The Tudor Translations, Volume 31AMS Press, 1967 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 87
Page v
... agaynst his uncles , and agaynst the cyties and townes xcii . Howe the kynge of Englande made his sommons to drawe towardes London ; and howe syr Roberte Tryvylyen was taken at Westmynster and beheeded , by the commaunde- ment of the ...
... agaynst his uncles , and agaynst the cyties and townes xcii . Howe the kynge of Englande made his sommons to drawe towardes London ; and howe syr Roberte Tryvylyen was taken at Westmynster and beheeded , by the commaunde- ment of the ...
Page 161
... agaynst you in the par- lyament house of Parys , and there sentence wyll be gyven agaynst you , for there is none to answere for you agaynst any artycle that the constable hath layde agaynst you : than sir Olyver of Clysson and his ...
... agaynst you in the par- lyament house of Parys , and there sentence wyll be gyven agaynst you , for there is none to answere for you agaynst any artycle that the constable hath layde agaynst you : than sir Olyver of Clysson and his ...
Page 196
... agaynst my wyll ; and besyde that ye shall have no money , otherwyse I can nat restrayne you . Whan the dukes of ... agaynst the kynge of Almayne , nor he agaynst the kynge , on payne to ryn in the sentence of Holy Church . And ...
... agaynst my wyll ; and besyde that ye shall have no money , otherwyse I can nat restrayne you . Whan the dukes of ... agaynst the kynge of Almayne , nor he agaynst the kynge , on payne to ryn in the sentence of Holy Church . And ...
Table des matières
Howe the Frenche kynge gave leave to the duke of Bretaygne | 197 |
Howe syr Hellyon of Lygnacke made his reporte to the duke | 206 |
Howe sir Henry Percy and his brother with a good nombre | 215 |
Droits d'auteur | |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
agayne agaynst alwayes Aufryke Auvergne Aymergot batayle Bayon Brabant Burgoyne bycause bysshoppe bytwene capitayne castell commyng cosyn coude counsayle countrey cytie daye dedes delyvered demaunded departed fro desyre doughter duke of Berrey duke of Brabant duke of Bretayne duke of Burbone duke of Guerles duke of Irelande duke of Lancastre dyde dyvers eche Englande Englysshe Englysshemen entred erle of Armynake erle of Foiz fayre Frenche kynge hath herde hymselfe Julyers kepe knyghtes knyghtes and squyers kynge of Castyle kynge of Englande lodgynges lorde of Coucy lytell maner mater moche myddes myght nothynge quene quod receyved redy resyst retourned rode Rouergue ryght ryver Sarazyns sayd saye saynt sente shulde sir Johan sonne sore speke styll taryed thanne themselfe therby therle therof theym thre thyder thynge tidynges toguyder toke towne tyll tyme uncles warre waye whan wherfore Willyam wolde nat wyfe wyll wyse wyste yere yonge yvell