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P. 247. Ps. viii. This psalm, though ritten upon David's victory over Goliah, robably looks forward prophetically to

event, of which that might be a type, our Saviour's victory over Satan, and his future power and glory. Mr. Mede has a learned discourse upon it, B. i. Disc. 9. fol. ed. p. 36.

P.247. Ps.viii.3. " For I will consider," rather " when I consider." It is so in

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P. 247. Ps. viii. 5. " Thou, &c." In answer to the question in v. 4. the psalmist bursts forth into extacy upon looking forward to him, who was in future times to be made man, but was to be crowned with glory and worship.

P. 247. Ps. viii. 5. "To crown him," Le. "in order to crown him for that "purpose."

P. 247. Ps. viii. 1. 9. "Lord Gover"nor." Hebr. "Jehovah Adon."

P. 248. Ps. ix. 6. "O, &c." rather, "thine enemies are utterly destroyed : "they are become an everlasting desola#tion: thou hast overthrown their cities: " their memorial (i. e. every trace and "remembrance of them) is perished for "ever." See Jerome and Edwards.

P. 248. Ps. ix. 10. "thy Name." How spirited is this sudden address to God? P. 249. Ps. x. 15. "beholdest, &c." ie. "there is no ungodliness or wrong "thou dost not see."

P. 250. Ps. xi. 3. "will be," rather "are;" and read "what can the righteous


P. 253. Ps. xvi. The more general opinion is that David speaks throughout this psalm in the person of Christ. In v. 11. this must be the case, and if so, it is probably the case throughout. See Pole's Synopsis. Hales's Dissertations, 22 to 37.

P. 253. Ps. xvi. 2. "My goods, &c." i.e. (probably) "my goods in sacrifice or " otherwise (or my goodness, B.T.) can be " of no benefit to thee. What you require " is not for your benefit, but for man's "good." Job has the same idea, Job xxxv. 7. " If thou be righteous, what givest "thou him? or what receiveth he of thy "hand?" And it is well expressed by Chrysostom on 1 Tim. Hom. 16. "If I be "just, what does God gain, or if I be "wicked, what does he lose?"

P. 254. Ps. xvi. 6. 8. "The Lord." Hebr. " Jehovah."

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P. 254. Ps. xvi. 9. set God, &c." i. e. (perhaps) " always considered my

"self as in his sight-considered him as "looking upon me."

P. 254. Ps. xvi. 9. "God." Hebr. "Jehovah "

P. 254. Ps. xvi. 10. " rest," i. e. " in " the grave."

P. 254. Ps. xvi. 10. " in hope," i. e. "the hope of being quickly raised."

P. 254. Ps. xvi. 11. "hell." Not the place of torment, but "the place where " nothing can be seen, the grave," answering to the Greek word " αδις." See Parkh. Hebr. Dict. 709. and ante addit. note at p. 9.

P.255. Ps. xvii. 2. "from thy presence," because then it must be just.

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P. 261. Ps. xix. 2. The literal rendering seems to be, Day unto day uttereth "speech, and night unto night uttereth "knowledge," and the meaning is, there is no day or night which does not supply to that which follows it, proofs of God's glory and handywork.

P. 262. Ps. xx. 9. The literal rendering seems to be, "O Lord, save the king, " hear us when we call upon thee." " Of heaven," is not in the Hebrew.

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P. 265. Ps. xxii. 16. layeth siege," verified when the chief priests and elders took counsel against Jesus, to put him to death. See Matt. xxvi. 8. 15. 59. - Matt. xxvii. 1.-Mark xiv. 1.-Mark xv. 1. Luke xxii. 2.

P. 267. Ps. xxii. 28. "The kingdom, " &c." i. e. perhaps, in the times to which the psalm looks forward, "it shall be the "Lord alone that shall have any king" dom, it is he alone that shall be gover" nor among the people;" because, in the language of Rev. i. 16. "The kingdoms

"of this world shall have become the "kingdoms of our Lord and of his " Christ."

P. 267. Ps. xxii. 30. "No man, &c." i. e. (perhaps) " it is only by the means " God has prescribed, and to which this " psalm refers, viz. the passion and me"diation of the Messiah, that any man's " soul can be quickened."

