of his Father's Person. The Fulness of the Godhead dwelling in him Bodily. The great Myftery of Godliness, God manifested in the flesh. The things of God, Revealed by his Spirit. God Shining in our Hearts, to give the Light of the knowledge of his Glory, in the Face of Jesus Chrift. The holy Scriptures being able tomake one Wife to Salvation, through Faith which is in Christ Jesus. The Father's Chusing us in Christ, before the foundations of the world; (not because we were, but) that we should be, Holy, and without blame before him in Love. God's Saving us, and calling us with a holy Calling; Not according to our Works; but according to his own Purpose and Grace, given us in Christ Jesus, before the World began. The Righteousness of God without the Law, by the Faith of Jesus Chrift. Being deliver'd from the Law, to serve in Newness of Spirit. Christ being made a curse for us, to Redeem us from the Curse of the Law. God Justifying the Believers on Jefus. Counting Faith for Righteousness, to him that Worketh : not. Laying no Foundation, but Jesus Chrift. Rising from the dead, that Christ may give us Light. Being in the Spirit: In Christ Jesus. And Christ being Formed, and Living, in us; and Dwelling by Faith in our hearts. Having Redemption, and being Justified, through his Blood. Accepted in the Beloved. Having Boldness, and access with confidence, through the Faith of him. Being saved by Grace, Through 1 : Through Faith, and not of our selves, but the Gift of God: Not of Works, lest any man should boast.] When they see him so full of this (to them) Wild Enthusiasm; and running o're with such Sublime Nonsense: Do not our Solid Reafoners (as they would be counted,) think, the man's Loft: His Converfion has spoil'd him; and turn'd the mighty Scholar into an Egregious Babbler? Yea, are they not ready to fay to him, as Feftus, when he gave the account of his Conversion; Acts 26. 24. Paul, thou art Befide thy felf? Whatever may be their Compliment to St. Paul; If they do not, (with the angry Jefuit,) call him Lutheran, and Heretick: or charge him for talking like a Phanatick: Such, I am perfuaded, would be their Sense and Treatment of another; and fo bold would they make with any else, that fpeaks in his Language. But this wonderful Convert himself was very far from being of their mind. And how does he applaud his Change? And how does he Despise all his highest Attainments before that? 3. Phil. 7, 8, 9. What things were Gain to me, those Icounted Loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but Loss, for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: For whom I have suffer'd the Loss of all things: and do count them but Dung, that I may win Chrift, Br and 1 and be found in him; Not having my own Righteousness, which is of the Law: But that which is through the Faith of Christ; the Righteousness which is of God by Faith. And what his own Eyes were now opened to fee, He labours so much to make all men else, Understand, and Believe, and Own. And such as are yet in the dark about it, He expresses his sorrowful Heart for 'em; and uses his endeavours, and takes a great deal of pains, to undeceive 'em. Particularly in this place; they being Ignorant of God's Righteousness, &c. God's Righteousness here, What is it? 'Tis not his own Effential Rectitude; by which he is a Righteous God: And by which, infus'd into us, (according to Ofiander's wild Sentiment,) he makes us also Effentially Righteous, as himself. But 'tis either his Vindictive Justice; whereby he will take Vengeance on all Sinners, that fall under the Curse of the Law: If they make not their use and Benefit of the Help and Remedy, which he has provided for 'em, in the Gospel. Or 'tis the Righteousness, which he requires of us, and works in us: Not only all outward Regularity, but that Heart-Purity, which the Superficial Pharisees feemed not to understand; and therefore plac'd their Righteousness so much, (if not all,) in Rites and Forms. Or rather, God's Righteousness here, is the Righteousness which God bestows upon us; and which his Christ has wrought for us: And that Justification of a Sinner, which comes by the Faith of Jesus; The Faith in his Blood. (Which is the Notion by which I shall abide.) For so indeed, the Apostle himself expounds it; that Phil. 3. 9. The Righteoufness which is through the Faith of Chrift; the Righteousness, which is of God by Faith. And Rom. 3. 21, 22. He calls it the Righteousness of God without the Law, --and by Faith of Jesus Christ. i e. a Righteousness not obtained by our perfect fulfilling of the Law in our own persons: But by our Believing and relying on the Son of God, fulfilling all Righteousness for us: Which, through a merciful Indulgence, now under the Gospel Covenant, is Imputed to us, as if it had been wrought by us. Now of this Righteousness the Jews did not think: And such a Righteousness how many Learned knowing men even among Chriftians, seem still at a Loss to Comprehend? [And going about to establish their own Righteousness;) They would fet up in its stead, fomewhat which they take to be, not only as Good; but more Real, and much Better: Somewhat which they work out of the Strength of Nature; By Exercifing themselves in Virtuous ways: Somewhat that is Inherent in themselves; which they they attain to, by observing the Law: And therefore he calls it the Righteousness of the Law; and their Own: As not made over to them by Imputation from Christ: In whom Believers are said to be the Righteousness of God. 2 Cor. 5. last Ver. And let not any imagine, That by their Own Righteousness here, is meant only fuch a Righteousness, as confifts in works of the Ceremonial Law; Or Hypocritical works; and such as are done before Faith and Grace. For 'tis the Righteousness of such a Law, the Apostle speaks of, By which is the Knowledge of Sin: and that fays, Thou shalt not covet. Rom. 7. 7. A Law that Juftifies the Doers of it. Rom. 2. 23. A Law, which if a man do the things enjoined in it, be shall live by 'em. Rom. 10. 5. A Law which is Established by Faith; and not to be Abolish'd. Rom. 3. last Ver. And none of all this can be affirm'd of the Ceremonial Law. Yea it is a Law of Righteousuess. Rom. 9. 31. A Law that is Holy, Just, and Good, Chap. 7. 12. A Law, that condemns all Counterfeit Performances; (Drawing nigh to God with the mouth, and Honouring him with the Lips: when the Heart is removed far from bim. Ifa. 29. 13.) A Law, that was the whole Rule of Obedience to the Church of old: and that takes hold of the very Heart; Requiring to Love the Lord our God with all the Heart and Soul |