I'm Done with Church !---Keys to the KingdomXulon Press, 2006 - 212 pages Johnson takes the reader back to the very beginning, in the garden with Adam and Eve, and explores the concept that God has always had a master plan, and how God has protected both the good and evil seeds until this day for the fulfillment of His purpose. (Biblical Studies) |
Table des matières
Introduction | 9 |
The Third Dimension | 21 |
Egypt Phase 1 | 51 |
Before Egypt | 73 |
The Wilderness | 115 |
The Promised Land | 131 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Adam and Eve America angel anointed apostle asked become believe bible bible says Cain called cause chapter child children of Israel chosen church world coming Corinthians created curse David deceive demons desire devil disciples ears earth Egypt evil seed fact Father flesh Genesis give glory God's gospel hath hear heart Hebrews Hip Hop Hip Hop CULTure Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Israel Jannes and Jambres Jesus Christ John kill King kingdom of God kingdom of heaven lion living look Lord Lucifer Luke manifestation mankind Matthew mind ministry Moses nation never Noah Noah's Paul Peter Pharaoh Pharisees Philistine pray preach preachers prophet purpose revealed Romans S.C. Johnson Satan scriptures seek serpent sons sons of God speak television tell thee things third dimension thou tree truth understand unto verse wilderness woman word worship