P. 267. Ps. xxii. 31. "My seed," i. e. (perhaps) "the church of Christ," the professors of christianity. See Ps. lxxxix. 30. and the note there. P. 268. Ps. xxiv. 2. "upon" twice, rather "against," referring to the boundaries of land and sea.

P. 276. Ps. xxxi. 6. " commend, &c." Bishop Horne's observation upon our Saviour's quotations from the Psalms in his latest moments, is this, "Thus he, "who spake as never man spake, chose " to conclude his life, to solace himself in "his greatest agony, and at last to breathe " out his soul in the psalmist's form of "words rather than his own." No inconsiderable proof, that the psalms deserve from us the most lively and accurate attention.

P. 281. Ps. xxxiv. 19. 21. "the righteous" or "the just one," meaning the Messiah. See Middl. on Gr. Art. 392, 3. Kennic. Hebr. Bible, Dissert. Gen. s. 65. p. 29. and Dodson's Isaiah 168. note. And if this be right, the quotation, John xix. 36. " a bone of him shall not be broken," will refer to verse 20, and verse 21 will intimate the punishment upon his, i. e. Christ's, opposers.

P. 281. Ps. xxxv. may be considered as spoken in the person of the Messiah, of whom David was a type, to intimate prophetically that what is here said would be suitable to the condition of the Messiah. See the next note.

P. 283. Ps. xxxv. 19. "hate me, &c." It is to this passage our Saviour is supposed to have alluded, John xv. 25. when he imputes the hatred and persecution he experienced to this, "that the " word might be fulfilled that is written " in their law, "they hated me without "a cause."

P. 295. Ps. xlv. The language, in many parts, sounds far too high for Solomon, and in some, particularly verse 7, would in no sense apply to him: And if any part apply exclusively to the Messiah, it would be strange if the whole had not the same application. See Hales's 9th Dissertation, p. 301.

P. 297. Verse 11. "forget, &c." This might mean, with reference to the Jews, that they were to lay aside their peculiar ritual and ceremonies, which separated them from all other nations; and with reference to others, that they must give up all attachments which opposed their duty: that in the language of our Saviour, Matt. x. 37. he that should love father or mother more than him, would not be worthy of him.

P. 297. Ps. xlv. 7. 8. "God." Hebr. Elohim.

P. 297. Ps. xlv. 12. "Thy Lord God;" omit "God." It is not in the original, the original is "Adoni" only.

P. 297. Ps. xlv. 13. "The daughter of "Tyre," i. e. (perhaps) "the greatest "Gentile nations."

P. 297. Ps. xlv. 14. " glorious within,"

i. e. (probably) " endowed with all inter "nal graces: graces of the mind."

P. 297. Ps. xlv. 14. “is," i. e. (proba bly) " must be," this will be required.


P. 300. Ps. xlviii. is also probably pro phetical: taking occasion from one o God's interpositions, to look forward to that pre-eminent deliverance, the demption by Christ, and signifying beforehand the opposition it should experience the discomfiture of its opponents, and the success and triumphs of its adherents. Jerome evidently so considers it. The strength of Sion may be considered as intimating the strength of Christ's church, founded on that rock against which the gates of hell shall not prevail.

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P. 302. Ps. 1. "The noblest prophecy (according to Dr. Hales) of the general " resurrection, both of the good and of "the wicked, to be found in the Old "Testament!" and he has given a new translation of it, Hales's Signs, 56. St. Jerome considers it as referring to the general judgment. It probably looks forward also to the Messiah, and by the address it supposes him to make, intimates beforehand the nature of his religion, the requisites he would expect, and the vengeance he would inflict.

P. 304. Ps. 1. 21, 22, 23. "I" and "me" i. e. "the Son of God," called in verse 1. "The Lord (Hebr. Jehovah) " even the most mighty God," to whom the Father hath committed all judgment, that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father, John v. 22, 23. See Hales's Signs, 57. Hales's Trinity, 234, 5.

Verse 22, 23. "God" ie. "the Father." Hales's Signs, 57. Hales's Trinity, 234, 5. P. 321. Ps lxviii. Probably had in view the times of the Messiah.

P. 321. Ps. lxviii. 4. "As it were upon an horse." This is an addition: it is not in the original.

P. 321. Ps. lxviii. 4. "Jah." See some admirable observations on the primitive names of the Deity, in Dr. Hales's Dissertations.

