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" Awaked the need-fire's slumbering brand, And ruddy blush'd the heaven : For a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill, and cliff, were... "
Shore and Sea; Or, Stories of Great Vikings and Sea-captains - Page 28
de William Henry Davenport Adams - 1883 - 348 pages
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The Lay of the Last Minstrel: A Poem

Walter Scott - 1805 - 334 pages
...a sheet of flame from the turret high Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed on many a dusky tarn*, Haunted by the lonely earn-f 1 ; On many a cairn's £ gray pyramid,...
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A Criticism of the Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

John Young - 1810 - 432 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night." Lay of the Last Minstrel, Canto III. St. 29. Let me now refresh your mind's eye with part of a morning...
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The lay of the last minstrel, a poem. With Ballads and lyrical pieces

sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1812 - 362 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. i They gleamed on many a dusky tarn, * Haunted by the lonely earn ; f On many a cairn's £ gray pyramid,...
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The Works of Walter Scott, Esq: The lay of the last minstrel. Ballads and ...

Sir Walter Scott - 1813 - 366 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed on many a dusky tarn,* Haunted by the lonely earn ;•[• On many a cairn's J gray pyramid,...
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volume 30

1831 - 1010 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleara'd on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the lonely earn ; On many a cairn's grey pyramid, Where...
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The Classical Journal, Volume 19

1819 - 402 pages
...VIII. 551. Nox erat, et late stellarum more videbam Barbaricos ardere focos. Claud. VI. Cons. Hon. 453. soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill,...caught ; • . Each after each they glanced to sight, -j As stars arise upon the night. • Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel, ill. st. 29. •24. 'fis b'...
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The Classical Journal, Volume 19

1819 - 406 pages
...551. Nox era! , et late stellarum more videbam Barbaricos ardere focos. Claud, vi. Cons. Hon. 453. -soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill,...cliff were seen ; Each with warlike tidings fraught, Kitch from each the signal caught ; Each after each they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the...
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The Poetical Works of Walter Scott, Esq, Volume 1

Walter Scott - 1819 - 324 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a hloodflag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill, and clilf, were seen ; Each with warlike tidings fraught ; Each from each the signal caught; Each after...
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The Poetical Works of Walter Scott, Volume 1

sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1820 - 264 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed on many a dusky tarn,* Haunted by the lonely earn ;t On many a cairn's $ gray pyramid,...
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Letters to Richard Heber, Esq: Containing Critical Remarks on the Series of ...

John Leycester Adolphus - 1822 - 340 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night.'' Lay of the Last Minstrel, Canto III. St. 29. Let me now refresh your mind's eye with part of a morning...
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