CONTENTS. Chap. 1 Cause of Infidelity, 2 Man a fallen being-hatred of God-examples- 3 A triffing falsehood influences human belief Page. 14 18 4 Facts, such as unbelievers do not learn, 24 versation with a statesman, 26 6 "Scoffers shall come,". 28 Scoffers are unacquainted with the facts of the 31 8 The subject continued--Conversation with a sena- tor-predictions of Babylon, 35 9 The subject continued-Tуге, 42 10, The subject continued-Damascus-important in- quiries-the ploughman, 44 11 The great and the learned do not acquaint them- 49 52 13 Scoffers of the last days are wilfully ignorant of 14 The subject continued prediction of Nineveh, 16 The subject continued the lodge, 17 Men have loved darkness rather than light-con- versation between a member of congress and a • 18 The subject continued the resurrection, 60 62 64 65 67 70 76 23 Inconsistency and credulity of the rejecters of the Gospel-the aged school teacher-Pagan tes- timony to the character and number of the early 32 Use of commentaries-prophecy of the locusts, 33 Value of historical knowledge-a merchant of Ken- 40 Illustrations-a professor of religion, 41 Illustrations-Family worship, 45 The subject continued the doctrine of chance- the atmosphere-effects of electricity-heat and cold-evaporation-density of the soil, water, air, &c.-iron-proofs of design-the Andes-the |