Trusting to a Better Righte- By B. JENKS, late Rector of Harley in The THIRD EDITION. LONDON: Printed for Daniel Midwinter and Aaron Ward at the King's-Arms in Little-Britain; Benj. Motte at the Middle-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet; and John Ofwald at the Rofe and Crown in the Poultry, near Stocks-Market. 1732. A 459330 4 (i) To the READER. TH HIS little Tract, which now for for several years has pass'd in the World with some Acceptance, and, for ought I know, without any publick Contradiction, adventures again abroad in another Edition. The former Impressions being a good while fince gone off, I hope to the good Satisfaction of all fuch as feek after that Righteousness, the work of which is Peace, and its Effect Quietness and Assurance for ever. And if there be not fuch an univerSal Acquiefcence among us, in this comfortable Doctrine of our Church, as there seems to be at this time, in the happy Nurfing Mother of our Church, Those Prejudices and grudgings which may yet remain against it do afford Reason, more than I could wish, for the further Infifting upon it: But no Reason can I apprehend, why a Minister of the Gospel Should fear to persist in Afserting the Faith of the Gospel: and such a Truth as is of the laf A 2 T (iii) am apt to think That none who arnest on the part of Arminius, ver give Socinus any Thrust to the Heart. ' few Pelagians think fit to own hateful Name, even while they le for the pestilent Doctrine; Acing to S. Jerom's obfervation, That gianism is the only Heresy, which bam'd to appear for the Cause aid, which its Fautors suggest and pagate in Corners: Tet Experience sus, What Credit a prevailing de can give to things none of the ft. Yea, let them be never so Indensible, yet if smiling upon depraved ature, they'll not want for Champions id Abetters to maintain the Cause, ven to death. Full of Rebellion, I would dye, So Raves the man who is in (not his Pure, but) bis Corrupt Naturals. |