| Matthew Hole - 1716 - 540 pages
...Light and Darknefs, and can no more agree together than Chrift and Belial. We are commanded to love the Lord our God with all our Heart, and with all our Soul, and with all our Strength. And if God muft have all, there can be none left for Mammon. Laftly, Ye cannot obey God and... | |
| Church of Scotland - 1719 - 664 pages
...Anfw. The Sum of the Four Commandments contamiog our Duty to Gad, is. to love the Lord our God'with all our Heart, and with all our Soul, and with all our Strength, and with all our Mind ra. 1 03. Qoeft. Wlaubis. the Ftrß Commandment ? Anfa- The FlrftCommandment... | |
| Matthew Hole - 1731 - 442 pages
...andrefides not in the Lip or the Tongue, but in the Heart ; and therefore our Saviour wills us, to love God with all our Heart, and 'with all our Soul, and with all our Mind : And the Apoftle, To love not in Word or in Tongue, but in ^Deed and in Truth. Again, I ftyle it a... | |
| Francis Atterbury (bp. of Rochester.) - 1734 - 394 pages
...would have laid fame ftrefs on theOther alfo. It isfaid indeed that we muft Love the Lord our . 27 God with all our Heart, and with all our Soul, and with all our Mind, and with all our Strength ; that we muft walk in all his Ways, and keep all his Commandments : But... | |
| John Sharp (abp. of York.) - 1748 - 442 pages
...Religion which is of GOD, is eternally the fame, and confifts in this which I have fo often repeated, That we love the Lord our God, with all our Heart, and with all our Mind, and with all our Soul; and that ice love our Neighbour as our/elves. And thus much of my firft... | |
| Church of Scotland - 1764 - 648 pages
...contain our Duty to God f d. The Sum of the Four Commandments containing our Duty to God, is, To love the Lord our God with all our Heart, and with all our Soul, and with all our Strength, 'and with all our Mind m. m Luke 10. 27. Q, 103. Which is the Fir/I Commandment ? A. The... | |
| William Robertson - 1766 - 272 pages
...abufed and difobeyed, but can never be mended. And this conlifts in thefe two Ihort plane Precepts, That we love the Lord our God with all our heart, and foul, and flrength, and our Neighbors as Ourfelves. On thefe two Commandments hang All the Law and... | |
| John Wesley - 1786 - 738 pages
...than ever. I alfo prayed for a Selefl Band, and now a few of us meet conftandy, and can bear teftimony that we love the Lord our God with all our heart, and our neighbour as ourfelves. About three weeks ago, God gave me fuch a fpirit of prayer for the world... | |
| Samuel Carr - 1801 - 368 pages
...name of the "Lord." May this holy spirit be in the breast of every one that heareth me this day ! May we love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, with all our might, and with all our strength ! May his will be done in earth, as it is in heaven !... | |
| 1842
...whole accursed family of self be driven out, and let us hy the help of the Holy Ghost learn to love the Lord our God, with all our heart, and with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength ; and love our neighbour as ourselves. Moreover, " charity... | |
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