THE pp. 281-288 amunting HERALD OF PEACE, FOR THE YEAR 1821. "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that "When the spirit of Christianity shall exert its proper influence VOLUME III. London: PUBLISHED BY T. HAMILTON, 33, PATERNOSTER-ROW; AND SOLD BY HATCHARD AND SON, PICCADILLY; To the Friends of Peace, p. 1,98, 161, Union of Christian Societies recom- Sentiments of an enlightened Fo- The Duty of Christians at the pre- Peculiarity of the Christian Code, 35 Letters from Palestine and Egypt, 36 State of the World on the Advent of Effects of the Human Passions, 62 Success of Missionary Exertions, 66 Defence of the Peace Society, 98, 126 On the Military Profession, 130 A Dream, 247 On the War between the Turks and Remarks on the Paper from the Ad- On the establishment of Peace So- The Duty of Prayer considered in re- 353 |