REVIEW. Morell's Studies in History, p. 17, 177 Rev. Jno Whitehouse's Kingdom of EXTRACTS. From Hewitt's Tour in America, 4 Maria Hack, 14, 145, 210, 250, 275 Foster's Essays, 50 The Economist, 55, 71 Evang. Mag. 90, 372 A Work by Vicesimus Knox, 76, 93 Defence of the British and Foreign School Society, 110 Fenelon's Dialogues, 116 The Adventurer, 243, 261 260 Edmeston's Anston Park, 274 Ireland, to the King, 287. Pemberton's Journey to Scotland, 305 Tremlett's Reflections, 817 Fox's Sermon on the Queen, 319 Wm. Penn's No Cross No Crown, British Essayist, 337 336 138 Brief Remarks upon the Carnal and Heraclitus's Epistles, 139 Spiritual Nature of Man, 359 The Christian Recorder, 150 Soame Jenyns, 163 Raffles's Tour on the Continent, 361 Rev. T. Madge's Character of Geo. 111. 164 Virginia Bible Society 2d Report, 371 Dr. Johnson, 197; Mr. Burke, 198 Anecdotes, 29, 378 Voltaire, 238 Sir Richard Steele, 199, 205 Duelling, 199, 212, 240, 346 Friend of Peace, 25, 87, 120, 148, 152, 153, 188, 204, 209, 217, 248, 250, 251, 253, 263, 295, 303, 306, Joseph Gurney Bevan's Letters, 229 307, 317, 319, 345, 346, 349, 360, Life of Wm. Penn, 234, 300 361 Morell's Studies in History, 177, 237 POETRY. pp. 30, 31, 63, 64, 95, 96, 126, 159, 256, 283, 287, 320, 352, 378 Advertisement to the Readers of The Herald, p. 380 THE HERALD OF PEACE. JANUARY 1821. TO THE FRIENDS OF PEACE. WO years have now elapsed since the first publication of The Herald of Peace. Its name was intended to designate the momentous design of its establishment; and we think we may confidently appeal to our past labours for satisfactory proofs that we have acted consistently with our professed purpose, and have strenuously endeavoured to promote the reign of Peace upon the earth. In the pursuit of an object thus benevolent and divine, we have desired to write at all times in the spirit of Christian charity; and to avoid every theological or political question, which was not closely connected with the subject. The Herald of Peace announces its message to Christians of all nations, sects and parties. It recognises no shades of distinction in the sincere and affectionate disciples of Christ; for it avows the important principle of union contained in the declaration, "One is your master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren." The chief inquiry which we have been (and still are) anxious to resolve, is this, By what means may mankind be entirely delivered from the dreadful practice of War, and live under the habitual influence of the godlike spirit of Peace? VOL. III. In answer to this inquiry, we are aware that so great a good is not to be accomplished merely by an exhibition, under various views, of the sacred and scriptural obligations to peace; nor by exposing the glaring evils and direful consequences of mortal strife. These attacks upon War, necessary and useful as they are, can be compared only to the distant cannonadings against some strong fortress, and, of themselves, will be insufficient for the overthrow of the foe. Other and less obvious methods of attack must be resorted to. We must open the trenches, and commence gradual approaches on every side, until the deep-laid foundations of this strong hold of Satan be completely undermined, and its total demolition secured. It is to be recollected, that millions upon millions of our fellow-men are not Christians! the weapons of our warfare, therefore, which are not carnal, will, when levelled against them, fall innoxious to the ground. Thousands and tens of thousands of those who are nominally Christians, are deplorably ignorant, superstitious and depraved! What can such beings know of the humble, self-denying, pacific character of the religion of the Cross? From such considerations as these, we cannot but rejoice in every effort that is made to instruct the ignorant, -to distribute the volume of divine truth, and to evangelize the world, wherever, or by whomsoever those efforts are made. We stop not to ask, whether these Christian Philanthropists have received their commissions from Episcopal, Dissenting, or Methodist associations. We dare not withhold from them our sympathy, our interest, and our prayers, until we have ascertained whether they are Calvinists or Arminians, Presbyterians or Independents. To enlighten mankind, to spread far and wide the sacred blessings of the gospel of peace, are they gone forth, and " herein we do rejoice, yea and will rejoice." Where is the man, possessing the least claim to the character of a Christian, who does not glory in the extensive establishment of Schools, and in the noble institutions for the circulation of the Scriptures? And the Friends of Peace have peculiar cause to rejoice in all these benevolent labours; for they know that the New Testament, in