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Righteousness, which he who is God, has Fulfilled. The Ministration of which Righteousness Exceeds in Glory. 2 Cor. 3. 9. where then is their Sense, that can admire the Righteousness of a Creature; and not Regard his Righteousness, who is God Bleffed for ever? Sure, to them that Believe, he is more Precious. I Pet. 2.7. For Faith has an Eye, to see that Glory, which proud Reason sets at Naught. And though the Contempt shall once come to be their own; who now caft their Contempt on the Lamb of God, that takes away the Sins of the World; and set up fomewhat else Above Him; and think to come off, as well, or Better, Without him: Yet he that Believeth on him shall not be Confounded. I Pet. 2. 6. No; for Confufion arises from Disappointment : And it will be their Portion, who Trust to that, which, in the needful Time, will utterly Fail 'em. Ifa. 5. last Ver. Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass your febves about with Sparks: Walk in the Light of your Fire, and in the Sparks which ye have kindled : This shall ye have of my hand, ye shall lye down in Sorrow. All other Righteousness, what is it, but like a little Blaze in a Wisp of Straw, Compar'd with this Glorious holding Light of the Sun of Righteousness; which is most Bright and Indefeasible? And therefore our Apostle counted all things, (not excepting his

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own Blameless Righteousness of the Law,) not only no better than Filthy Rags; but even Lofs and Dung; if fet in Competition with the Righteousness of his Saviour: And for Justification, he would make mention of this, and of this only. But he did not think at this rate, before his Eyes were opened, and he was Enlightned with the Revelation from Above. No, before that, he had as contemptible an opinion of Christ, and Faith in Christ; as any of his Virulent Blasphemers among us now can have. And fo it was spoken, as a wonderful Effect of his happy Conversion; Gal. 1. laft Ver. He who Persecuted us in times past, now Preaches the Faith, which once he Destroyed.

And O that the like may once be faid, of all that yet stand out from the Faith of Chrift, and Oppose their own Peace with God; which is built only upon their Juftification by this Faith! For being Justified by Faith, we have Peace with God; through our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. 5. 1. O that they would come better to bethink themselves, and Confult their own Blessed Interest : As ever they hope for any Saving Benefit, by the Redeemer of the World; and Learn to treat him more Honourably; and at last, bring themselves to Submit to the Righteousness of



And O that all you who read these Lines, may be so kind to your own Souls, as to provide your selves of a Righteousness; wherein you may appear, and stand before God in your last Trial, with Boldness and Comfort! And one would think there should not need much ado to Persuade any, to take the Course of the Gracious God's own prescribing; that is foVisibly Advantageous to themselves. When all the World is become Guilty *before him. Rom. 3. 19. And there's no pleading, Not Guilty; Nor any Escape to be made, by the Plea of Legal Righteoufness. Ver. 20. But the Righteousness of God, which is by Faith of Jesus Chrift, is to all, and upon all them that Believe: Yea, we are Justified freely by his Grace, through the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ. Ver. 22. and 24. O how worthy of all Acceptation is such rich Grace and Mercy! And instead of shewing any Backwardness to Submit to it; O with what Gladness and Thankfulness should every one Receive it; and Bless the God of all Grace for it! That when you are Confcious to your Sin and Wretchedness; and know how Ill you have done; and that with all the best you can do Anew, there's no making Amends for what is past; nor getting in again with the Offended Majesty of Heaven: Yet that to him who Worketh not, but Believeth on him that Justifies the Ungodly, Ungodly, his Faith should be counted for Righteousness: (as it is exprefly said, Rom. 4. f.) This is a Favour to the poor Sinner, Such as might be thought, indeed, too Great to be Believed; But whenever Offered, One would think, it should with both hands most readily be Received: and that there should little Oratory be wanting; To Pray Sinners in Christ's stead, (upon such sweet and happy Terms,) to be Reconciled unto God. You are Wiser than to Refuse any Advantages of the World; when so easily you may have 'em : O do not then imitate the Perverseness of those, who Reject the Tenders of Pardon, and Life Eternal; and will not Accept all the most blessed Benefits, to be enjoyed 'for ever in the World to come: When the Father of Mercies offers them Freely; but upon BeLieving in the Name of his Son: and has affured you, That your Faith shall be Imputed to you for Righteousness; As Abraham Belisved God; and that was counted to him for.. Righteousness. Rom. 4. 3, 24. O leave not the Saviour any cause then to Complain of you, as of those; John 5. 40. Ye will not come to me, that ye might have Life. But feeing all your Interest and Felicity Treasur'd up in him, Devolve and cast your selves upon him. And let the Lord Jesus be your only: Hope: And look for all your Remiffion, and all your Salvation at his Hands: Not.


for any thing that you have done your selves; But for the sake of what he has done, on your Account. And thus will you do the Best thing that ever you can do, for your own dear Souls; and shew your good Understanding in the way of Salvation: That you are not Ignorant of God's Righteousness.; But have been Taught, and heard, and Learn'd of the Father, to Come unto his Christ. John 6. 29. and are better instructed, than to Set up a Righteousness of your Own, wherein to place your Confidence. And so I pass to

The Second Obfervation,

How Abfurd is the Attempt to Engage in such a Design; [going about to Establish their Own Righteousness.1

And what is that? Is it walking Uprightly, and Working Righteousness ? Is it Hungring and Thirsting after an Inherent, as well as an Imputed Righteousness? No, For this is an Eternal indispensible Duty, incumbent still upon all And no Believers are Exempted from it; but rather more than any else Obliged to it: Even to Live Soberly; Righteously, and Godly. And (to allude to that of the Apostle, 2 Cor. 5. 3.) Being Cloathed with Chrift's Righteousness, they must not be found Naked of their Own: But Resolve with Job, Chap. 27. 6. My Righteousness I bold

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