P. 323. Ps. lxviii. 18. "on high," i. e. " into Heaven," alluding probably to our Saviour's ascension.

P. 323. Ps. lxviii. 18. " led captivity "captive," i. e. (perhaps) overcome the powers of darkness, bruised the serpent's head, and gained the victory over sin, death, and satan: having subdued and made captive those who would put all mankind under captivity.

P. 323. "received gifts, &c." i. e. (perIps) "been the means by which gifts have been conferred upon man:" referring pussibly to all the benefits of Christ's death. The passage, Eph. iv. 8. shews that the psalm referred to the Messiah. See Bellarm. de Christo, lib. 1. c. 4. p. 282.

P. 323. Ps. lxviii. 18. " that, &c." That by turning the hearts of the disobedient (God's enemies) to the wisdom of the just, the dispositions of man might be so improved, that God himself might be considered as dwelling amongst them. See John xiv. 17. 23.

P. 325. Ps. lxviii. 32. "Kingdoms of the earth," i. e. "the Gentiles:" such as were without the true worship or knowledge of God: referring to the times when, according to Rev. xi. 15. "The "kingdoms of this world should become "the kingdoms of the Lord, and of his "Christ."

P. 327. Ps. lxix. 23. "The things, &c." How fully was this accomplished by our Saviour's coming, and the subsequent destruction of Jerusalem ? His coming, which should have proved the blessing of the nation, proved its ruin!

P. 327. Ps. lxix. 27. "smitten and "wounded." Not perceiving that, with reference to the Messiah, it was for man's transgressions he was wounded, for man's iniquities he was bruised, and that with his stripes we are healed. Is. liii. 5.

P.328. Ps. lxix. 35. "Save Sion, &c." This and the following verse refer probably to times not yet arrived; when, after the fulness of the Gentiles shall have come in, the Jews also shall be conVerted to Christianity, and all Israel shall be saved. See Rom. xi. 25, 26. Rev. i. 7.

P. 347. Ps. lxxxi. 5. " in Joseph," i. e. amongst Joseph's people, the Israel


P. 347. Ps. lxxxi. 5. "A testimony" of their deliverance: of the wonders he had wrought on their behalf.

P. 355. Ps. lxxxix. This psalm is perhaps wholly prophetical, looking forward solely to the Messiah; and intimating, in the last sixteen verses, his humiliation, and the indignities he should suffer.

P.355. Ps. lxxxix. 2. " for ever." Not for a time only, but throughout all generations.

P. 355. Ps. lxxxix. 2. "in" or "as;" fixed and permanent as the heavens themselves.

P.360. Ps. xci. It is said of this psalm (Pole's Synopsis), that nothing more solid

or splendid can be written; and that no poem can be compared to it. Dr. Hales considers it as prophetical, applying to the Messiah; and Bp. Lowth thinks it refers to some greater personage than it names. This is made highly probable by verse 11. and by the reference to it upon our Saviour's temptation.

P. 360. Ps. xci. 1. "abide;" without the risk of annoyance or removal.

P. 360. Ps. xci. 2. "I will say," or " saying," so as to be able to say: making it the speech of those who dwell under God's defence. In several of Dr. Kennicot's MSS. the participle is used: not the first future.

P. 360. Ps. xci. 7. "it," i. e. "the de "struction by which others fall."

P. 361. Ps. xei. 13. "The lion and "adder, &c;" put perhaps figuratively for "all the powers of darkness;" and including "the dragon, that old serpent, "which is the Devil. Rev. xx. 2." The object probably is, to foretell the bruising of the tempter's head, and the spiritual success of Christ.

P. 364. Ps. xcvi. By common consent of Jews and Christians, this psalm is applied to the times of the Messiah. Doya ley and Mant's Notes.

P. 364. Ps. xcvi. 4. "worthily," i. e. " as much as he deserves."

P. 365. Ps. xcvii. Many commentators consider this psalm as applying to the Messiah; and if it be to verse 7. that Hebr. i. 6. refers, that is a decisive authority that it does. In this view it looks forward to the spiritual reign of Christ, who should overthrow the idolatry of the heathen, put down his enemies, and make the spiritual daughters of Judah be glad, because of his judgments. See Travell, and Doyley and Mant.