its progress among the nations, must promote the great object which they have in view, Its universal diffusion cannot fail effectually, and absolutely, to exterminate the War monster from the face of the earth. These too are subjects in the advancement of which Christians of every name may, and do, cordially and affectionately unite, in a manner truly honourable to the religion of Jesus. Actuated by sincere feelings of respect, esteem, and love to his faithful disciples, however distinguish ed from each other by slight differences of doctrine, or discipline, or modes of worship, we venture to affirm, that as it has been, so it will continue to be our fixed purpose, to cultivate a spirit of union. Let nothing we have said, however, lead any of our readers to imagine that we purpose, in the slighest degree, to depart from our original object. If we deem it right to recommend the excellent institutions which have been established for instructing youth and enlightening the nations, it is avowedly with a regard to the ultimate and universal prevalence of Peace throughout the world, which those institutions are calculated to promote. Indeed nothing can be more remote from our intention than to recede from continued and open attacks upon War, or to shrink from the defence of the peculiar principle of the ENGLISH and AMERICAN Peace Societies, which we have hitherto uniformly maintained, and which presses upon us with increasing force. On the contrary, this will continue the chief characteristic of the Herold, and we hope that the Friends of Peace will perceive, in its succeeding Numbers, that we not only remain principled against all War, but that in supporting this position, we neither relax in activity nor zeal. On the powerful, extensive, and beneficial effects which might be expected to result from a union of Christian Societies, for the purpose of eradicating a passion for War, and establishing, universally, a spirit of Peace. SIR, 1 ALL great and good objects are indebted, for the success with which they are attended, to the strong bond of union by which the various individuals pursuing those objects are connected. This assertion holds good also in regard to purposes which we must pronounce iniquitous and base, A reference to the pages of history will yield numerous facts illustrative of these assertions. What but union carried the wandering Israelites through all the difficulties which threatened to overwhelm them? And what but union enabled the adherents of Mahomet successfully to contend with the formidable obstacles which opposed the propagation of their tenets, and the triumph of their arms? If we may slightly notice modern times, I would ask what enabled undisciplined, unorganized America to establish her independence? or revolutionary France to resist effectually so many formidable combinations? The answer is obviousA decided and resolute union of the mass of the population! To these examples we may add, the progress with which different Christian Societies have made their way in the world, notwithstanding the opposition and persecution, civil, military, and ecclesiastical, with which they have had to contend. The strength with which individuals in some societies have been linked together, has been remarkably great; and no force, but that of the dismembering sword, has appeared capable of dividing the social tie. But where is the principle of union, whether civil or religious, which ought to exceed in force that by which Christians should be united to each other? If they be the sincere professors of Christianity, are they not "all one in Christ Jesus?" If they be properly entitled to bear that holy name by which they are called, shall any subdividing appellation sever their sacred bond of brotherhood? Most solemnly, most imperatively are they enjoined by their common faith to love each other with fervour and with constancy; and he that loveth not thus "his brother whom he hath seen," is judged to be incapable of " loving God whom he hath not seen." It is greatly to be lamented that this union of Christians, as such, in all its extent and absolute obligation, is still imperfectly felt. Much indeed has been done, but more, I feel persuaded, remains to be accomplished. Nor would I confine this spirit of union to individuals of different religious sects. It should prevail between churches of various denominations. Though they may differ on some few points of doctrine, discipline, or forms of worship, they should habitually feel and demonstrate that, as Christian Churches, they are still "one in Christ Jesus." : On some points it would not be possible, nor is it desirable that different religious societies should unite their efforts. If they maintain carefully the Christian character and temper, greater good may be