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so much need, is a blessing specially to be implored from God, and why should not special occasions be set apart for this purpose ?* We may know enough of human nature-to assign no higher reason to be satisfied, that something out of the usual course is necessary in order to awaken attention, and produce a deeper impression of the importance of an object that has been too much lost sight of. And if by this means more fervent prayer is offered, the answer from above will correspond to it. In meetings of considerable numbers, the greatest evil is the danger of formality creeping in, and this danger ought very earnestly to be guarded against, both by their conductors and by all who assemble. But if this evil be obviated, they have a most powerful influence in exciting to deeper concern in the affairs of personal and social religion. This we need not labor to prove, as all the social institutions appointed by the Head of the church, proceed upon its holding true. Let me rather press upon you, my brethren, the importance and the obligation of embracing such occasions of social prayer. Think not lightly, we beseech you, of any plans for stirring you up to greater earnestness in the concerns of Christ's kingdom. Think not that too much is said of the obligation and importance of prayer, or that the expectations entertained of its efficacy are extravagant. Only let the word of God be consulted, and you will find in it a correction of such an error. If we fail in obtaining the promised good, the failure is on our part, and not on God's; if we are straitened, it is not in him, but in ourselves. Take not your impressions on the subject of prayer from the sentiments of a world lying in spiritual blindness, to which the things of God appear foolishness. Take them not from the unbelieving suggestions of your own hearts. Remember that the word of God is not a cunningly

* Since the above was addressed to the church to which the author ministers, he has had the happiness of witnessing the formation of weekly meetings for special prayer among four churches in Edinburgh and Leith. These pass by rotation to the different places of worship in which the churches assemble. They have resulted from that impression on the subject of prayer which seems to have been felt simultaneously among most of the Independent churches in England and in this country, and among Christians of all denominations.

devised fable, and that he is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent. Seek increased strength of faith, that you may connect every promise in the divine word with your own condition; that you may realize the presence, and presiding power, and unchanging faithfulness, of the Most High; that, in the midst of things seen and temporal, you may live to things unseen and eternal. In judging of the efficacy of prayer, apply the wisdom which cometh down from above, and not that of erring men. Sacrifice your selfishness and love of ease; and seek not your own things, but the things which are Jesus Christ's. Shake off the spirit of formality, and unite, not in appearances merely, but in heart, with fellow Christians, in calling upon God out of a pure conscience, and in seeking that heavenly gift which none shall ever ask in vain. It certainly becomes us in such duties to avoid ostentation; for surely never can spiritual pride be more offensively displayed by us, than when humbling ourselves before God, and confessing our unfruitfulness, poverty and dependence. But, on the other hand, let us not shrink from the ridi

cule or wonder of the world. Surely we may disregard the opinions of a fellow-worm, when coming to the Lord of men and angels for his abundant grace. Fear ye not, says Jehovah to his church, the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings; for the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool; but my righteousness shall be forever, and my salvation from generation to generation.

We might observe here, as on the subject of family religion, that social prayer must be connected, in order to spiritual prosperity, with the faithful discharge of the various obligations due from the members of a church to each other, and to the world around. But this presents a field on which it is impossible here to enter.

4. The duty of asking from God his Holy Spirit, ought to be connected with a reference to the GENERAL ADVANCEMENT OF THE CAUSE OF GOD ON EARTH.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, said the royal psalmist and his words apply as emphatically to the general church as to the Jewishthey shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek thy good. Our prayers for the church are founded on the promises of God; and the prophetic scriptures are full of such promises. They exhaust the stores of language and poetic imagery to represent the wonders which shall one day be seen on earth. They warrant us to look for scenes of moral and spiritual loveliness, such as eye has never seen, nor the imagination of man conceived. It is impossible, by mere quotations, to convey any adequate impression of the richness, the largeness, the sublimity, the graciousness, of the predictions of the divine word respecting the blessedness of the church in millennial days. These predictions ought to be studied, and dwelt upon in private meditation, by every lover of Zion, till his mind is in some measure filled with the glorious objects of anticipation, and assimilated to their pure and celestial character. Our desires for the coming of Christ's kingdom should he associated with the most secret exercises of personal religion, and wrought into our spiritual nature. They

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