingdoms; efpe* not laboured for the Purity and Power thereof; * and that we have not endeavoured to receive * Chrift in our Hearts, nor to walk worthy of him ' in our Lives, which are the Caufes of other Sins... | |
| Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1760 - 536 pages
...taken in England, tc purity and power thereof; and that we have not endea" vourcd to receive Chrift in our hearts, nor to walk worthy of him in our lives, which are the caufes of other " fins and tranfgreflions, fo much abounding amongft us. " And our true and unfeigned... | |
| 1762 - 500 pages
...Kingdoms ; efpecially, that ' we have not, as we ought, valued the ineftirrtable * Benefit of the Gofpel ; that we have not laboured ' for the Purity and Power...thereof ; and that we * have not endeavoured to receive Chrift in our ' Hearts, nor to walk worthy of him in our Lives, ' which are the Caufes of other Sins... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...thefe kingdoms : efpecially that we have not as we ought, valued the ineftimable benefit of the gofpel, that we have not laboured for the purity and power...thereof, and that we have not endeavoured to receive Chrift in our hearts, nor to walk worthy of him in our lives : which are the caufes of other fins and... | |
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