perhaps effected by their separate labours. But there are many subjects upon which they can combine their influence and their talents. All those should be engaged in with affectionate zeal, with the spirit of charity, and with resolute constancy. The chief object of this address is to direct the attention of Christian Churches, of every denomination, to the important subject which is advocated in the Herald of Peace; and I wish them seriously to consider whether it is not their absolute duty (now that determined and strenuous efforts are making to remove the reproach of War from Christian nations, and to "publish Peace,") to associate themselves together, and to lend their aid for the accomplishment of purposes so noble and divine! All may not perhaps go to the same extent of view upon this subject, but as the followers of the meek and lowly Saviour, as believers in the truths and obligations of the Gospel, they must join in wishing the universal prevalency of pacific principles. The interested and prejudiced advocates for War, among the men of the world, are numerous and powerful; and will any sincere Christian, will any Christian Church, feel justified in declining to come to " the help of the Lord against the mighty?" The work of Peace is going on triumphantly; and we know, from the never-failing prophecies of Scripture, that it will continue to go on, and will eventually prevail; and can the Churches of Christ, as such, be satisfied that it should do so without any aid being afforded by them towards the blessed work? Let it not be objected, that they could do little good in the cause, and that they fear to commit themselves to a party. By associating for the purposes of Peace, they will not be involved in any Theological or Political question, for with these the Friends of Peace neither have, nor will have, any thing to do. And with regard to the efficiency of their exertions, we have already seen the benefits which ever flow from a union of influence and intelligence. If each individual sect can look back with satisfaction upon the success with which it has become established, attributing it, under the divine blessing, to the union which has subsisted among its members, who can calculate the vast and happy consequences which would arise from a union of Christian Churches, for the express purpose of establishing Peace? In an engagement so peculiarly characteristic of the mind that was in Christ Jesus, may we not anticipate the rich and abundant blessing of God? Such a union would at its very outset make the War-spirit tremble. Shaking his black and portentous wings, he will begin to prepare for his flight from • Christian nations, and will seek for a retreat among the barbarous tribes of Africa and Asia. But thither will the messengers of the everlasting Gospel pursue him, until he be compelled to return to the arch fiend, whose grand agent he has so long been in subjugating and oppressing mankind! If the universal association of Christians to preserve and establish Peace, would at the very commencement be thus powerful, what may we not anticipate from the purity and excellence of the principles they would then more particularly vindicate, - the lovely examples they would display, -the powerful influence in society which they would employ, and the fervent and effectual prayers they would offer to the God of love and peace? Nothing less, I am persuaded, than that War would be speedily and for ever banished from Europe, and that, with the co-operation of pacific America, the gracious influence and benign effects of the spirit of Christian Peace would be rapidly extended over the face of the globe. Let me not be charged with enthusiasm in these expectations. What great effects resulted from the efforts of a few individuals when the reformation of Popery took place; and what hath God already wrought by the Society for the circulation of the Scriptures! Only let Christians of every denomination cordially unite for the overthrow of War, and by the blessing of God its destruction is certain. H. To the Editor of the Herald of Peace. ESTEEMED FRIEND, I AM obliged by the ready insertion my late communication obtained in the Herald of Peace; and having observed an extract given by "Moderator" from the tour of my friend E. Howitt through the United States of America, I have great pleasure in forwarding two others from the same publication. The author was travelling in the stage on his way to Orange County: the conversation had turned upon the national distress, on the existence of which all were unanimous, but at variance as to its origin : each individual had his peculiar opinion; attributing it to causes which, if not wholly unconnected with it, were possessed only of that agency which his interest or particular mode of |