A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law: Comprising the Practice, Pleadings, and Evidence, which Occur in the Course of Criminal Prosecutions, Whether by Indictment Or Information: with a Copious Collection of Precedents..., Volume 4

Edward Earle, William Brown, printer, 1819

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Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 438 - Esquires, and others their fellows, justices of our said Lord the King, assigned to keep the peace in the county aforesaid, and also to hear and determine divers felonies, trespasses, and other misdemeanors committed in the same county.
Page 503 - ... of our said lord the king, before the king himself...
Page 78 - Our sovereign lord the king chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the act made in the first year of king George, for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God save the king.
Page 370 - Columbia, laborer, not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil...
Page 122 - ... to obey the orders or commands of any committee or body of men not lawfully constituted or of any leader or commander or other person not having authority by law for that purpose...
Page 350 - Tower, from whence you came ; from thence you must be drawn to the place of execution ; when you come there, you must be hanged by the neck ; but not till you are dead ; for you must be cut down alive ; then your bowels must be taken out, and burnt before your faces ; then your heads must be severed from your bodies, and your bodies must be divided each into four quarters; and these must be at the king's disposal.
Page 206 - EF, if he be found in your bailiwick, and him safely keep, so that you may have his body before us [or in Common Pleas,
Page 371 - Eight hundred and fifty three with force and arms in the county aforesaid in and upon one Joseph Shomo in the peace of God and said State of Florida then and there being feloniously wilfully and of his malice aforethought did make an assault and that the said William B.
Page 15 - King, assigned to keep the peace within the county aforesaid, and also to hear and determine divers felonies, trespasses and other misdemeanors...
Page 241 - ... bailiwick (as well within liberties as without) by whom the truth of the matter in the premises shall be the better known and inquired into.

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