Annual Report


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Page 39 - Small Business Investment Act : Capital and loans to small business investment companies and loans to State and local development companies...
Page 75 - Administrator shall provide for the continuing evaluation of programs under this section, Including full Information on the location, Income characteristics, and types of businesses and Individuals assisted, and on new private lending activity stimulated, and the results of such evaluation together with recommendations shall be included in the report required by section 608.
Page 74 - ... facilitate and stabilize the access of small business concerns to the securities markets. (J) Actions undertaken by the Securities and Exchange Commission to simplify compliance by small business investment companies with the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and to facilitate the election to be taxed as regulated investment companies pursuant to section 851 of the Internal Revenue Code of Jf^8'a 80a~1 1954.
Page 17 - Government; (3) develop proposals for changes in the policies and activities of any agency of the Federal Government which will better fulfill the purposes of the Small Business Act...
Page 39 - Similar loans are also authorized for any small firm likely to suffer substantial economic injury as the result of any international agreement limiting the development of strategic arms or the installation of strategic arms or strategic arms facilities, base closings and those affected by the energy crisis.
Page 68 - ... (D) An accounting by the Bureau of the Budget with respect to Federal expenditures to business by executive agencies, specifying the proportion of said expenditures going to business concerns falling above and below small business size standards applicable to small business investment companies. (E) An accounting by the Treasury Department with respect to tax revenues accruing to the Government from business concerns, incorporated and unincorporated, specifying the source of such revenues by...
Page 17 - Advocacy serves as a focal point for the receipt of complaints, criticisms, and suggestions concerning the policies and activities of the Small Business Administration and any other Federal agency which affects small businesses.
Page 61 - LEASE GUARANTEES Authority of the Administration. Section 401 (a). The Administration may. whenever It determines such action to be necessary or desirable, and upon such terms and conditions as It may prescribe, guarantee the payment of rentals under leases of commercial and Industrial property entered Into by small business concerns to enable such concerns to obtain such leases.

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