P. 370. Ps. cii. 16, 17. Instead of the first "when" read "for", and omit the second "when" in verse 16. and that in verse 17. Read also "he shall turn " and "despise". So Jerome and Hebr.

P. 370. Ps. cii. 25. "Thou Lord, &c." In Hebr. i. 10. (ante 38.) this verse is considered as spoken of the second person in the Trinity, "the Son of God." The word "Lord" is not in our copies of the Hebrew.

P. 370. Ps. cii. 27. "the same," i. e. "subject to no change." The word in the Hebrew is what is generally translated " He," which is one of the divine names, and signifies permanent existence. It is so used Deuter. xxxii. 39.- Is. xlii. 10.13.

-Is. xlviii. 12. - See Parkh. Hebr. Lexicon, 154.

P. 384. Ps. cx. 1. "The Lord," i. e. "God the Father." Hebr. "Jehovah." P. 384. Ps. cx. 1. "My Lord," i. e. "the Messiah." Hebr. "Adonai." See ante 12. additional note on Ps. ii. 4.

P. 385. Ps. cx. 2. 4. "The Lord," i. e. "God the Father." Hebr. "Jehovah." P. 385. Ps. cx. 2. "rod" or "sceptre," the symbol of royalty.

P. 385. Ps. cx. 3. "the people," i. e. (probably) " the Gentiles."

P. 385. Ps. cx. 4. " of Melchisedeck," not of Aaron, whose priesthood originated from the Mosaic institutions and would end with them, and was confined to the Israelites, but of Melchisedeck, who was long before Aaron's time, being contemporary with Abraham. See Gen. xiv. 18.19. The meaning probably is, "Thou shalt be "a priest, not for a limited time, as the " priests of the order of Aaron, but for "ever; not for one nation only, but for

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every people and language that shall " look up to thee. And as it belonged to "the priest's office to offer sacrifice, and "to intercede for and bless the people, "thou shalt offer up for them an all-suf

"ficient sacrifice, thou shalt make inter"cession for them to the end of time. "and shalt confer upon them God's " blessing."

P. 385. Ps. cx.5. "The Lord upon thy " right hand," i. e. "the Messiah" placed at the hand of God the Father by the order in verse 1. Hebr. "Adonai."

P. 392. Ps. cxvii. is considered by Bishop Patrick as prophetical of the joy the coming of the Messiah should produce.

P. 392. Ps. cxviii. is supposed to have been written by David, and to refer pro phetically to the Messiah.

P. 424. Ps. cxlvi. 3. "Thoughts," i. e. " earthly plans and devices: whatever he "had been contriving:" not that he will not hereafter have thoughts and other operations of the mind, but that whatever in this world he had been setting his mind upon, would be lost to him for


P. 424. Ps. cxlvii. It is supposed that this and the two following psalms were sung on the dedication of the second temple. They are called in the Septuagint "The psalms of Haggai and Zechariah," and might have been written by them for that occasion. 1 Prid. Conn. 191、

Strahan and Spottiswoode, Printers-Street, London.

At the beginning of Morning or Evening Prayer, the Minister shall read with a loud voice, some one or more of these sentences of Scripture.


THEN the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. Ezekiel xviii. 27. I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before Psalm li. 3.

I will arise, and go to my Father; and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. Luke xv. 18, 19.

Enter not into judgment with thy servant, O Lord: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. Psalm cxliii. 2.

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us: But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighte ousness. 1 John i. 8, 9.

DEARLY beloved brethren, the Scripture moveth us in sundry places to acknowledge and confess our manifold sins and wickedness; and that we should not dissemble nor cloke them before the face of Almighty God our heavenly Father; but confess them with an humble, lowly, penitent, and obedient heart; to the end that we may obtain forgiveness of the same, by his infinite goodness and mercy. And although we ought at all times humbly to acknowledge our sins before God, yet ought we most chiefly so to do when


Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Psalm li. 9.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psalm l. 17.

Rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil. Joel ii. 13.

To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him; neither (a) have we obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in his laws, which he set before us. Dan. ix. 9, 10.

O Lord, correct me, but with judgement not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing. Jer. x. 24. Psalm vi. 1.

Repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matt. iii. 2.

(a) "neither have we" i. e." and have not.”


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